Chapter 238

Yuan Chen held the jade token in his hand, weighed it, and found that the weight of this thing is not light. If it is sold, it must be sold at a high price. However, although Yuan Chen cannot be said to be rich now, he is still With a little money, at least if the company goes bankrupt now, he can eat and drink by himself for the rest of his life, so there is no need for him to sell this possibly treasured jade card for such a small amount of money!

However, Yuan Chen is also very curious about what this jade plaque is for, and he can't find out what it is now, so Yuan Chen can only clean up the rubbish first, otherwise it may be discovered by others if it is left too late. That would be bad, after all, such a big orangutan has two big fangs, Yuan Chen doesn't believe that others will believe that this is an orangutan on earth!
After sorting all the rubbish, Yuan Chen opened the void space, because there was nothing to use the rubbish, they were all tattered clothes, and of course there were a few wooden sticks. The wooden sticks were shattered into powder, not because Yuan Chen's hands were strong, but because those wooden sticks were rotten after years of wind and rain!

So after searching for a long time, Yuan Chen couldn't find anything decent, either it was worthless stones and wood, or it was tattered clothes or rotten sticks, so Yuan Chen was helpless, but with the jade Cards, Yuan Chen is also very open to these!
After sorting those things one by one, they threw them into the empty space, but there was another big thing in front of them, which was the corpse of the orangutan. Yuan Chen didn't dare to eat the meat of the orangutan, and the orangutan was dead. After a while, it was like a mummy with no blood inside, Yuan Chen really lost his appetite!
So after turning over the orangutan's body and finding nothing, Yuan Chen also lifted the orangutan directly. With Yuan Chen's current physical strength, it is obviously not difficult to lift the orangutan, so Yuan Chen Soon, he threw the orangutan corpse into the empty space, clapped his hands, and found that there was nothing, Yuan Chen went back to the house directly!
After returning to the house, Yuan Chen took out the jade plaque and washed off the blood stains on it with clean water. Soon, the jade plaque revealed its original appearance. The quality of the jade is very good. Yuan Chen held it in his hand and inspected it carefully. There are many carvings on the jade plaque, but these carvings are very small, but if you look carefully, you can see that the carvings on it are some Small animals!

Yuan Chen looked carefully, and he found that the animals were carved lifelike, including dogs, cats, cranes, orangutans, and horses. Every animal was lifelike, and each animal had different shapes. What I found is that the details of these animals are depicted in great detail!
But based on these alone, Yuan Chen naturally has no way to tell which dimension the jade tablet is from. I didn't expect it, and I couldn't help frowning!
"Yes, there is a video on the phone, maybe you can see some clues about this world!" Yuan Chen suddenly slapped his thigh, the current garbage is obviously different from the previous one, and the current garbage can be downloaded by Yuan Chen Afterwards, there will be an extra video on Yuan Chen's mobile phone, and this video is about the world where these rubbish come from!
Thinking of this, Yuan Chen quickly took out his mobile phone, but just when he took out the mobile phone, the phone rang. Yuan Chen saw that it was Tao Qiong who called, probably to ask him to go over for dinner. Yuan Chen Just put down the phone, hang up the phone, it's more important to see which world this jade card comes from, and there's nothing wrong with taking a while to eat!
But just when Yuan Chen hung up the phone, Huang Wei also called. It seemed that he really came to find him for dinner, so Yuan Chen also hung up the phone, and then clicked on the video!
At the beginning of the video, there was a big cloud of purple light. Yuan Chen's guess was correct. This thing couldn't possibly come from the world of Yi Tian Tu Long Ji. Yuan Chen has read this novel several times, and also watched a lot of TV series. Obviously there is no such scene, the purple light in front of him is more like something from the fantasy world or the world of cultivating immortals. Although Yuan Chen has never really seen the pictures of these two worlds, they are still similar to what he imagined!

But just when Yuan Chen was about to continue reading, the phone rang again. This time it wasn't Tao Qiong or Huang Wei, but Huo Moyu. After thinking about it, Yuan Chen still connected the phone. There must not be such a hurry, there are three phone calls all at once, there must be something!
The first thing Yuan Chen thought of was that there was a problem with the building, but after thinking about it, he was still wrong. If there was really a problem with the building of the Future Technology Research Company, Huang Wei must be the first to call, but the first one to call It was Tao Qiong who came, so Yuan Chen was almost certain that if something really happened, it must be Hantan Fishery!

Thinking of this, Yuan Chen also connected the phone, and then heard Huo Moyu's voice on the other end of the phone, the voice was very anxious!
"Yuan Chen, come here quickly, Hantan Fishery has an accident, and..."

Huo Moyu stopped before he finished speaking. Yuan Chen looked at the screen and saw a black screen. No, the phone was out of battery. After Yuan Chen came back here, he hadn't charged it. The battery wasn't much, so now it's automatically shutting down!
Yuan Chen didn't have time to think about it, because he had heard Huo Moyu say something happened to Hantan Fishery before, but he still had something to say later, but he stopped before finishing, so Yuan Chen's heart is also suspended now, Go straight out and run in the direction of Hantan Fishery!
Blaming myself while running, it’s really a good spirit, not a bad spirit, I was thinking just now that something went wrong, it must be Hantan Fishery, and now something happened to Hantan Fishery, and I don’t know what it is!
With Yuan Chen's current speed, this distance is nothing at all, so he soon came to Hantan Fishery, and found that there were many people around here. When Yuan Chen came here, many people knew him and hurriedly made way for him. , and Yuan Chen also came directly to the front!

Then Yuan Chen saw that there was a pool of blood on the ground, and Huang Wei seemed to be directing something. Tao Qiong was not here, and Huo Yumo hurried over when he saw Yuan Chen coming!
"What's going on here? Whose bloodstain is this? Is it Tao Qiong's?" Yuan Chen pointed to the bloodstain on the ground. He didn't see Tao Qiong. Originally, she was responsible for this place, but now he saw that it was the bloodstain on the ground. Huang Wei was directing, Tao Qiong was not here, Yuan Chen wondered if it was Tao Qiong, could it be that Tao Qiong was looking for him just because she was injured, and he actually hung up on her phone!
"No, it's not sister Tao Qiong's!" Huo Moyu shook his head and said!

"Then whose blood is this?" Yuan Chen frowned, it wasn't Tao Qiong's, could it be an employee of Hantan Fishery!
"This blood belongs to Uncle Yuan!"

(End of this chapter)

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