Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 267 The Unpopular Yuan Chen

Chapter 267 The Unpopular Yuan Chen

Yuan Chen knew that Rowling's family was not as simple as it appeared on the surface, so his first feeling was that the person following Rowling and Yuan Xuan was not an ordinary person, so Yuan Chen was very vigilant. If so, Yuan Chen must find a way to get rid of that person, otherwise, both his sister and Rowling might be in danger!

Rowling nodded, confirming Yuan Chen's conjecture, because she is also a person with psychic ability, so she will be somewhat aware of the approach of a person with supernatural powers, unless it is someone like Yuan Chen who can cover up her own breath. For example, use mental power!

But in this world, there are only Yuan Chen and Luo Lin, and there are only three psychic users including Huya, so there are almost no people who want to be able to hide themselves well like Yuan Chen, because they I didn't know that there is another kind of ability person in this world, that is, the person with spiritual ability!
So Rowling can detect the person who is following her, but that person doesn't necessarily know that Rowling has discovered him, and probably just thinks that Rowling was lucky to be escaped by her, so now that person is probably Still around Yuan Chen's house, waiting for Rowling to go back, and do it on the way back!

"How is the strength?"

Yuan Chen asked, he didn't make it clear, but Rowling must be able to understand, Yuan Chen just wanted to keep his parents from getting involved, after all they were just ordinary people, before Yuan Chen still Because his own family also has superpower genes, he thought he was a superpower gene fusion body!

"I don't know, maybe he's better than my brother!"

Rowling also intentionally prevented Yuan Chen's family from finding out anything tricky, so she also spoke very cryptically!

"Okay, I'll help you solve it, and I'll take you home later for dinner!"

Yuan Chen said that he was similar to Luo Jin, and might be better than Luo Jin, so it might be a bit difficult for Luo Jin to solve it, so Yuan Chen decided to send Luo Lin off by himself. This is not Yuan Chen's arrogance. Let him be a halo existence!
"What the hell are you talking about, bro!"

Yuan Xuan looked at the two people talking without saying a word, and she felt a little baffled, so she couldn't help asking, and Yuan Chen's parents also nodded, as if they were also curious about what Yuan Chen and Luo Lin were talking about. what!
"It's okay, the food is cold, let's eat quickly!"

Yuan Chen said, he is naturally too lazy to explain, anyway, his family members may not believe it, even if they believe it, so what, he is not afraid of himself every day, worrying that he will be accidentally killed by another superpower Yes, although there may not be many superpowers in this world, but likes gather together and people are divided into groups, and special people will always come together in the end!

"It's fine, let Xiaochen send it back when Xiaolin goes back, Xiaoxuan, don't go out!"

After Yuan Chen's mother heard Yuan Chen's words, she didn't bother anymore. If she didn't eat any more, the food would really be cold, so she also asked everyone to eat after she asked. Yuan Xuan was not happy at first, but Yuan Xuan Chen glared at her to warn her not to provoke her mother at this time!

Yuan Xuan was right after thinking about it. Although the old man is not very reliable, he is a man after all. When he really meets a trafficker, he will have a little bit of power to resist, and even if he can't beat him, the trafficker It's impossible for the wife to take both of them away, and the most important thing is that my brother has a car, so he can take Lin home directly, but...he just glared at me!

"Dad, the door outside is broken, it seems that brother broke it!"

Yuan Xuan, who was eating, glanced at Yuan Chen, and then pretended to be careless and said, Yuan Chen vomited on the spot, revenge for her kindness, as if she glared at her for her own good, tell her to restrain herself, this will be revenge!
"Well, I see, I'll clean him up after dinner. The door was just bought, and it was destroyed just like that. This kid has nowhere to go, right?"

Yuan Chen's father also took a look at Yuan Chen and nodded. Just now Yuan Chen came in alone. He must have broken the anti-theft door. But then again, when did this kid become so strong? It’s too big, it must be because the quality of the door is not good enough, the old man fooled me, no, no one can let people know that I was fooled, this kid is to blame for breaking the door!

"Yes, Dad, this kind of thing can't be tolerated. If you slap him on the wall, you can't hold him down!"

Yuan Xuan was very gloating at the side, she hasn't complained for a long time, and she still feels pretty good!

"Well, okay, wait for dad to pat him, come, eat vegetables!"

Yuan Chen's father took a bite of lettuce for Yuan Xuan. It was brought by Yuan Chen and grown on black soil. Instant melting, aftertaste... Well, let’s not talk about it, it is better than ordinary lettuce. Anything that melts in the mouth, it comes out with a special effect of duang. The lettuce melts in the mouth, you can melt it. Let me see!


"Eat well, don't talk!"

Just as Yuan Chen was about to explain, his mother interrupted him. Yuan Chen is aggrieved, you just keep silent when Yuan Xuan speaks, and you just interrupt when you say a word, can you still be happy? It's a family!


Rowling couldn't help laughing, this family is really interesting, unlike my own family, where everything has to be particular, except for her mother who loves herself more, she will be very particular when there are other people present , eating is not as casual as Yuan Xuan's family!
Yuan Chen was helpless, he didn't give any face, so he could only eat in silence, and he didn't eat monster meat. Later, Luo Lin saw Yuan Chen's pitifulness, so she took a piece for Yuan Chen. It's a bit anti-client, the guest gave the host something, but Yuan Chen was moved!

Generally speaking, the meal was enjoyable, of course, except that Yuan Chen was aggrieved, and he didn't know why, but it was just aggrieved!

"Auntie, I'll go back first, thank you for your hospitality!"

Rowling stood at the door and said, it's already night, Rowling originally planned to go back in the afternoon, but Yuan Chen's mother is so enthusiastic, she must stay for an extra meal, there is no way, Rowling just I can stay for one more meal, and the meals cooked by Yuan Chen's mother are delicious and taste like home, much better than those made by the chef at home!

"You're being polite. If it wasn't for your family's disapproval, Auntie would have kept you here for the night. You could squeeze in with Yuan Xuan. If you couldn't do it, you could sleep in Yuan Chen's bedroom and let Yuan Chen sleep in the living room!"

Yuan Chen's mother said, Yuan Chen was moved after hearing the first half of the sentence. It turns out that my mother is not that kind of old-headed person, but after hearing the second half of the sentence, Yuan Chen fell into a pool of blood again!
"No need, Auntie, come again next time you have a chance!"

Rowling replied politely!

"Well, okay, then wait for the next time, I said brat, you give it away well, and I will settle accounts with you when I come back!"

Yuan Chen was speechless, still thinking about this matter, saying why he was so unpopular!
(End of this chapter)

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