Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 301 Ability Detector

Chapter 301 Ability Detector

Yuan Chen also did not expect that the supernatural halo that he condensed would surprise Li Xiao to the point that his chopsticks would fall off. If he had known this effect earlier, Yuan Chen would have condensed it long ago. Now that the fish is almost finished, the chopsticks What's the point of dropping it, but if you don't eat it, you don't want to eat it. Taking advantage of Li Xiao's chopsticks falling off, Yuan Chen quickly picked up a piece of fish tail and ate it. Well, the meat of the fish tail is the best!

"By the way, what happened to the legendary white power circle you mentioned? Could it be the level of my power circle? Is the legend the highest level, or is there an epic level on it?"

Yuan Chen asked curiously while eating fish, anyway, he is eating now, and he is idle when he is idle, so let's just listen to the story. I used to see supernatural beings, supernatural organizations, and dragon groups in novels. What, it's good to have the opportunity to listen to the stories of the supernatural beings in reality now!
Eating cold pool white fish, listening to short stories, it would be even better if there is a glass of good wine, eating a piece of meat and drinking a sip of wine, this life is really leisurely and wonderful... Unfortunately, now is not the time to drink, Yuan Chen still has to drive later, even old drivers can't drink and drive, do you know that, besides, he has to avenge No. 37 and them later, this wine is absolutely unacceptable!
"Your epic, you think it's a game, you think it's a novel, it's still a legend, it's an epic, and it's mutated. Let me tell you, this is a saying that is circulating in the organization of supernatural beings. This saying is only for some older generations. Only people who know it, I also heard from the old man in my family, um, it is my grandfather!"

Li Xiao said that he knows these things because of his special status. If he is not the king of soldiers of this generation, there are many tasks that need to be completed by him. With his level of supernatural ability, he is still unable to know such things. Degree!
There has always been a legend in the world of supernatural powers. It is said that when two capable people with white supernatural halos appear in this world, a superpower with black supernatural halos will follow, and only this Only when two strong men with white power halos unite can they fight against the person with black power halos!
"That is to say, the maintenance of world peace will fall on my shoulders in the future?"

Hearing Li Xiao's words, Yuan Chen also nodded, and said, this kind of thing is just read in the novel, how could it happen in the real world, I am not the protagonist in the novel, this kind of maintenance of world peace is left to the Here you go, I still sell my fish with peace of mind and develop my technology!
"Yeah, the legend goes like this!"

Li Xiao nodded in affirmation. According to the old man at home, it is indeed true. He didn't believe it before, but now he believes it, because he really met the legendary man with the white power circle. The strong!
"Okay, since you haven't answered my question yet, why can people from the supernatural organization be able to discover the appearance of every supernatural person? Is there any powerful supernatural person with the ability to predict? Which place is predicted to have the birth of supernatural beings?"

Yuan Chen is obviously more curious about why the appearance of supernatural beings is known. He is not interested in that legend. After all, it is a legendary thing. If the legends are true, then there are gods and so on. That's why Yuan Chen doesn't believe in legends!

"Your sister, do you think this is the world of novels? What other supernatural beings have the ability to predict? In fact, it is very easy to know the appearance of supernatural beings, because as long as you have a supernatural detector, all supernatural beings are There is nothing to hide, the original price is 980 yuan, now it only costs 98, 98 yuan you can’t buy it, you can’t lose money, you can’t be fooled, but you can take a supernatural detector home!”

As Li Xiao spoke, he revealed a watch-like thing on his hand. After Yuan Chen took a closer look, he realized that it was not a watch at all, but something like a Dragon Ball radar, and there was a red circle on the watch. Little by little, it's obvious that it's Dragon Ball... no wonder!
It's the bead...the bead is the bead...it's not the bead...

"I'm going, high-tech products?"

Yuan Chen was also amazed when he saw the supernatural detector in Li Xiao's hand. He didn't expect that there are such high-end things in this world, and Yuan Chen's supernatural beings can also be detected!

"Hey, this is the benefit of joining the superhuman organization!"

Li Xiao said, and then explained to Yuan Chen the working principle of this supernatural detector. It turns out that every person with supernatural powers will have some special light waves, and these light waves are usually invisible to the naked eye. Radio waves, microwaves, infrared light, ultraviolet light, x-rays, gamma rays, far-infrared rays, etc., are invisible to human eyes!
The wavelength of electromagnetic waves that ordinary people's eyes can perceive is between 400 and 700 nanometers, but there are still some people who can perceive electromagnetic waves with a wavelength between 380 and 780 nanometers, but after all, this is a minority, and it is emitted by supernatural beings It's not electromagnetic waves, is it?
Anyway, it is such a high-tech thing, it was developed because of the needs of the novel, it can detect the appearance of supernatural beings according to different wavelengths, and the most important thing is when supernatural beings awaken, or when they are born At that time, the supernatural person will burst out with a very obvious wavelength, so it is easy to detect!
"Is this thing expensive?"

Yuan Chen's focus is obviously misplaced again, but he likes this thing very much. If he can own this thing, he can see the supernatural beings around him without looking at the supernatural light circle. After shaking, it can reach nearby supernatural beings!

"It's not expensive, only 98... ten thousand, but as long as you join the supernatural organization, you can have it for free!"

Li Xiao said, now he looks like a salesman, and he also looks like an organization to pull people!

"Cut, don't add!"

"Well, you seem to have cut it just now, saying that after joining the organization, you can make many friends with supernatural powers..."

"Cut, don't add!"

"Well, you seem to have cut it again just now. It is said that after joining the organization, you can get a lot of resources from the organization..."

"Cut, don't add, I'll buy one, and give me the account number!"

Yuan Chen said that after joining the organization, he would have to work hard for the organization. He was just an honest rural fisherman, so don't join!

"Okay, I'll give you one!"

Seeing that he couldn't win over Yuan Chen, Li Xiao felt helpless, why didn't this guy get in?

(ps: Don’t think that this chapter is a chapter that doesn’t matter. Let me tell you, it’s a chapter that doesn’t matter... Don’t be angry with your parents. This chapter is really an important pitfall!)
(End of this chapter)

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