Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 265 Being Tracked

Chapter 265 Being Tracked

Hearing his sister's cry, Yuan Chen blushed. He didn't think too much about it, but because the style was so good-looking, it was suitable for both men and women. Although men and women were a little different, when the old master asked, Yuan Chen I thought it looked pretty good, so I decided to make the two pieces of suet white jade according to this style!
Now after my sister said this, I feel that it is really not suitable. If I had known that I would not show up, the atmosphere would become very awkward now!

"That... I didn't think so much when I built it before, why don't I take it for you and make another one!"

Yuan Chen rubbed his nose, this is true, he really didn't think so much before, he just thought it looks good, so he made it, and he didn't think about whether it's a couple or not, isn't it just two necklaces, the same is the same, If the same is a couple, then there are a lot of couples in the world, don't those who wear school uniforms to school every day are couples?
But now that Yuan Xuan has said it, and said it in front of Rowling, it is not that simple. After all, there are only two of them in this room with such a necklace, so Yuan Chen is still quite embarrassed, so Or ask Rowling for her opinion!

"No... no need, this style is very pretty, I like this style very much, thank you, Brother Yuan Chen!"

Hearing Yuan Chen's words, Luo Lin quickly refused and said that she still liked this style very much, and she could tell that it was directly made from a whole piece of jade without any carving. She looked very helpful, otherwise Yuan Chen would not have given it to herself, so she was a little at a loss. There should not be many such things in the world, at least I have never heard of or found such things in my family before. Suet jade!
I don't know where Brother Yuan Chen got this kind of thing that can enhance mental power, but Rowling is still very happy, because she knew through Yuan Chen that her ability is due to spiritual power, but her own ability It's not strong, and it can't be controlled yet, but it can still exert some abilities!
And the suet jade that Yuan Chen gave was to enhance Rowling's mental power, and Yuan Chen also planned to teach Rowling how to control her mental power well, otherwise, if her mental power is too strong but she can't control it, she will die. Backfired!
Rowling held the necklace in her hand, carefully felt the strange feeling, and then smiled, so what if it's a couple necklace?


"It's time to eat, what are you looking at? Come and serve the food!"

In the living room, Yuan Chen, Luo Lin, and Yuan Xuan were chatting and laughing, while Yuan Chen's father, for some reason, was studying the ring in his hand with a magnifying glass. His mother, who had just finished cooking and walked out of the kitchen, looked At this scene, I also asked!
"Auntie, let me serve the food!"

At this moment, Rowling quickly stood up and walked to the kitchen. Obviously Yuan Chen's mother knew that Rowling was coming, so she had already prepared a lot of dishes!
"Look at Xiaolin, how sensible and obedient you are, and look at the two of you, you are as lazy as your father, especially you Xiaochen, you are a boy anyway, why are you so lazy, what will happen in the future? Girls will like you, what are you looking at, why are you staring wide open, am I wrong?"

Yuan Chen is speechless, I just cleaned up the living room, okay, you won't forget it so soon, is it true that Yuan Xuan is the girl who really didn't do anything well, why don't you say she said me, I stare The big eyes are because I am surprised!


"Hahaha, brother, why don't you go help!"

Hearing Yuan Chen's mother's words, Luo Lin couldn't help laughing, but Yuan Xuan laughed more casually, and pushed Yuan Chen to help quickly, Yuan Chen rolled his eyes, depressed!

"Xiaolin is the most obedient. When looking for a boyfriend in the future, don't look for someone like Xiaochen. It's too lazy!"

Yuan Chen's mother, who walked into the kitchen, was still thinking about it, with a look of hating iron for nothing. Yuan Chen was speechless. Could it be that he didn't want to see him so much?

"No, Brother Yuan Chen is fine!"

Rowling said softly, a little embarrassed, no one else in the living room heard it, but Yuan Chen's hearing is not blocked, even if it is a small sound, he can hear it himself, compared to this small house, Yuan Chen can still hear it !
"What's the matter, but does Xiaolin have any friends who are looking for a boyfriend? Xiaochen is almost 23 and doesn't have a girlfriend yet. I'm afraid he will become a leftover man!"

Yuan Chen's mother's voice changed, and there was a magical turn, she was going to find a girlfriend for Yuan Chen, didn't she just say that she should never find someone like Yuan Chen, why did she want to cheat his friends all of a sudden!
"Okay, Auntie, I will pay attention to it, and introduce it to Brother Yuan Chen if it suits me!"

Rowling also secretly smiled. It seems that Yuan Xuan's mother, like her own mother, prefers girls. Thinking of her brother Luo Jin, Rowling is also deeply moved!

"I said, old man, why are you always studying that ring, come to dinner quickly, I know that Xiaochen gave it to you, everyone has it, so don't show off there!"

After serving all the food, Yuan Chen's mother saw that Yuan Chen's father was still studying the ring, and said angrily!

"I just think this ring is a bit strange!"

Yuan Chen's father was obviously used to Yuan Chen's mother's personality, and he didn't quarrel with her, he just spoke out his thoughts!
"What's so strange? Could it be that Xiaochen bought a fake product!"

Now Yuan Chen's mother was in a hurry, she put down the chopsticks she had just picked up, and Yuan Chen's mother also came over, worried that her son's eyesight was not good, and he bought a fake one!

"It's not fake, but I feel refreshed after wearing it, and my body doesn't feel so tired. I was so tired when I just caught chickens!"

Yuan Chen's father frowned and said, he was exhausted catching that chicken just now, but it seems that after wearing the ring Yuan Chen gave him, he immediately felt much more comfortable!
"Really? When you say that, I feel a little bit like this!"

When Yuan Chen's mother heard this, she also realized belatedly that she didn't seem as tired as before after cooking!
Yuan Chen just smiled, because Dad's is a ring, so it is also a relatively large spirit stone, while Mom's necklace is relatively small, so the effect is naturally different, and Mom just went to cook, and Mom Dad has been resting in the living room, so the effect is also different!
"Yes, yes, I just felt that this jade can relieve fatigue. We were followed just now..."

ps: push the book, Xiao Pujie pushes a book of a great god "Rebirth: A Big Man Turning His Foot into a God" Author: Erbao Angel
(End of this chapter)

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