Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 293 Are you going to leave?

Chapter 293 Are you going to leave?
The man didn't expect that he was discovered just after he entered the yard, and he was discovered very thoroughly, because standing in front of him were two people, a little tiger and a black-winged eagle, and The dagger in one of the men's hands was already on his neck, and his neck could completely feel the sharpness and coldness of the dagger!

What kind of trouble is this going on? Who are the two in front of me? This reaction and speed are too fast. I just landed, okay? Are you all sitting here waiting for me?No, just now he clearly looked around carefully, and deliberately chose such a place with surveillance loopholes to come in!

The man looked carefully at the two people in front of him. The young man with the dagger on his neck was smiling, but his eyes were full of coldness staring at him, as if as long as he moved, the dagger would be shot. Let the blood out for yourself!
But the other young man looked at him with a cold face, his eyes were cold, without the slightest emotion, and his body just blocked his only escape route!
And what I have is a black-winged eagle hovering around, and that little tiger has already jumped onto the wall, blocking my back path, damn, this little tiger's IQ is too high Well, no less than humans!

And just when he was sighing, a group of dogs came around, all of them were tall and mighty, and they were standing in a very suitable position, so as to prevent him from running away, and also to prevent himself from getting angry. Other companions come in!
At this time, the person who came in over the wall shouted in his heart, what kind of place did he enter, this kind of security has reached a high level, okay, what are you guarding against!

"Xiaoqi, why did you come out?"

Yuan Chen was also taken aback when he saw Lin Qi who was opposite him. Just now, the gang of policemen kept ringing the doorbell outside, but he never showed up. Yuan Chen thought he was in retreat, but he didn't expect to show up now!
"I just came out when I heard footsteps in the room. I thought you were busy, so I came here directly!"

Lin Qi said that he was practicing just now, but when he heard the slight sound of footsteps, he was out of the test. He thought Yuan Chen was still cultivating spiritual power, so he rushed over directly, because he had clearly felt Yuan Chen's strength just now. The fluctuation of mental power is relatively large!

"Hey, I was training those little birds just now, and then I made a phone call in the house, and just after I hung up, I heard this guy's footsteps, so I came here directly, this guy's strength is not bad!"

Yuan Chen also smiled. To be able to climb over the two-meter-high fence and jump in directly from the outside without making such a small sound must be very skillful. Yuan Chen did not expect that the person who came to steal the dog would be such a powerful person. What a shame!

"Well, it's okay!"

Lin Qi also nodded. This person gave him the feeling that he was better than ordinary people, and he was barely considered a strong person!

But the man couldn't laugh when he heard Yuan Chen and Lin Qi's "praise", isn't it good?good?Can you stop hitting people like this, he has won several martial arts awards, okay? He also won many awards in the army, okay?
But then he was startled, the two of them were in the room just now?The sound of myself falling to the ground is hard for dogs to hear... The man looked at the ten dogs in front of him again, swallowed his saliva, what the hell are these dogs, their ears are so sensitive!

Back then, he relied on his ability to infiltrate the enemy camp countless times without being discovered. Unexpectedly, these two people could already hear the sound of him landing in the room. How strong his hearing is!

And what made him feel even more frightening was the speed of these two people. He looked at the room over there, and the gate was at least 200 meters away from here. It took these two people less than five seconds to arrive at his place. He even put the dagger on his own neck. What kind of speed is this? Is this still a human?

"Hey, with your strength, you are willing to be a dog thief. Did you also steal from Hantan Fishery?"

Yuan Chen's knife pressed against the man's neck tightened, causing the man's cold sweat to break out all of a sudden, and his whole body was soaked instantly. He could clearly feel the sharpness of the dagger, as long as If the man in front of him is not careful, his neck will be cut in half!

This is the experience summed up from dealing with knives for many years. If you usually encounter this kind of knives, you must observe and study them carefully, but now he doesn't have this kind of thought. Is the knife a good knife? He hopes it is a blunt weapon!
"Wait, you said stealing a dog?"

It was only at this time that the man realized that he was surprised by Yuan Chen's speed and hearing just now, and now he realized something was wrong, when did he steal the dog!

"Huh? Didn't you come in to steal the dog?"

Yuan Chen said with a smile, but the mental power had already quietly entered the man's mind!
"No, no, you misunderstood, I admit that these dogs are indeed very powerful, but I, Li Xiao, would not do such a thing by stealing such things!"

The man who called himself Li Xiao wanted to shake his head, but felt the cold light of the dagger on his neck, so he forcibly held back and could only speak with his mouth!
"Oh, you didn't come to steal the dog, so what are you doing to climb over the fence and come to my house in broad daylight? Don't tell me you're just passing by!"

Yuan Chen nodded, and then continued to ask, this person climbed over the wall and entered his home during the day, either for some purpose or because he was sick!
"Uh...Because I just heard Uncle Wei say that there is a very powerful person nearby at my uncle's house, so I wanted to come over to try it out on a whim!"

Li Xiao hesitated for a while and said it out. In fact, it's not a secret, so it's okay to say it. If it is really related to the safety of the country, he will not say a word even if he dies!
"Who is your uncle?"

Yuan Chen asked, he felt that this person looked familiar!
"The king of soldiers of the previous generation, Li Tao!"

Li Xiao said, and then saw Yuan Chen shook his head, expressing that he didn't know him!
"Then who is your Uncle Wei?"

Yuan Chen asked again!
"It's the policeman who led the team to surround your house this morning!"

This time Li Xiaoxue behaved well and didn't mention his name, because he knew that Yuan Chen definitely didn't know him again!
"Okay, you can go!"

Yuan Chen retracted the dagger as he spoke, and then waved his hands to the surroundings. Upon hearing Yuan Chen's words, Lin Qi went back to the room without saying a word and continued to practice, while Huya and Black Winged Eagle also left. , the group of dogs also walked away leisurely!
"Is that why you trust me?"

Seeing the figures around him who disappeared without a trace in an instant, Li Xiao asked curiously, can he leave after answering these few questions?Does this person in front of him trust him so much?

"Are you going to go?"

Yuan Chen raised the dagger in his hand a little impatiently and said to the young man, why is this man so wordy!

(End of this chapter)

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