Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 268 Chapter 292 Trust Your Intuition

Chapter 268 Chapter 290 II Trust Your Intuition

In this way, Yuan Chen was half-pushed and half-rejected... well, this word is not very good, anyway, Yuan Chen also wanted to send Rowling back, because he was also very interested in the person who was following Rowling and his sister, of course. It's not that kind of interest, he just wants to know who can follow here, does he know that there is a very powerful psychic here... Well, stop bragging!

"Who do you think will be following you?"

Walking on the road, Yuan Chen asked boredly, because the follower hadn't appeared yet, so Yuan Chen was helpless, although he felt that that person would definitely appear again, Yuan Chen always believed in his intuition, of course, this is After I awakened my spiritual power, before!

For example, Yuan Chen had an exam and felt that he could score [-] points in the exam, and this feeling was so strong that Yuan Chen didn't sleep well that Sunday, so he got up early in the morning to review, but when When the test paper was handed out, there were only [-] points. This was an illusion, so Yuan Chen had doubts about his own life at that time!

But now Yuan Chen's intuition is very accurate, which is the so-called sixth sense. Generally speaking, women's sixth sense is stronger than men's, but Yuan Chen's sixth sense is not bad, it can definitely be regarded as accurate That's right!

"I don't know, but I can feel that he is also a special person, because I think his aura is much stronger than ordinary people!"

Rowling recalled the situation during the day, and then answered a little uncertainly, she also has intuition, but she doesn't trust her intuition like Yuan Chen, but just last night, she felt that she would meet Yuan Chen again , although she didn't know why she had this idea out of nowhere, but this idea seemed to be engraved in her mind, lingering!

Then in the morning, Yuan Xuan asked her to go shopping, and she agreed, thinking that her plan would come true, and Yuan Xuan would bring her brother Yuan Chen with her, but she didn't. According to Yuan Xuan, shopping with a The man was so annoying, and then Rowling asked, and what she got was that Yuan Chen didn't come here!

But when they went home after shopping, they saw Yuan Chen, and felt that their intuition was quite accurate, and because of this, Rowling was even more sure that she was being followed by a superhuman!
"You don't know either!"

Yuan Chen was helpless, but since Rowling didn't know, Yuan Chen had no choice but to ask if her family had offended anyone recently, right? It's really inappropriate to ask like this!
"Has your family offended anyone recently, or have some festivals with someone?"

Although he knew it was wrong, Yuan Chen didn't care so much. Since he said he wanted to help that person, he had to do his best, and to do his best, he had to know himself and the enemy. In the end, he could win all battles, so Yuan Chen asked directly!

"Well, Dad seems to have some conflicts with some businessmen recently, but Dad didn't say whether those people are superpowers or not!"

When Rowling heard Yuan Chen's words, she didn't think too much, she just told Yuan Chen what she knew. Because her father took a business recently, something happened, and a businessman from the same company wanted to Competing with Rowling's father, I exhausted all the bad methods, but in the end I couldn't win!
Those people warned Rowling's father before they left that they would not let it go. Now that I think about it, they are not wrong, probably they are. Perhaps, Rowling gradually became a little confused, not knowing if what she was thinking was right. !

"Hehe, do you think it's them or not!"

Yuan Chen looked at the hesitant Luo Lin, smiled, and then did not express his opinion, but asked again!
"I... I don't know, Dad didn't say whether they are capable people, so I don't know!"

Rowling thought for a while and said that she didn't know about those people, because her brother Luo Jin was helping her in business. She was very uncertain about who she was with, so she was also very uncertain!

"Well, I don't want this answer, just tell me, if you think it is or not, as long as I am or not, tell me with your intuition!"

Yuan Chen frowned and said, Luo Lin didn't know what Yuan Chen was going to do, and Yuan Chen insisted on saying what he didn't know, and what he said, he hadn't come into contact with it either!

"I think it is!"

After hesitating for a long time, Yuan Chen's words "tell me with your intuition" are still turning in her head. In the end, Rowling still listened to her intuition, and her intuition told her, yes, it was those people who did it. !

"Hey, that's right, I also think that group of people did it, and the person who followed you during the day has appeared!"

Yuan Chen laughed, then said something mysteriously, and then followed Rowling to continue walking!
"What? Are you here? Why didn't I see it? Brother Yuan Chen, how did you know?"

Rowling looked around, but she didn't find anyone. Her ability is very keen, as long as there are people with strong ability around her, she can feel it, but now she can't feel anything!

"Intuition told me, it told me that person has come, I trust my intuition!"

Yuan Chen smiled, he didn't notice anything, but he felt it, and he would meet that person soon!


Rowling muttered, can intuition really be trusted?

"Who the hell are you, why are you following my sister!"

Just when the two of them walked to a relatively unpopulated place, a loud shout came from not far away!

"Hey, did you find out? I didn't expect that I would be found out if I was so careful. You are really not easy!"

Then another man's voice came out. That man's voice was a bit sinister, and it made people feel very uncomfortable!
"Don't worry about it, who sent you here?"

The previous male voice asked again!
"It's okay to tell you, anyway, you won't be able to leave today. Who told you that your father would go against us in the matter of being entrusted with loyalty?"

That gloomy voice also sounded!
"Sure enough, you were sent by that fellow Li Yuan!"

The first male voice said, obviously guessing, so it wasn't much of a surprise!

"Hey, I just want to come over and take Lingmei to Li's house. As long as your father agrees to let us do this business, I guarantee that your sister will be fine. As for you, you have to make some sacrifices." It was a consensus!"


"It's my brother's voice!"

Rowling who was walking on the road heard this voice and said quickly!
"I just said trust your instincts!"

Yuan Chen smiled!

(End of this chapter)

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