Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 264 Unexpectedly, you are such a brother

Chapter 264 Unexpectedly, you are such a brother
"Ah, that's what you're talking about!"

Yuan Chen was fascinated by the stories his mother told, and he really wanted to know what made him acquire superpowers, and why his mother piled all these things on him. In fact, Yuan Chen has always wondered why he is better than other people's children, why he can fly higher than other people's children, why he can run faster than other people's children, is it because he listens to his mother? , fall in love later, I know your future path... how come you sing!

In short, Yuan Chen also wanted to know how his superpower came about. He always thought that he was lucky and received the favor of God, so God arranged a whirlpool for him to be Uzumaki Naruto, but today Knowing that there is still a reason why I was able to awaken super powers, then I must figure out what is going on!

But... and... eggs... Yuan Chen never thought that his mother would give such an answer. It turned out that it was not because she discovered that she had superpowers, but because she felt that she had the ability to get close to white chickens. Go open a chicken farm, can you stop doing this, I didn't expect you to be such a mother, your son is also a cleaner in another dimension, okay?Opening a chicken farm... seems to be a consideration!
"That's right, that's the thing. Don't blame your father for being crow-mouthed. This ability is actually quite good!"

Yuan Chen's mother seemed to be worried that her son would not be able to accept this fact, so she comforted Yuan Chen. After all, dealing with chickens is not a pleasant thing to say, but after all, chickens are also forced by life. Product!
"Well, okay, I will think about this matter carefully!"

Helpless + speechless, Yuan Chen could only nod his head, saying that although the chicken farm is good, but now he owns two companies, Hantan Fishery and Future Science and Technology Research, so he can be regarded as a domineering president who doesn't need to work, and then go find another one. The chicken farm seems to be a bit too busy to keep up, if there is a special salon, there is still time, ahem, but how could Yuan Chen do something illegal!
"Well, think about it carefully, help tidy up the living room first, it's too messy, I'll cook, use the delicious pork you brought, and get some of your favorite braised pork... ...Give it to your sister, she should be back soon after going out to play!"

When he heard the first half of the sentence, Yuan Chen was very moved. After so many years, his mother finally knew that she wanted to love her son, and finally knew that the son was the most reliable, but when she heard the second half of the sentence, Yuan Chen fell down. It's for that girl Xiaoxuan, hey, is she going out to play, I'm at home catching chickens and packing things, can't I pretend to be in pain?


"I'm back, hey, why is the door broken, Dad, the door is broken, hey, brother, why are you at home, did you break the door?"

Just when Yuan Chen finished packing his things and just sat down to rest, the voice of his younger sister Yuan Xuan came from the door. Hearing that voice, Yuan Chen was speechless again. Why was the door broken when I was at home? , well, although I really did it!
"Come back and catch the chicken!"

Yuan Chen said helplessly, he didn't want to talk at all, his mother was biased, is this old girl a lack of heart?When I saw my brother came back, the first thing I thought was that my brother broke the door. What law are you based on? Your brain storm broke out too fast!
"No, the big white chicken is for me to eat, you can't take it away!"

Hearing that Yuan Chen came back to catch the chicken, Yuan Xuan cried out immediately, this big white chicken was bought by her mother to make soup for herself, how could I let my brother take it away, so I couldn't let my brother pick up this cheap chicken !

"Okay, thanks to the fact that I brought you a gift, I didn't expect you to be such a younger sister, forget it, the gift will not be given!"

Yuan Chen lazily said, although he never thought about taking away the big white chicken, and he didn't really want to start a chicken farm, why would he take the big white chicken away, and the big white chicken stew soup Yuan Chen wouldn't I think it will taste better than Hantan white fish or monster meat stew!

"Hey, did you bring me a gift? What kind of gift, bro!"

Hearing that there was a gift, Yuan Xuan's eyes lit up, she hurriedly ran to Yuan Chen and sat down, holding Yuan Chen's arm and shaking it desperately!
"Brother Yuan Chen, are you here too?"

And at this moment, a familiar voice sounded, Yuan Chen looked around, and saw a figure he hadn't seen for a long time, that's right, that person was Rowling, she was taking off her boots outside the door just now, and now Get in!
"Ah, Rowling is here too, sit down!"

Seeing that it was Luo Lin, Yuan Chen ignored Yuan Xuan and asked Luo Lin to sit down!


Rowling nodded, she didn't know what to say, the atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward!
"Lin, my brother brought me a present, but he wants to exchange it for my big white chicken, and she won't give it to me if I don't!"

Seeing Luo Lin coming in, Yuan Xuan began to complain to Luo Lin, as if Yuan Chen had treated her badly!
"Here, here, here, you both have presents!"

Yuan Chen had no choice but to agree to Yuan Xuan. Anyway, sooner or later, and it happened that Rowling was also here, so let's give her the necklace by the way, so as to save myself another trip!

"Do I have it too?"

Rowling was taken aback, she also has a gift?Yuan Chen is Yuan Xuan's elder brother, so it is natural to bring her a gift, but he did not expect to bring a gift for himself, which made Rowling very happy!

"Well, this is for you, little girl, I don't want your big white chicken!"

Yuan Chen took out the necklace he had prepared and handed it to Yuan Xuan, and then gave the other necklace to Rowling. The one he gave to Rowling was quite special, it was made of suet jade that can enhance spiritual power. And the one for Yuan Xuan was made of Lingshi!

"Wow, it's so beautiful, ah, that one is so beautiful!"

As Yuan Xuan said, she took the necklace from Yuan Chen's hand, looked at it and couldn't wait to put it on herself, then looked at the other necklace in Yuan Chen's hand, and found that it was different from her own!
"This is for Rowling, don't snatch it from her!"

Yuan Chen looked at his sister and kept staring at the other necklace in his hand, worried that she would cheat and want this one, so he opened his mouth first, because this necklace is very special, and Yuan Chen also did it for his sister's benefit, the old appraiser can It is because of this piece of suet jade that he went crazy!
"Tch, that one isn't as good-looking as mine, come on, Lin, I'll bring it for you!"

Yuan Xuan curled her lips, then snatched the necklace from Yuan Chen's hand, and put it on for Luo Lin!

"This is not good... this..."

"Take it, this thing is good for you!"

Rowling still wanted to refuse, but Yuan Chen said first, this necklace is the best thing for a psychic. That's right, Rowling is the only one Yuan Chen found in this world who is similar to himself. The same mental abilities!
"Brother Yuan Chen himself also..."

As soon as the necklace was put on, Rowling felt the fluctuation of mental power, and her face was full of shock. This thing can actually make the mental power fluctuate. What is this thing?But what she thought of was that Yuan Chen also has spiritual power, and this thing is also good for him!

"I have that too!"

Yuan Chen interrupted her, revealed the necklace he was wearing around his neck, and said with a smile!

"Wow, you guys are couple necklaces, brother, I never thought you were such a brother!"

(End of this chapter)

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