Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 241 Confronting Dogs

Chapter 241 Talking to Dogs
I was concerned about listening to those dogs talking before, and almost forgot the business, but because of hearing those dogs talking, Yuan Chen also thought of a way, so now he ran home and called Tao Qiong. I asked my uncle about the matter, because I still have to deal with the affairs here, so I can only go to see my uncle after the processing is over. After all, Huang Wei needs to manage the future technology research company, so Hantan fishery has to be handled by himself coming!

The phone was connected, and Yuan Chen also learned that his uncle was fine, but needed to be hospitalized. Although the uncle was already over 50 years old, but because he went fishing all the year round and was exposed to wind and rain, his body was weak. It is much better than the average old man, so after being stabbed and having a minor operation with the knife in the back, nothing happened!

But although the uncle has nothing to do, Yuan Chen will not let those people go so easily, especially the person who stabbed his uncle. Since he can attack an old man who is over fifty years old, Yuan Chen can imagine , How many people were planted by that person before, so Yuan Chen wouldn't just let it go!
Afterwards, Yuan Chen asked Tao Qiong about some details, including the person's appearance. Yuan Chen also asked, knowing that there were seven people involved in this matter, and the other six people were mainly responsible for Xiangyu. Poison was thrown in the pond, and the person who stabbed his uncle was obviously a character like a little boss, who was in charge of letting go and doing it!
In the end, Yuan Chen asked the most important question and hung up the phone, then went out with the Wanshou card, and ran directly to the building of Hantan Fishery Company, because Yuan Chen had a very important matter To do it, this matter may be related to whether the murderer who hurt uncle can be quickly found!
When I came to Hantan Fishery, because of the incident that happened during the day, extra staff were sent here to guard the place. Originally, people were panicked because of the stabbing of the uncle. Some people were already giving up and going home, but after Yuan Chen came out After the double salary, everyone stayed, and no one was willing to leave. Although it was a little dangerous here, it was double salary. The people here had at least [-] salary. This kind of rural area is already considered a high salary, but now the double is [-] salary!

This is much better than their fishing. Some people have been busy fishing for a month, but in the end they couldn’t make 4000 yuan. Moreover, the danger of the sea is much greater than here. There are basically no major problems, but the sea is different. If the sea becomes ruthless, no matter how many people are, it will be useless!

In the end, everyone stayed and established a patrol team independently, patrolling here in different shifts. Although the white fish in the cold lake are all dead now, there are still many valuable things, and there are three generations of fish and four The fishpond where the fish was replaced was not destroyed, probably because it was discovered before it was destroyed. Therefore, for their own safety, the employees here are worried that those people will go and come back, so they stand guard and patrol independently!

When Yuan Chen came to Hantan Fishery, the patrol team happened to come to Yuan Chen's place. After going through the day's events, they knew that the young man in front of them was their boss and the one who paid their wages, so they looked When Yuan Chen came in, he hurried forward to say hello!
Yuan Chen was stunned for a moment at first, but after listening to their thoughts, he realized that they were a patrol team established by himself. Also do not add!

"Where are those dogs?" Yuan Chen asked the captain of the patrol team. There are ten people in this patrol team, one of them is the captain, because they knew that there were seven people who came in the morning, so they arranged ten people. Patrol, thinking that if we meet again, we will overwhelm them with numbers!
"Patrolling at Sandaiyu!" The captain was very excited when he saw Yuan Chen asking himself, and quickly replied, "I'll take you there!"

"No need, I'll just go by myself!" Yuan Chen waved his hand. Although he hadn't been here a few times, he was familiar with it, and it was faster to go by himself. Just when the man was about to say something, Yuan Chen had already run away. 30 meters away, the rest of the patrols looked at each other in blank dismay!
"Boss, this speed is too fast!"

"Yeah, they are all able to catch up with the sprinters!"

"Fart, is the boss faster than those sprinters?"

"Yes, the boss is fast!"

Fortunately, Yuan Chen is not in the mood to listen to them now, otherwise he will definitely scold them, you are fast, your whole family is fast!

But Yuan Chen obviously didn't have any extra thoughts now, and ran towards the fish pond of the third generation of fish, and soon saw the dog patrol team, this is the dog that Yuan Chen had trained before, those dogs The dogs also recognized Yuan Chen, so they stopped in their tracks. Their neat steps were like a well-trained army!

Yuan Chen came to the front of the team of dogs, picked up the leading dog's front paw and punctured a hole, dripped a drop of blood on the beast card, and then he was able to understand the leading dog's words , It was a capable woman's voice, and Yuan Chen was also slightly taken aback when he heard this voice, he didn't expect that the bulldog leading the team turned out to be a woman's voice, it was obviously a male dog!

"Master, what's the matter?" Because the dogs leading the team were fed a lot of monster meat, their intelligence was much higher than that of the previous dogs, and they were able to talk to Yuan Chen directly!

"Which one is the dog that saw that group of people during the day?" Yuan Chen asked, yes, he just wanted to find that dog, ask about what happened today, and then see if the dog can be found Today's gang!
"No. 37, come out!" The dog leading the team did not return to Yuan Chen, but barked at the back, but it was obviously different to Yuan Chen's ears, it was a domineering!
Then Yuan Chen saw a dog in the back row walking towards him. Obviously, this dog was the one who saw that group of people committing crimes during the day!
The dog came to Yuan Chen's side, and Yuan Chen also stabbed its front paw with a dagger, and then dripped the blood on the Myriad Beast Card in the same way. After that, he could hear the dog talking. !
"Master, I'm sorry, I failed to protect the old master today!" The first thing the dog said was an apology. It was obviously not low in IQ, and it was still a woman's voice, but Yuan Chen was not surprised this time, because This is a little bitch-dog!
"It's okay, I don't blame you, can we still find today's group?" Yuan Chen touched No. 37's head and asked!
"Well, yes!" No. 37 said without the slightest hesitation. Although she was knocked down by those people's tranquilizer guns during the day, she clearly remembered the smell of those people!
"Okay, that's fine, take me to find those people!" Yuan Chen nodded, and then ordered the dog leading the team to continue patrolling, and he took No. 37 and left Hantan Fishery Company!

(End of this chapter)

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