Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 240 Ten Thousand Beasts Card

Chapter 240 Ten Thousand Beasts Card

Looking at the video on the phone, it was over at this time, but this short few minutes of video let Yuan Chen know which dimension the garbage came from this time, and also what the jade token was for. I also know why there are so many animals carved on that small jade tablet, and I also know why the orangutan... Uh, maybe it is a monkey. Yuan Chen also knows why the monkey is as tall as two people, After watching this video, Yuan Chen understood everything, it turned out to be something from that dimension!

Yuan Chen was still curious about the function of the jade card before, but now he also knows that the biggest function of the jade card is that it can be used to communicate with animals. That’s right, as long as he has this jade card, Yuan Chen can Understand the language of all animals, no matter if it is a kitten or puppy or a little Jiji, as long as it is an animal, Yuan Chen can talk to them, all because the name of this jade card is Wanshou Card!

That's right, the scene in the video just now, if Yuan Chen's guess is correct, is that Fang Han in the Immortal Dimension is experimenting with the Ten Thousand Beast Card in the Spirit Beast Palace!
Yuan Chen has read the novel of eternal life, but he has not read it so many times, but the plot in it is still impressive. When Yuan Chen saw the card of beasts before, Yuan Chen felt a familiar feeling. That video, I already know almost everything, now I just need to test it to prove my guess!
It is very easy to try the Ten Thousand Beasts card. Yuan Chen brought thirty dogs from Hantan Fishery in the morning. It was precisely because Yuan Chen took these thirty dogs away that the other dogs were still He didn't have time to fill the seat, which led to the opportunity for those people to take advantage of it. It was also because of this that his uncle was stabbed by those people. Speaking of which, it was all the fault of Yuan Chen's lack of consideration!
But now that things have happened, there is no point in thinking about it any more, so Yuan Chen simply stopped thinking about it, but as long as he finds out who did it, Yuan Chen will definitely not let them go, but at that time they destroyed the camera first It started to hurt fish and people, and the camera didn't capture anything at all. The only person who saw people was maybe a dog that was brought down and happened to pass by!

But as long as you do some investigation, there shouldn't be any problem. After all, Yuan Chen didn't offend many people. Most of them were just restaurants that he wanted to cooperate with but he rejected. It's just a matter of time, as long as they are found, Yuan Chen will definitely not let them go easily, especially the one who hurt his uncle!

Shaking his head, Yuan Chen didn't think too much, took the Wanshou card and went out, and called a puppy from the backyard. The reason why he called it a puppy was not because it was small. It's because this dog has not been born for two months, so it really belongs to the small range!
Seeing Yuan Chen yelling, the puppy walked over in a hurry, wagging its tail in front of Yuan Chen, sticking out its tongue as if acting like a baby. Although it had been a long time since Yuan Chen got along, it was clearly He also didn't forget Yuan Chen, the former master. Many of his skills were taught by this master in front of him!

Yuan Chen touched the puppy's head, then took out the Ten Thousand Beast Card and the dagger, first cut a small cut on his finger, then dripped a drop of blood on the Ten Thousand Beast Card, and then Yuan Chen felt that he was It seems to be tied to the jade token in front of him, and he seems to be in control of the jade token!
This feeling is really miraculous, just like recognizing the owner of the Black God suit before, it is a feeling of being connected by blood, just like one's own hands and feet, although not as free as the Black God suit, but it has another A special feeling, but this feeling is similar!

After his own experiment was successful, Yuan Chen also wanted to use the puppy in front of him as an experiment. He pulled up one of the puppy's front paws, and stabbed the puppy's front paw lightly with the dagger, and the puppy barked softly. It was obviously in pain, but Yuan Chen immediately comforted it with mental strength, and it calmed down. Then Yuan Chen picked up its front paw and dripped a drop of blood on the Ten Thousand Beast Card, and then took out the card. Feed a small piece of Warcraft jerky to the puppy in front of him!

Yuan Chen made the leftover monster meat into jerky meat before, and put some in the villa, and here are some, just in case!

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, why did the master stab me, I'm so good!" When the blood dripped on the jade tablet, Yuan Chen heard a voice like a little girl's, as if he was wronged, And it seemed that there was still a little resentment, so Yuan Chen immediately fed the puppy a small piece of monster meat as compensation!
"It's delicious. It's been a long time since I've eaten the meat fed by the master himself. This meat is still so delicious!" Just after Yuan Chen fed a small piece of monster meat jerky, the little girl's voice sounded again , but this time there is no previous grievance and resentment, only joy and happiness, obviously she looks like a little girl, very innocent, lively and cute!
"Does it still hurt?" Yuan Chen asked subconsciously because he heard a human voice, but then shook his head. Although he could understand what she said, it was obviously not right for a dog to talk to him. It's too easy!
But what Yuan Chen didn't expect was that the puppy in front of him seemed to understand his subconscious question, blinked at him, and then said again: "Wow!"

Although Yuan Chen still heard the dog barking, he could understand its words. What it said just now was: "It doesn't hurt the master anymore, but the meat is delicious. I still want to eat a piece, don't you?" can it?"

Yuan Chen was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head with a smile, then took out a small piece of monster meat from his pocket and handed it to the cute puppy, then watched it eat happily, and stroked its head , I suddenly felt that the puppy in front of me was really cute, like a greedy child!
Thinking of this, Yuan Chen called all the puppies in the backyard over, pricked their front paws one by one, dripped a drop of blood on the Wanshou card, and then fed each dog a small piece of it. After the jerky monster meat, Yuan Chen's surroundings became lively!
All kinds of voices surround Yuan Chen's ears, there are men, women, old and young, discussing what needs to be watched carefully, which dog is beautiful, and which shit tastes better ...

Yuan Chen felt nauseous for a while, then suddenly thought of something, ran back to the house, picked up the charged phone, and dialed a number...

(End of this chapter)

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