Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 300 The Legendary White Aperture

Chapter 300 The Legendary White Aperture
Seeing that Yuan Chen didn't speak, Li Xiao had no choice. At this time, the food was served, and Li Xiao also stopped talking. He was a soldier, so he didn't talk when eating, but when he took a bite of fish, After that, all disciplines were left behind by him!
"This... what kind of fish is this, it's delicious!"

Li Xiao's eyes widened. This fish is not only delicious, but he also has a faint feeling that this fish is not an ordinary fish. It tastes delicious and melts in the mouth...Your sister, is this still a fish?In fact, it means it is delicious, and Li Xiao feels that his body will be warm after eating this fish. This feeling can only appear when he is cultivating supernatural powers!

Yuan Chen giggled and was very charming... Damn, of course this fish is delicious. If Yuan Chen hadn't injured him just now, he wouldn't have invited him to eat this kind of fish. This is Yuan Chen's special fish. Tanbaiyu, this cannot be bought with money!

"I really find that you are becoming more and more mysterious. Who are you? If you are a supernatural person, the supernatural organization will definitely have data records, and every appearance of a supernatural person will be noticed, but how do you Wasn't it discovered?"

Seeing Yuan Chen not talking, Li Xiao didn't consciously shut up and eat, but asked Yuan Chen, he wanted to know a lot, but he knew Yuan Chen would not tell him, so he also used this method , He said that the supernatural organization would definitely find out, so he felt that Yuan Chen would definitely be curious, but is Yuan Chen really that kind of person?Hey, it really is!

"Supernatural organization? What is that? Not interested, but why are they aware of the appearance of supernatural beings?"

Yuan Chen is not curious about what the hell that supernatural organization is, but he is very curious about the sentence that as long as there are supernatural people appear, they will be discovered by the supernatural organization. Like?

"Hey, I can tell you what you want, but you have to tell me what your supernatural power is, and let me see your supernatural power!"

When Yuan Chen said that he was not interested in that supernatural organization, Li Xiao was also speechless. Aren't you curious?Are you a supernatural being too?Don't you want to know more of your kind?

If Yuan Chen could hear it, he would definitely scoff at it, because there is really nothing to know about it, because Yuan Chen knows that there may never be a third person with spiritual power in this world, because This ability can't be awakened just by saying it's awakened!

Like Yuan Chen himself, it was because he was authorized by the manager of the different dimension to become a cleaner of the different dimension, so he was able to receive garbage from various dimensions, and it was because he accidentally picked up garbage from the dimension of devouring the starry sky that he awakened Mental power, and in the end, it was because of the help of garbage from various dimensions that Yuan Chen's spiritual power was where it is today!

If relying on the resources on the earth, Yuan Chen is probably at the level of just awakening now, because at least Yuan Chen has not found any substances on the earth that can enhance spiritual power!
What happened to Rowling was even more outrageous. Before she was born, her mother was sucked into the vortex space, and in the vortex space, her body was taken up by souls from other dimensions. Then Rowling was born, so Rowling was born with spiritual power!
However, although her mental power is powerful, she doesn't know how to develop and utilize it herself, so her mental power has been in a state of ineffectiveness from time to time. Fortunately, Yuan Chen has helped her control it now. As long as she can fully use it, her mental power Strength is stronger than Yuan Chen's, not weaker!
"My power circle? How do you know that I have condensed the power circle?"

Yuan Chen said, although he didn't deliberately hide anything, he was also curious about how Li Xiao knew!
"Nonsense, I don't believe that such a powerful supernatural user doesn't have a supernatural halo!"

Li Xiao looked down on Yuan Chen, isn't that just nonsense?If a person who can fly himself with a single punch does not have a supernatural circle, then there must be few people in the whole country who can condense a supernatural circle!
"No one taught me how to condense?"

Yuan Chen is the same as Li Xiao, I was born and raised here, okay, no one taught me okay, if it wasn't for my luck, I would have never had the chance to learn it when I met two supernatural beings fighting!

"That's right, then do you know how? No, I'll teach you!"

Li Xiao thought for a while, and felt that what Yuan Chen said made sense, so he nodded, thinking that if Yuan Chen really couldn't, he would teach him himself. It would be a waste if such a talented person couldn't condense the power circle, okay? ?
"I saw two supernatural beings fight before, and I learned a little...well, I will!"

Yuan Chen originally said that casually, but when he saw Li Xiao's contemptuous eyes, he could only change his words, and he really learned it!
"Really? Come on, let me see what attribute you are, are you of water attribute like me?"

Li Xiao was also very excited when he heard Yuan Chen say that he was able to condense the supernatural circle of light, although he had never stopped eating his chopsticks, chatting with Yuan Chen while eating, because the fish was really delicious , he was not willing to put down his chopsticks at all!
Yuan Chen also shook his head speechlessly, he could only start to condense his supernatural circle, anyway, only supernatural beings can see things like such a supernatural circle, so Yuan Chen didn't care, just condensed it in this restaurant come out!

But what Yuan Chen didn't expect was that when he condensed the supernatural circle, Li Xiao, who had been eating fish, actually put down his chopsticks. up!
"Are you OK?"

Yuan Chen stared at Li Xiao in front of him speechlessly. Although his special ability halo is a bit special, you don't want to make such an expression, okay? Is it good to be able?
"This is... the legendary white power circle?"

Li Xiao didn't pay attention to Yuan Chen at all, and just said to himself, anyway, he was stunned, he didn't expect that this is just the legendary supernatural halo that just appeared in front of him like this!

They have investigated countless times, wanting to find the person with the white power halo, but they couldn't find it. They didn't expect to meet him next door to his uncle's house today. I really have to say that this world is really real. It's very small!
"The legendary? What the hell?"

Hearing Li Xiao muttering to himself, Yuan Chen was also taken aback, what does this mean? His white power halo is a bit special, but why has it become a legend!

(End of this chapter)

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