Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 237 Jade Card

Chapter 237 Jade Card
After Yuan Chen heard the special notification tone from the QQ group, he quickly took out his phone and turned it on, because whether it is garbage or experience red envelopes, it is very rare for Yuan Chen, and it has been a long time since he heard this pleasant voice , I don’t know what it will be this time, Yuan Chen is very nervous. For him, the best thing is of course garbage, because garbage can not only get substantive things, but also gain experience, kill two birds with one stone, kill two birds with one stone, He Le Not for it!

Clicking on the Three Thousand Worlds management group with hope and curiosity, Yuan Chen saw a reminder that there was a newly uploaded file in the group file, that is to say, there was a bunch of rubbish uploaded by the mainland just now. The other groups must have been kicked out, uploading rubbish, but in this group managed by Yuan Chen, such people are so cute, Yuan Chen really wants to hug her and kiss her!
Without the slightest hesitation, I didn't care about the pop-up reminder that the experience will be deducted, and I clicked to accept it without the slightest hesitation, because compared to those experiences, garbage is more important, and as long as the garbage is cleaned up Well, it will also increase experience, so Yuan Chen didn't think about this issue at all, and quickly downloaded the freshly baked garbage!
Just after Yuan Chen pressed download, a progress bar appeared on Yuan Chen's phone screen, 30%, 50%, 77%, 99%, and then the download was completed. Know whether the download is for traffic or what, in short, it is very fast!

After the progress bar on the screen of the mobile phone reached [-]%, a vortex appeared in the sky, and then a lot of black objects fell down at an extremely fast speed, because the backyard of Yuan Chen’s house was similar to a peninsula, so only One side is against the land, and the other three sides are surrounded by sea water, and the only side connected to the land is blocked by Yuan Chen's house, so no one has discovered anything!
The vortex in mid-air disappeared after all the garbage fell, leaving only a pile of smelly garbage. Yuan Chen hurriedly took precautions, then swept the pile of garbage with mental strength, and found that there was no living thing. Afterwards, Yuan Chen felt relieved. Ever since Lin Qi's incident happened, Yuan Chen has been wary of these rubbish. Although there may be treasures in these rubbish, there are also many dangers in them. Naturally, be careful. better!

"Drip drip!"

And just after Yuan Chen scanned the garbage, the phone rang again. Yuan Chen knew that this was a follow-up, just a short video. Yuan Chen didn't know how the video was shot, nor did he know what it was through It was filmed by something, but what is certain is that this video is from a different dimension, from the continent that sent garbage!

But now Yuan Chen is not in a hurry to watch the short video, he will start to deal with the pile of rubbish in front of him first!

Yuan Chen looked at the garbage, found nothing unusual, went back to the house, took the mask and gloves, and started to dispose of the garbage. Similarly, no matter what kind of world, there will always be a lot of garbage. The rotten wood and broken stones were sent over, and these were what Yuan Chen needed to dispose of, which could be regarded as his basic work now!

After cleaning up the garbage, Yuan Chen saw something similar to a human palm exposed inside. The reason why he said it was similar to a human palm was because although the palm was very similar to a human palm, it was different. The palm of his hand also has five fingers, but it is covered with black hair. Although it looks like a human palm, it is closer to primates such as orangutans!
Yuan Chen directly lifted all the stones and wood that were pressed on it, and finally revealed the appearance of the monster inside. It is an orangutan, it is not wrong, this orangutan is twice as tall as Yuan Chen, Yuan Chen visually inspected it. It is estimated that it has reached a height of three or four meters, not to mention its size, it is obviously a big guy!

Yuan Chen also saw its appearance clearly, it was similar to an orangutan, but it was more vicious than an orangutan, and there were two big fangs in the mouth of this orangutan, obviously it was not an ordinary orangutan on earth, at least it was similar to swallowing orangutans. The one in the starry sky has been mutated, so at least the appearance of this mutated orangutan can save Yuan Chen from worrying that this is garbage on the modern earth!
What makes Yuan Chen feel strange is that this orangutan is obviously dead. Although it hasn't rotted yet, it can be seen that this orangutan has been dead for a long time. The only thing worth noting is that this dead orangutan The abdomen of the orangutan was cut open with a knife. The reason why Yuan Chen knew it was with a knife was because the wound on the abdomen was very smooth, and the abdomen of the orangutan was not only cut open with a knife, but also sewn up with thread!

"Uh, this can't be the dimension in Yitian Tulongji!" Looking at the image of this orangutan, Yuan Chen could easily think of the white ape in Yitian Tulongji!
In Yitian Tulongji's novel, Zhang Wuji fell onto a protruding cliff and found a crack in the mountain, he drilled through it and found another cave, he made a good relationship with the little monkey living inside, and the little monkey took him to treat the white ape. He took out the Nine Suns Divine Art that was hidden in the ape's belly, and then he learned the Nine Suns Divine Art by himself!

"Could it be that this gorilla also has the Nine Suns Divine Art in its stomach?" Yuan Chen muttered to himself, although this is not what he most wanted, but it is not bad. Now that he has internal strength, he can also try it out. Unable to cultivate the Nine Suns Divine Art, thinking of this, Yuan Chen did not hesitate at all, and directly controlled the dagger from the devouring starry sky that he had been carrying all along!
Controlling the dagger, he gently pulled the threads away, and then cut the dagger from the wound. Because of the existing wound, Yuan Chen cut it easily. The wound split open, but there was no blood It came out, probably the orangutan had been dead for a long time, but Yuan Chen was curious why the orangutan's body didn't rot at all!


And when Yuan Chen was cutting, the dagger seemed to have scratched something, and there was a crisp sound, Yuan Chen quickly controlled the dagger to pick out the thing, and Yuan Chen took a lot of effort to get the thing out , Then he used his mental power to control that thing to float down!

Yuan Chen stretched out his hand to catch the thing, because the thing was taken out from the orangutan's body, so it was also stained with a lot of blood, but the blood was already dry, Yuan Chen wiped it with his glove, and found that it was a piece of blood. The token, and it seems to be a jade token made of a piece of jade!
"Why is there a jade tablet inside the gorilla's body? Isn't it supposed to be the Nine Suns Magic Art? It seems that these rubbish don't come from the dimension of Yitian Tulongji. What dimension could it come from?" Yuan Chen looked at his hand That piece of jade, muttered to himself!

From the jade plaque alone, Yuan Chen could feel an unusual aura. Yuan Chen didn't know what it was, but Yuan Chen knew that it was impossible to make such a jade plaque in the late Yuan and early Ming Dynasties. cards come!
 Well, I wish you all a happy Zongzi Festival in advance!
(End of this chapter)

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