Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 189 Rowling's Mother

Chapter 189 Rowling's Mother
"See my mother?" Hearing Yuan Chen's words, Luo Jin frowned and hesitated for a while. It wasn't that he didn't want Yuan Chen to see his mother, but that he really couldn't make a decision for his mother, because Sometimes she couldn't even see herself. When she came out, her younger sister Rowling and even her father sometimes disappeared!
"Why? Inconvenient? I'm taking the liberty!" Seeing Luo Jin's hesitation, Yuan Chen seemed to have something inconvenient to say, so Yuan Chen didn't want to ask any more questions. I'm curious as to which dimension the vortex sucks into, but since people don't want to say more, I don't want to ask any more!
"Not really, it's just mom..."

"Mom, why are you here?" Just as Luo Jin was about to explain something to Yuan Chen, Luo Lin's voice came from outside the door!

"There are guests who want to see me, of course I want to come out and have a look!" Another female voice came from outside the door, it should be Luo Jin and Luo Lin's mother!

"Ah, there are guests? Brother Yuan Chen wants to see his mother?" Luo Lin was taken aback. She didn't expect that Brother Yuan Chen actually wanted to see her mother. Although she knew that she definitely didn't want to propose marriage, she felt a little nervous in her heart. I want to meet my parents, but why do I need to meet my parents when I am with my brother?

"Mom, are you out?" Seeing the visitor, Luo Jin hurriedly got up and said hello, and then introduced each other to Yuan Chen!
"Hello, Auntie!" Seeing that it was Rowling's mother, Yuan Chen also stood up and said hello!
"You want to see me?" Rowling's mother nodded, motioned Yuan Chen to sit down, then sat on the sofa opposite Yuan Chen, and asked straight to the point!

"Auntie really has the ability to predict the future!" Yuan Chen said with a smile, admitting that he was surprised, he just mentioned it to Luo Jin, and Luo Lin's mother had already arrived outside the door, which surprised Yuan Chen was very surprised!
"Who said I was a prophet?" Regarding Yuan Chen's words, the woman on the opposite side smiled, shook her head and said, in fact, it is a bit too much to say that she is a woman, because the woman on the other side is only in her 20s. , if she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, who would have believed that she had a pair of children in their 20s!
"Ah!" Yuan Chen was stunned again, what's going on?

"Haha, Brother Yuan Chen, my mother is best at divination. She must have done a fortune-telling before, so she knew you were coming!" Seeing Yuan Chen's astonished expression, Luo Lin laughed!

"Uh, I didn't expect my aunt to have such a skill!" Yuan Chen said awkwardly, it seems that he can't use words indiscriminately in the future, and accidentally put himself into it, which is embarrassing!
"It's not really a skill, it's just a little bit of understanding. As for what you want to ask me, I haven't figured it out!" Luo Lin's mother said, although she figured out that Yuan Chen would come to her, she couldn't figure out that Yuan Chen would come to her. Why, it was because of this reason that she chose to come out to meet this little guy that she couldn't see through!
"Well, I want to ask where my aunt went during those three months?" Yuan Chen looked at Luo Lin and said hesitantly!

"This..." Rowling's mother glared at Luo Jin first, and then hesitated to say it, because she always felt that the young man in front of her was a bit confusing to her, and she had an intuition that he could help her!

"Luo Jin, take Xiaolin out first!" After hesitating for a while, Luo Lin's mother said to Luo Jin!

"Okay!" Luo Jin nodded. He was not surprised, because no matter how her family asked, she refused to tell where she went during the three months when she was sucked into the whirlpool, so he also Knowing that the two of them are here, my mother will definitely not say it!
Thinking of this, he couldn't help looking at Yuan Chen curiously, because Luo Jin knew that his mother would tell this person who met for the first time what happened in those three months 20 years ago!
What kind of secret does this young man have? Not only has he just awakened super powers, he can beat himself helplessly, but he also made Rowling so close, and now his mother is going to keep him in her heart for 20 years The secret is shared with the young man in front of him, but even his own father doesn't know this secret!

Thinking of this, Luo Jin felt a little jealous in his heart, but he still obediently took Rowling's hand and walked outside, and Rowling also went out very cooperatively, which made Luo Jin very strange. What's wrong!
If it were the former Rowling, she would definitely be very curious when she heard her mother tell the secret that she had hidden for 20 years. According to Rowling's personality, she would definitely make a fuss and stay and listen. , but now she is going outside very well!
"Aren't you curious?" Coming outside the door, Luo Jin hesitated and asked Luo Lin again!
"Curious!" Rowling replied without hesitation!
"Then why don't you clamor to stay inside and listen?" Hearing Rowling's answer, Luo Jin became even more curious. Since he was curious, why didn't he try to stay inside?
"You are stupid, will mom say it if I'm inside? I'm sure I'm going to be outside... eavesdropping!" Rowling rolled her eyes at Luo Jin, as if she was looking at an idiot, and then quietly stuck to her The door, if I am inside, my mother will definitely not say it, so I will come out obediently, eavesdropping outside, even if my mother figured it out, but because I want to tell Yuan Chen, so Luo Lin can be sure, mother Will definitely say it!

"You..." Luo Jin didn't expect his younger sister to be so cunning and learn to put herself in another place. Thinking of this, he also stuck it on the door, preparing to hear what his mother's secret was, and she actually wanted to keep it from her. Family members, keep it a secret for 20 years!

"Can you talk now?" Seeing Luo Jin take Luo Lin out and close the door by the way, Yuan Chen nodded, looked at Luo Lin's mother opposite, and asked again?

"Do you think they have gone far?" Rowling's mother shook her head, pointed to the door and said!

"They can't hear it!" Yuan Chen said, and then the mental power poured out from the sea of ​​consciousness, surrounding the two of them, so that the conversation between the two of them would not be heard outside!
"Hey, what's going on here?" The two Rowling brothers and sisters outside the door wanted to chuckle when they heard Yuan Chen's words, but then they didn't hear the sound from inside the room again!
Compared to the astonishment of Rowling's two siblings outside, Rowling's mother inside was shocked!

"Mental strength?"

(End of this chapter)

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