Chapter 294
"Ahem, don't get excited about that, I really didn't expect that there are actually two such powerful people living in this small city!"

Seeing the dagger in Yuan Chen's hand, that Li Xiaoxin was also a little flustered, but that's his personality, he knew that Yuan Chen didn't mean anything to him, so he wasn't as nervous as before, but he was still very curious about the thing in front of him. Why did the young man choose to believe him, curious about who the two people here are, and why they are so powerful, I have never heard of them before!
In fact, there is nothing to be surprised about. Yuan Chen's mental power has directly entered his head when he was nervous just now, and as long as he tells a lie, Yuan Chen will know, but those questions just asked, Yuan Chen didn't even feel any big fluctuations in Li Xiao's mind, so Yuan Chen chose to believe him!
"You talk too much!"

Yuan Chen said indifferently, this person broke into his house out of nowhere, if he really had some bad intentions, Yuan Chen would never hold back, but the person in front of him looked like a more aggressive person , and Yuan Chen can also feel that the strength of this person in front of him is extraordinary, so Yuan Chen also has the intention of making friends, so he didn't directly throw him out. This guy just said that his uncle is the king of soldiers from the previous generation!

"Hey, that's just how I am. I want to make friends with someone who is strong, so let's learn from each other!"

After hearing Yuan Chen's words, Li Xiao didn't say much, he just smiled. He was just curious to test it out, but now he was even more curious, so he didn't leave, and sat on the grass against the corner of the wall. down!
"Oh, I don't like sparring!"

Yuan Chen still said calmly, although he wanted to make friends with this person, he didn't go to the point where he had to make friends, so he just wanted to make friends without driving the person in front of him out!
By the way, why is this person so familiar, the name Li Tao is also very familiar, the previous generation of soldier king?Could it be that person from last time!

Yuan Chen looked at Li Xiao's face, and recalled the name of his uncle he just said, which reminded him of the person who came to his house before, as if he was about to break in, that person seemed to be the one with the dog The girl with the dog seems to be Li Ziyu's father, let me go, why does your family have this habit of breaking into other people's houses out of curiosity? The first two are fine, and they know how to ring the doorbell. This one is directly Over the wall!

"What are your abilities?"

Yuan Chen suddenly asked curiously. He had communicated with Luo Jin and the others before, and he also knew that there are many supernatural beings in this world. Later, he also studied with Luo Jin and gathered the supernatural halo, so Now he is also very interested in supernatural beings, and now seeing this person in front of him, he can also feel that this person is extraordinary!
And this unusual feeling is different from Li Tao's. Li Tao's feeling is internal force, but the feeling of Li Xiao in front of him is not. The feeling of the supernatural being is the same, so Yuan Chen can also be sure that the Li Xiao in front of him is also a supernatural being!
"You also know supernatural beings, so you do too?"

That Li Xiao was also taken aback, but then he realized that the person in front of him was so powerful, he was probably a supernatural person, but why didn't he feel that the person in front of him had the special aura of a supernatural person!
"I'm not!"

Yuan Chen said, in fact, he did not lie, he is really not a supernatural person, he is just a spiritual teacher, well, at most he can add the title of internal energy master, he is not a real supernatural person!
"Uh, you're not a supernatural being? Then how do you know about supernatural beings? This kind of thing only exists in novels!"

Li Xiao was also taken aback, then smiled. He really didn't believe that Yuan Chen was not a supernatural being. Although he didn't feel that there was anything special about Yuan Chen, this was the most special thing about Yuan Chen. Chen was able to hear his footsteps from a distance of more than 200 meters, arrived within a few seconds and put the dagger on his neck. If ordinary people and the group of supernatural beings could eat Shi!

"I'm not a supernatural person, but I have a friend who is a supernatural person. I cultivate internal strength!"

Yuan Chen said that he didn't want to explain too much, mainly because those little birds were still in a deep sleep stage, and he had nothing to do, so he was just chatting here. If he really had something to do, it would be Li Xiao's fault. Here, Yuan Chen has already thrown it out!
"Really? If not, let's compete. As long as you beat me, I will show you my ability!"

Seeing what Yuan Chen said, Li Xiao also nodded, because he did not feel the aura of the supernatural being on Yuan Chen's body, so he also believed what Yuan Chen said, but this was not his main purpose. The main purpose, of course, is to learn from each other!

"Not interested, you go back!"

Yuan Chen said, in fact, he was just asking casually, it didn't matter if he knew or not, why bother to compete so much!

"Uh, if you beat me, as long as it's within my power, it's not a bad thing, I'll help you!"

Seeing that Yuan Chen didn't intend to compete at all, Li Xiao was also anxious, saying, shouldn't you be curious?Why did you just give up like this!

"Anything is fine?"

Yuan Chen asked with a little interest, it would be good to ask a supernatural person to agree to do something, and this supernatural person seems to have something to do with the government, after all, his uncle is a soldier king, and he also knows the old policeman, If I want to make the company bigger in the future, I can't avoid having to deal with the government, and it's not a bad thing to have connections by then!
"I, Li Xiaotang, am a king of soldiers. I keep my word. As long as it's not a bad thing, I can do it!"

That Li Xiao patted his chest... muscles and said, it seems that this person really likes to compete!
"Soldier King? Are you also a soldier king?"

Yuan Chen was taken aback, thinking that this guy's uncle was the king of soldiers, but he was also the king of soldiers, tsk tsk tsk, this piece of meat is fat, take it, take it, this deal is worth it!

"Hey, I'm from this generation!"

That Li Xiao suddenly felt a little embarrassed, and then stood up, his eyes became firm, not as stupid as before!

"Okay, you can make a move, but you'd better use the supernatural aperture, otherwise you may not have time!"

Yuan Chen also clapped his hands and stood up. Although the opponent was the King of Soldiers, Yuan Chen didn't intend to keep his hands. After all, he really didn't like to discuss such things!

(End of this chapter)

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