Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 274 The Second Murder

Chapter 274 The Second Murder

Seeing the thin man fall to the ground after being punched by Yuan Chen, Luo Jin was so surprised that he couldn't speak. He had seen it just now, and felt that the thin man had already given his power circle to him. Condensed out, and still used his super power!

But that's it, after the skinny man who had beaten himself up just now tried his best, he couldn't get away with one move in Yuan Chen's hands, and was killed by Yuan Chen in seconds. Luo Jin saw that The thin man vomited blood, then fell to the ground, motionless, if he didn't pass out, he was dead!

However, Luo Jin is still more inclined to the latter, because just now, he saw that the thin man's ability halo dissipated directly, not slowly disappearing, and there is only one such situation, and that is the ability The superhuman ability has completely disappeared, and the superhuman who has disappeared probably has only one way to die!
"Yuan... Brother Yuan Chen, is that person... dead?"

Rowling, who was supporting Luo Jin, also saw this scene. She was also very surprised. Although she grew up in a family of supernatural beings, it was the first time she saw killing people because she was at home before. , even if there is anything, it will be done by Luo Jin or other people in the family. Rowling is the little princess in the family, and she doesn't need to do these things at all!
"Ahem, my hands are a bit heavy, I didn't grasp the size properly!"

Yuan Chen coughed. In fact, he was not completely lying. Although he intended to kill the thin man, he did not expect that his one move would be to instantly kill the man. Even though Yuan Chen used that move just now All the way!
Before, he used his mental power to act on his fist, and then used his fist to send his mental power into the thin man's body, and finally exploded in his body, which is a similar Yu Anjin and something like that!
However, Yuan Chen's original intention was to cause him a little internal injury, but he didn't expect that this move of his would actually beat the thin man to death. Under the control of force, the internal organs of that thin man have been displaced, and some places have even been broken!

Yuan Chen really didn't know that entering someone else's body with mental power and then detonating it would have such a terrifying effect, so when the thin man vomited blood and fell to the ground, Yuan Chen thought he had just been hit hard, but he took a closer look. , he is already dead!

But then Yuan Chen was relieved. After all, this was not the first time he had killed someone. The previous Xie Yunpeng was also killed by Yuan Chen. The personal status is quite special, so Yuan Chen doesn't know if he will be found in the end, but as long as he does the work well, he will not be found!
"Uh, I accidentally hit too hard!"

The corners of Luo Jin's mouth twitched. He thought Yuan Chen wanted to kill that skinny man on purpose, but he didn't expect that it was just because of carelessness, that is to say, Yuan Chen himself didn't know his own strength. Thinking of this, Luo Jin was afraid for a while, Thinking back then, I made a move against Yuan Chen!

Fortunately, Yuan Chen didn't miss the heavy hand at that time, otherwise he would have died for countless times, and the way he looked at Yuan Chen also changed. When did he have such a powerful ability? By?What kind of supernatural power is Yuan Chen?Luo Jin is very curious!
"Thank you for taking the shot. I will find someone to deal with the corpse, and I won't find out about you!"

Seeing Yuan Chen really staring at the body of the thin man on the ground, Luo Jin thought that Yuan Chen was very scared because he killed someone for the first time, and that's why he behaved like this. I was so scared that I sat down on the ground and cried!
"No, I'll handle it myself, can I trouble you to close your eyes first!"

Yuan Chen shook his head. It wasn't that he was worried about handing it over to Luo Jin, but that he had a better way to deal with the corpse, so he rejected Luo Jin!
"Ah... ok, I see!"

Luo Jin closed his eyes as he said that, since he didn't want him to help, and since he had his own way, it was hard for Luo Jin to say anything, after all, he still solved a big problem for him, if it wasn't for Yuan Chen, Luo Jin Jin didn't know if he could survive in the hands of that skinny man today, after all, his lightning attribute speed would be much slower due to the man's ability to control gravity!

Although Rowling was curious about what Yuan Chen was going to do, she was a sensible child after all, so when she heard Yuan Chen's words, she obediently closed her eyes. Brother Yuan Chen killed that skinny man because of herself. Got it?
Seeing that the two of Rowling had closed their eyes, Yuan Chen used mental power to separate them from himself, so that they couldn't hear the sound outside, and using mental power could directly have the effect of monitoring, preventing them from Peeping, because Yuan Chen wants to use the void space on the phone, if they see it, he doesn't know how to explain it, and this is his secret, if they find out, it will be very difficult for him!

Seeing that the two of them didn't seem to be peeking, Yuan Chen also took out his mobile phone with confidence, then clicked on the void space, and then used his mental power to move the thin man into the vortex, and finally closed the vortex. When carrying the body of the skinny man, Yuan Chen felt that his mental strength was almost overwhelmed. It stands to reason that the skinny man only weighed about a hundred catties, and now his mental power was carrying a body of three hundred catties. Nothing will be tiring!

In the end, Yuan Chen attributed this reason to the use of mental power internal-explosion... This word is a bit vague, that is, the mental power explodes in the human body. This attack method took a lot of his mental power, Yuan Chen estimated After a while, this kind of move can only be used once, and there is no way to use it for the second time in a row. Otherwise, if one is not well controlled, it will be yourself who dies. Mental backlash is no joke!

"All right!"

After dealing with the thin man, Yuan Chen also said to Luo Lin who was not far away, and hearing Yuan Chen's words, Luo Lin and Luo Jin also opened their eyes, and then they were surprised to find that the The thin man has disappeared without leaving any traces!

Oh no, the only thing left is the pool of blood on the ground!

And when they were still showing their astonishment, they suddenly felt the ground shake slightly, and then saw the piece of blood-stained land floating in the air, and then instantly turned into powder, blown by the wind, towards Flying in all directions!

"It's done, you can teach me how to condense the supernatural circle!"

(End of this chapter)

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