Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 196 Scary young man

Chapter 196 Scary young man

The company has been established, so Yuan Chen still has a lot of things to do, no, this guy is playing little Jiji at home now, there should be a lot of things for Tao Qiong to do, for example, although the company is registered now, there are still many things to do. Other things need to be done, such as the location of the company has not been determined, such as the staff of the new company, and the new company needs a qualified management!

But Yuan Chen doesn't need to worry about these things anymore, and he doesn't have this special hobby either. Tao Qiong will handle everything. The location of the company has already been decided by Yuan Chen. Bian is Yuan Chen's hometown. Establishing the company there can increase the employment rate of his hometown to a certain extent, because Yuan Chen can directly recruit people in his hometown first, and can also improve the economic development of his hometown. Although Yuan Chen is not in his hometown now, But he still takes good care of his hometown!
Well, in fact, the land in his hometown is relatively cheap, so Yuan Chen also bought the location of Future Technology Research Co., Ltd. near the office building of Hantan Fishery Co., Ltd., which is also easier to manage. It is also more convenient to go!
For qualified management, Tao Qiong recommends directly looking for headhunting companies. Headhunting companies refer to "recruiting high-level talents". , Yuan Chen never thought of introducing people through an intermediary before!

It's not that Yuan Chen can't trust them, but he really didn't think of it. It wasn't until Tao Qiong reminded Yuan Chen that such a company existed in the world, so he wasn't afraid that he couldn't find those high-tech talents, because these headhunting companies were Claiming to recruit high-level talents!
And those ordinary employees are recruited by Tao Qiong. Of course, Yuan Chen asked Tao Qiong to recruit suitable people in several villages near his hometown, and then recruit other employees from other places. In this way, it can be said that Yuan Chen has really solved some people in his hometown. Difficulty in employment, of course, these people are not high-tech talents, so they can only do odd jobs!

However, the normal operation of a company is inseparable from these people, so Yuan Chen asked Tao Qiong to take good care of it. In fact, even if Yuan Chen didn't talk about Tao Qiong, he would still do it!
Not long after, Tao Qiong contacted Yuan Chen, saying that he had found a suitable management talent, and asked Yuan Chen to come over in person to discuss some specific matters, such as salary, which all required Yuan Chen This so-called boss is actually a hands-off shopkeeper who decides, so Yuan Chen still has to go there!

On the second day, under Tao Qiong's recommendation, Yuan Chen met the management talent that Tao Qiong said was very suitable. This middle-aged man who looked gentle, wearing glasses, seemed to have a high degree of prescription. Although Yuan Chen doesn't judge people by their appearance, I have to say that this man is really ugly. I won't describe what he looks like, but Yuan Chen felt that aliens really invaded him when he first saw him. Earth!
However, after listening to Tao Qiong's introduction, Yuan Chen put away his contempt for the man in front of him. The man in front of him was named Huang Wei. The first thing Yuan Chen saw of him was one word to describe him. It was black, and later Yuan Chen asked him why he was so dark, and he told Yuan Chen that it was because he didn't want to live in vain!

Cough cough, let’s get down to business, after Tao Qiong’s acceptance, Yuan Chen knew that this man named Huang Wei was really talented. He was not only a member of the research team of a high-tech company abroad, but also a manager of his company. Ten years of rich management experience!
And the reason why he came back was because he wanted to go back to his hometown to develop, and Tao Qiong happened to go to a headhunting company to find talents. The two hit it off, so Tao Qiong also directly brought Huang Wei here!
However, when Huang Wei saw that this was a newly registered company, he frowned, and later learned that this company not only had no employees, but also no office space, so Huang Wei's brows were deeply furrowed now. If it wasn't because Tao Qiong was eloquent and showed Huang Wei the registered capital of Future Technology Research Co., Ltd., he would have stayed temporarily!

However, when Huang Wei saw Yuan Chen, his complexion was not very good-looking, because Yuan Chen was too young in his eyes, so young that people felt that he did not really want to engage in high-tech research, but I just want to use my family's money to play!
Although Huang Wei is a management talent, he is also very capable and interested in research. He doesn't want to directly invest in scientific and technological research just because this young man is having fun for a while. If the young man suddenly stopped playing that day, If the funds are directly cut off, then his own research will be in vain. He does not want to see such a situation!
Yuan Chen also doesn't know why some older people always like to use the word "too young" to describe a junior. Isn't it true that things done by too young can't be affirmed?Isn't it too young to get recognition and support if you want to do big things?Is it too young to be considered just for fun?

Yuan Chen also saw these things from the eyes of the man in front of him. He couldn't help but sighed in his heart, but it didn't show on the surface. On the surface, he was polite to Huang Wei, because this is Tao Qiong strongly recommends talents, so Yuan Chen also pays some attention to them!
Seeing that Yuan Chen didn't treat him arrogantly because of his contempt, Huang Wei also nodded secretly. At least this young man knows how to respect his elders, unlike some other rich second generations who rely on how much money they have. He just looks down on people and doesn't respect his elders, so Yuan Chen has become a very polite rich second generation in his eyes!
Therefore, Huang Wei's face has also eased. He was also a high-level man in a foreign country before, and the people there respected him very much, not because of his position, but because of his strength, so he didn't want to go back to the country. Just being looked down upon by a young man, maybe this is because his thinking is a bit extreme, because he has seen too much negative news!

After a detailed chat, Huang Wei was stunned to find that Yuan Chen supported the company by himself. At first he thought it was because Yuan Chen had a good family, but now he knows that Yuan Chen Yuan Chen's parents are just an ordinary family in this place, so Huang Wei also admires Yuan Chen, this young man is not bad!

Yuan Chen also knew some of Huang Wei's scruples. He also knew that it was not so easy for a company with no employees and only one name to retain a high-tech management talent, so he was prepared beforehand!

Yuan Chen handed a virtual reality helmet to Huang Wei. At first, Huang Wei thought Yuan Chen was going to give him a broken helmet, but when he examined it carefully, he became more and more surprised!
"You want to study this?" Huang Wei asked in disbelief!

"Well, yes, this is something I accidentally tinkered with when I was idle. I couldn't think of a good use, so I want to form a research team to develop the specific use of this helmet!"

Yuan Chen said without blushing at all!
"Tear you, you mean you made this helmet?" Huang Wei gasped, this young man is extremely terrifying!

(End of this chapter)

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