Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 197 Mr. Yuan

Chapter 197 Mr. Yuan

Afterwards, the conversation with Huang Wei became much easier. When Yuan Chen said that his future technology research company was just to study the helmet in front of him, Huang Wei's attitude changed 360 degrees, and he became more cheeky , shamelessly asked Yuan Chen to let him stay no matter what!
As a person who has been dealing with high technology for more than ten years, he is more aware of the value of the functions in this helmet than Yuan Chen. Naturally, he knows that if this helmet can really replicate the functions inside, it will definitely cause serious problems. The sensation of the people of the world, he has reason to believe!
What Huang Wei didn't know was that this helmet was the worst helmet Yuan Chen had produced. Otherwise, Huang Wei would have been unable to believe that this kind of thing was created by Yuan Chen, but even if he didn't believe it, so what, as long as Yuan Chen Chen aside, who would have known that these helmets came from another dimension, from the dimension of Sword Art Online!

Anyway, when Yuan Chen was killed, he insisted that it was something he accidentally tinkered with. Yes, I am so cheeky, yes, I am so shameless, yes, I am so shameless, come and bite me!

"Then it's settled, Mr. Huang, you will be responsible for the recruitment of these high-tech staff in the future. I am not familiar with these things, and Tao Qiong is not very clear about high-tech. These things have to be done." You do it!"

Yuan Chen was very excited to see Huang Wei, and he also knew that his goal had been achieved. He knew how attractive this virtual reality game helmet from Sword Art Online was to a professional researcher, so he wanted to see a beautiful woman. The allurement of oneself is the same... even if a good literary work is the same allurement for oneself!
"No problem, Mr. Yuan, I will definitely screen strictly, and I will definitely find some researchers who are really capable of researching your helmet. Please rest assured!"

After seeing Yuan Chen's helmet, Huang Wei respected Yuan Chen very much. Changing from you to you made Yuan Chen a little unaccustomed, and also a little ashamed. This helmet was not researched by himself... so what?I enjoy this feeling, wow kaka!

After that, Yuan Chen decided to divide the work between Huang Wei and Tao Qiong. Huang Wei was responsible for recruiting those who had some research on technology to come to Future Technology Research Co., Ltd., while Tao Qiong was responsible for recruiting ordinary staff. Responsible for serving tea and water to clean up the garbage!


After arranging everything, Yuan Chen felt at ease and wandered around by himself. Anyway, he hadn't been to the company for a long time, so he also looked around. Many of the staff here didn't know Yuan Chen, but they saw that he was from Director Tao's office came out, and seeing Tao Qiong's respect for this young man, he didn't stop him too much, and they all speculated who this person was!

"Could it be the son of some high-level person?" Passerby A asked curiously!

"Very likely, this man is quite handsome, is he a rich second generation, should I go up and say hello?" A girl said with a bit of a nympho, and looked at Yuan Chen with a gleam in her eyes!
"You are going to seduce him!" said an older woman next to him!
"What, am I not?" said the girl!

"I guess he might be Director Tao's boyfriend!" At this moment, the sweeping aunt passing by said quietly!
Yuan Chen almost rushed to the street when he heard it!

Then, seeing everyone nodded thoughtfully!

Yuan Chen fainted!
"Brother Yuan Chen, why are you here?" At this moment, a figure familiar to Yuan Chen appeared, and it was Huo Moyu who had just come out of the research room!

"Ah, Mo Yu, I... I'm here for a visit, just to see you by the way, they didn't abuse you, er, I mean they didn't bully you, did they!" Seeing it was Huo Moyu, Yuan Chen said quickly, but he Forget that Huo Moyu is still in this company!

"Uh, no, my colleagues take good care of me, let me introduce you!" Huo Moyu was a little speechless when he heard Yuan Chen's words, you think this is a TV series, right? It's an office plot full of intrigue!

Others, including the nympho just now, also looked at Yuan Chen speechlessly, do we look like such bad people?But after hearing Huo Moyu's words, they also knew that this man came to look for Huo Moyu. It seemed that he was not Director Tao's boyfriend, but they guessed again, could this man be Huo Moyu's boyfriend!
"This is Han Meimei, Director Tao's secretary. Although she just came to the company not long ago, she is very valued by Director Tao!" Huo Moyu introduced everyone to Yuan Chen, and she first accepted the nympho girl just now!

"Hello!" Yuan Chen greeted her. The girl in front of him looked ordinary, but Yuan Chen was not the kind of person who judges people by their appearance, so he also greeted her warmly. But what did he think of Han Meimei? This name is so familiar!

"Hello, MYNAMEISHANMEIMEI!" The girl greeted Yuan Chen with a smile, and introduced herself in English!
Me, HANMEIMEI, your sister, you actually started speaking English to me, hey, why are these words so familiar, let me go, isn’t this the original words in a certain textbook?
"This is Big Sister Hu!" Huo Moyu introduced the middle-aged woman aunt to Yuan Chen just now!

"Hello, Sister Hu!" Yuan Chen also greeted the middle-aged woman, saying how the name is so familiar, as if she had heard it somewhere before!

"Mo Yu, this is your boyfriend, right? He looks old and handsome, and my eldest sister's heart is pounding. I'm a handsome guy here. It's a good comparison..." This elder sister Hu's accent was a little bit strange!

Wait, why is this still sung, wait, what tune is this, isn't this the lyrics of "Liu Hai Chops Wood"?Sister, you are from Hunan, but your tone is so harsh!

"This is Auntie Sun who is in charge of sanitation!" Sister Hu wanted to continue singing, but before Huo Moyu opened her mouth, Han Meimei who was next to her had already introduced the sweeping aunt to Yuan Chen. It was obvious that Sister Hu's singing had been tormenting her a lot!
As expected, I was right. Poor Huo Moyu was really tortured in the office. Listening to those singers would make her ears pregnant, and listening to this fake Huo Dajie would cause her to have a miscarriage!

"Oh, let's go together!" Yuan Chen hastily went up to hold Aunt Sun's hand. Yuan Chen's real occupation is a cleaner, but this guy is not doing his job properly!
"Ah, together?" Huo Moyu was taken aback. Is this Yuan Chen also a cleaner?
Everyone didn't believe it either, so they just regarded him as an old man, even though Yuan Chen did look a bit like a cleaner!
"Let me introduce to you, this is my friend, Yuan..."

"President Yuan, are you still here?"

Just when Huo Moyu was about to introduce Yuan Chen, a female voice sounded from behind Yuan Chen, interrupting Huo Moyu's words!
(End of this chapter)

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