Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 266 Those People

Chapter 266 Those People

"When I went to buy it, the waiter told me that this jade has the effect of refreshing the mind. It seems to be true, and it will be effective so soon!"

Yuan Chen said with a smile, since mom and dad can find out, then they have to make up a reason to hide it, otherwise, if mom keeps asking, she will definitely expose something, so Yuan Chen confessed first, and confessed from the past. width!

"So that's the case, but this jade should be very expensive!"

Hearing what Yuan Chen said, my mother also nodded, obviously she believed Yuan Chen's words, but now she started to care about the price again, since this jade has such a good effect, the price must be unusual!

"Fortunately, it's only a few thousand yuan, but it's good for your health, no matter how expensive it is, it's worth it!"

Yuan Chen answered vaguely, yes, the necklace and ring are only a few thousand yuan, but these thousands of yuan are just processing fees. To be honest, the spirit stone must be a priceless treasure, no matter how much money you give, It is also impossible for Yuan Chen to sell it!

"Thousands of dollars? Why are you such a prodigal!"

Hearing the price of this jade, Yuan Chen's mother also scolded, but she really likes this jade, as Yuan Chen said, as long as it is good for the body, thousands of dollars can still afford it of!
At this time, Rowling was also surprised. She was not surprised by the price of the jade. She knew that the price of these jades must be more than this price, so the price did not surprise her. What surprised her was Yuan Where did Chen find so many magical jades, because she saw that the jades Yuan Chen gave to his parents and sister were different from her own!

The ones given to Rowling are to enhance her mental strength, while those for her family are to strengthen her body. Could it be that this jade was tailor-made by Yuan Chen for them? What a terrifying ability it is to be able to do it!
But at this moment, Yuan Xuan's words interrupted Rowling's thoughts!

"Yes, yes, I just felt that this jade can relieve fatigue. We were followed just now..."

Although Yuan Xuan seemed to realize something here, then she stopped talking and started cooking, but she pretended that there was nothing wrong, but Yuan Chen and the others could hear clearly!

"Don't eat yet, you said you were being followed?"

Yuan Chen's mother was the first to ask, even if she loves her daughter again, she is still a little angry now, but this anger is also for her own good, but she doesn't say anything about her daughter being followed back home. Whose parents would she be? will be angry!


Yuan Xuan hesitated for a moment, but she still didn't say it out. She made an agreement with Rowling not to tell her family, but now she said that she leaked it. It's not credible!

"It's up to me!"

Seeing that Yuan Xuan refused to speak out, Yuan Chen's mother was also anxious. Seeing that she couldn't hide the matter, Luo Lin spoke up first!

Seeing what Luo Lin wanted to say, Yuan Xuan quickly gave her a wink, but Luo Lin didn't seem to notice, she just ignored Yuan Xuan and began to tell the story slowly!

It turned out that when the two of them were out shopping, they met a stranger who followed him, he was a man, but he didn't do anything to the two of them, he just followed behind silently. Later, when the two of them found out, they hurriedly Back home, the two of them discussed this matter on the way home not to tell their family members!

"That's how it happened. I told Yuan Xuan not to say anything. Auntie, don't blame Xiaoxuan!"

Rowling told the story exactly, and added something later, so that Yuan Chen's mother would not blame Yuan Xuan!
"What, it's obviously what I said, okay?"

This time Yuan Xuan was not happy. It was clearly discussed by the two of them, and she wrote it by herself first, so why did it suddenly become Rowling's proposal? How could this be possible!

"Okay, I see. It must have been discussed by you two girls. You didn't tell your family about being stalked. If you meet a trafficker, you will know the consequences!"

Yuan Chen's mother shook her head, she also knew that these two girls were taking responsibility for her, but they had no choice but to talk together!

"Isn't that saying nothing?"

Seeing that mom wasn't really angry, Yuan Xuan also said coquettishly!

"It's luck that you escaped this time. If we meet again next time, I don't know what will happen?"

At this time, Yuan Chen's father said that he was still very worried. If he couldn't follow up, he might not be a simple human-trader. And even if it was because he didn't have the opportunity to make a move, he would probably come back again to look for opportunities, no Would have given up so easily!
"Don't worry, uncles and aunts. That person should be following me. As long as Xiaoxuan doesn't stay with me, nothing will happen!"

Rowling thought for a while and said, she felt that the person who was following them was not simple, so Rowling was sure that he was following her, so as long as Yuan Xuan didn't stay with her, nothing would happen !

The reason why she promised Yuan Xuan not to speak out before was also because of this consideration, as long as she didn't go out with Yuan Xuan, Yuan Xuan was not in any danger, and he had already informed his brother Luo Jin of this matter , as long as my brother can kill that person, there will be no problem!

"Lin, don't think about it. It's not your fault. Are you saying that I'm not pretty enough for traffickers to see?"

Hearing that Rowling was taking care of everything on her again, Yuan Xuan yelled a little reproachfully, it was obviously an agreement between two people, how could it become Rowling's business as soon as she said it, it's disgusting I'm not pretty enough!
"Xuan, that's not what I meant. You also know the situation in my family. It may be sent by those who are hostile to my family. So let's not stay together for the time being. I will wait until my family's affairs are settled. Just contact you!"

Rowling explained that Yuan Chen's family knew about the situation in Rowling's house, and also knew that a daughter from such a family was likely to be kidnapped, but these were all staged on TV and made up by others. How could such a thing happen in reality!

Yuan Xuan also knew about Rowling's family situation and wanted to say something, but she was worried that her behavior might make it difficult for Rowling to do so!

"You mean those people?"

At this time Yuan Chen asked, he knew much more than his parents and younger sister. The Luo family was not an ordinary business family, but a family with a genetic inheritance of supernatural powers!


Rowling hesitated for a moment, then nodded. Yuan Chen knew about her family situation, so she didn't hide anything. Although she didn't want too many people to get involved, there seemed to be a voice in her mind telling herself, don't hide what's in front of her. the man!

(End of this chapter)

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