Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 273 Instant Kill

Chapter 273 Instant Kill
Yuan Chen's answer made Luo Jin dumbfounded again, what about your dignity?Just now you said you can’t beat him, but now you nod your head so simply, how can you do this, why don’t you bargain... No, it’s in your own interest if he doesn’t bargain, just now I thought you were a rabbit. What about Scattering Eagle, thanks to my plan to betroth my younger sister to you, since you agreed, forget it!
Well, although you are very powerful, Xiaolin can get good protection by following you, and it seems that Xiaolin didn't cause any side effects when she was with you, and after getting in touch with you, she seems to be able to gradually adapt to her abilities. There are really only advantages and no disadvantages when you are together, and it can be seen that Xiaolin likes you very much, but... I still have to think about it!

And when Luo Jin was thinking wildly, Yuan Chen was already walking towards the thin man, because he really wanted to learn how to condense the power circle. As for Luo Lin, it's okay to be a woman. That's right, why should I bother, I'll have plenty of time in the future!
"Hehe, I didn't expect you to hide it deep enough. That kick just now hurt me. If I'm right, you should be a master of martial arts!"

Because that thin man didn't feel any fluctuations in the supernatural ability from Yuan Chen's body, he still refuses to believe that Yuan Chen is a supernatural person. He would rather believe that Yuan Chen is a master of martial arts!
"Ah, Guoshu? No!"

Yuan Chen was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that this skinny man hadn't realized that he was a supernatural being, his reaction nerves were a bit sluggish!
"You can't beat me. I'm not afraid to tell you that we are not ordinary martial arts fighters. We are supernatural beings. Do you know supernatural beings? That is an existence beyond normal people, that is, it is not normal... It's not impossible It's normal, it's just abnormal compared to ordinary people, have you seen our supernatural aperture... yes, you can't be seen by ordinary people... don't come here!"

The skinny supernatural being stepped back and shouted, he just knew that Yuan Chen's strength is much greater than his own, he just fell, and now his butt is still hurting, he doesn't want to confront him head-on A master of Chinese martial arts fights, if he wants to fight, he has to wait for him to display his supernatural powers before fighting!

"I won't go, what are you afraid of?"

Yuan Chen looked at the thin man who kept retreating on the ground, smiled and said!
"I'm not afraid, who said I'm afraid, if you want to fight, you have to wait until I'm ready, right?"

Seeing that Yuan Chen really stopped, the thin man hurriedly said!
"Yuan Chen, don't give him a chance. He just fell because he was distracted, and now he can't condense the supernatural circle. Just hit him!"

Seeing this scene, Luo Jin who was not far away quickly shouted, as a person with supernatural powers, he naturally knows some weaknesses of people with supernatural abilities. Now is the time when that thin and small man is most vulnerable, because his supernatural powers have already disappeared. It's broken!
"He said that you can't let you condense the power aperture again!"

Yuan Chen pointed to Luo Jin who had just stood up from the ground and was supported by Rowling, and said to the thin man, in fact, Yuan Chen didn't care, because whether you condense the supernatural circle or not, you don't care. They can't beat me, because although I don't have a halo, I have a halo!

"Don't listen to him. If you are a man, you should have a real fight. Don't do all this stuff. How about another fight when we are all ready?"

That skinny man still didn't get up on the ground, because Yuan Chen was right in front of him, as long as he moved, the man in front of him would definitely follow suit, he wasn't that stupid!

"Well, no need, I don't like it!"

Yuan Chen nodded, but what he said made the skinny man vomit blood, don't need you to nod, don't like you to nod, it will make me happy for nothing!
"Then can you let me condense the supernatural aura first?"

Seeing that Yuan Chen refused to eat hard things, the skinny man also wondered, could it be that this person in front of him likes to eat soft things hard, so scary!
"Okay, then let you condense!"

Yuan Chen thought for a while and nodded. Since he has such a request, then he can satisfy him himself!

"thanks, thanks!"

The thin man smiled and nodded, thanking him, he really didn't expect it, the man in front of him really likes to eat the soft ones hard, this hobby is really special, hehe, but although Yuan Chen agreed, the thin man still Those who were wary, took a few steps back before standing up, and then began to condense their own power halo!

"Farewell, Yuan Chen, if you let him successfully condense the power circle, it will be difficult to fight!"

Luo Jin, who was watching from behind, was in a hurry. If his body didn't seem to be hollowed out now, he would go straight up and kill that skinny man!
"Hey, it's too late, you idiot!"

At this moment, the thin man smiled, and a circle of yellow light condensed around his body again, obviously he had successfully condensed the supernatural halo!

"Oh, this is your power aperture!"

Yuan Chen stared at the thin man. In fact, the reason why he let this thin man condense the supernatural light circle was because he wanted to observe closely how the condensed circle was formed, but it didn't seem to work, even if he watched closely. find something!
"Hey, yes, this is my power circle... Wait, can you see it? Are you a power user? Impossible, why didn't I feel a wave of power?"

The man first smiled triumphantly, and then was taken aback for a moment. He never thought that Yuan Chen could see his own supernatural halo. In this way, Yuan Chen should also be a supernatural person, but how could he feel it? Less than a trace of power fluctuations?

"Well, maybe it's because I'm too weak!"

Yuan Chen reluctantly gave the skinny man a reasonable reason!

"Oh, it turns out that's the case, then you go to die!"

When the thin man heard Yuan Chen's words, he suddenly realized what he said, and then suddenly changed his voice, and shot directly at Yuan Chen!

And at this moment, Yuan Chen felt his body suddenly heavy, and the moves he saw the man used were the same as the moves he had just dealt with Luo Jin!

"Hey, it turns out to be controlling gravity!"

Yuan Chen sneered, and his mental power gushed out, directly surrounding the thin man, completely cutting off the contact between the thin man and the ground, and at the moment of separation, Yuan Chen clearly felt the increased gravity on his body just now. Completely gone!

Then Yuan Chen saw the surprised expression on the skinny man, but Yuan Chen didn't care about that, he wouldn't give the skinny man another chance, because he found that he couldn't learn to condense the power circle, so he solved it directly good!

So after cutting off the skinny man's contact with the ground, Yuan Chen rushed over quickly, much faster than Luo Jin, and then punched the skinny man in the stomach!

And with this punch, the supernatural halo disappeared from the thin man's body, and a mouthful of blood mixed with broken internal organs spewed out... Well, it's not that exaggerated, but it was Yuan Chen's punch that wiped out the thin man vitality!
(End of this chapter)

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