Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 302 Go, take revenge

Chapter 302 Go, take revenge

In fact, the superhuman detectors are given to supernatural beings for free. Li Xiao just wanted to use this thing to trick Yuan Chen into the superhuman organization. When many supernatural beings just awakened, they would be discovered by superhuman organizations, because many supernatural beings who suddenly awakened were poor people. Otherwise, how could there be rich people relying on technology and poor people relying on mutations!

In fact, this kind of argument is not unreasonable, because some poor people can wake up at the moment when they can't bear it after they have suffered, and few of the rich people have encountered desperation at all, because they can use money. The problems to be solved are no longer problems, so the ancients had the great mission of heaven and earth, so people must first suffer from their minds and wills, work their muscles and bones, starve their bodies and skins, empty their bodies, and mess up their actions, so To tempt the heart and endure, once benefit what it can't say!
Therefore, whoever wants to achieve great things must first make his mind suffer, his muscles and bones must be exhausted, his body will be starved, his body will be exhausted, and everything he does will be disturbed and disrupted. , so as to shake his mind, toughen his character, and increase the talents he lacks!
And those pampered people are rarely able to awaken successfully, so supernatural organizations often use these things to lure those supernatural beings who have just awakened but are very poor, promising to provide them with cultivation resources or something!

As for the richer supernatural beings, there is no need to worry about supernatural being organizations at all, because such supernatural beings are generally inherited, and their supernatural powers are inherited from the previous generation or the next generation, and these The families of the supernatural beings are inextricably linked to the supernatural organization, so they will also allow many of their descendants to join the supernatural organization!
As for Yuan Chen, who has awakened supernatural powers himself and is rich, general supernatural organizations will adopt the best way to let him join the supernatural organization. If he can't let him join, then kill him directly... ...How is it possible, if he is not willing to join, it is natural to make friends with him, and of course not to let him have any hostility towards the supernatural organization!
"This thing was given to me?"

Yuan Chen took the watch that Li Xiao handed over and looked at it. It was not bad. It was really like a little Dragon Ball Radar. Radar told me, where are all the supernatural beings in this world hiding?

Yuan Chen followed Li Xiao's prompt, pressed a few buttons, and then entered the fingerprint binding, and then the watch worth 98 was handed over to him for free!
Looking at the superficial content above, Yuan Chen also nodded, the white dot is himself, the other supernatural beings are red dots, and the newly awakened supernatural beings are black, because at that time their supernatural powers The abilities have not been completely controlled yet, so if you have the ability, you can rush over to help those supernatural beings awaken!
Then when they stabilized, you can have a good talk with them, such as letting them join the big family of the organization of supernatural beings. Of course, this last point is the most important. Why are there so many supernatural beings, eating rice?Certainly not, could it be possible to summon the dragon by collecting seven supernatural beings, wow!

Yuan Chen looked at the psychic detector in his hand, there was a red dot on it, and that red dot was obviously Li Xiao, but Yuan Chen was not found in Li Xiao's psychic detector, and he didn't know it was What's going on!

"Hey, the white one is me, and the red one is the supernatural being. Well, if I see my colleagues in the future, I can go over and say hello!"

Yuan Chen looked at the psychic detector in his hand and said, this thing is fun and easy to use, and it won't make people addicted. It really is a must-have when going out, and it's the best choice for killing people and stealing goods!
"What white point?"

Hearing Yuan Chen's words, Li Xiao was also taken aback. Why is there no white dots on his supernatural detector? There are only two dots on his detector, one is red and the other is black!
"Ah, this is it?"

Yuan Chen was also taken aback, didn't you see the white dot that represents him?The old driver who agreed to take me to fly, how could I not see this, didn't he say that he wanted to take me to abuse food?
"I'll go, why don't I have one here?"

Li Xiao was taken aback. He has been using this superhuman detector for decades, because he has been using this supernatural detector since he joined the army, because it is made of a special alloy. Yes, there is no possibility of it being broken at all, so he has never changed it!
"You're not giving me a broken supernatural detector, are you?"

Yuan Chen gave Li Xiao a blank look. What's going on? Is it because I didn't join the superhuman organization that they discriminated against me?But mine seems to be relatively high-end, and it can show itself, why can't yours?

"I don't know about this either. When you get the time, ask the organization. You can use it first. It looks like yours is a relatively high-end one, okay?"

Li Xiao also curled his lips, but he understood something in his heart. Maybe it was because Yuan Chen was a special kind of supernatural being that he showed himself, or maybe he wore the supernatural ability given by the organization because he didn't join the organization. Can detect the instrument, that's why I appear around. This is a means of the organization, constantly reminding the supernatural beings who have not joined the supernatural organization to join the organization quickly!

"Okay, let's leave it at that, are you full?"

Yuan Chen wiped his mouth and said, he was full, but just now Li Xiao was beside him showing surprise, so Yuan Chen didn't know if he was full or not!
"Uh, okay!"

Li Xiao was also taken aback. He looked down at the dishes on the table, and there were no more dishes. This made him feel like [-] horses galloping past. He said that he is a guest anyway. I'll give you Barabara. I talked a lot, but you actually ate up those cold pond fish over there, how can there be people like you!

"That's good, let's go, the dog should wake up!"

Hearing Li Xiao's words, Yuan Chen also nodded, since you are full, then it's time for us to get down to business!
Immediately, the two returned to the place where the dogs were kept. Once inside, they saw No. 37 and NO. Surrounded by dogs, they seem to be in good spirits!

"Let's go, let's take revenge!"

Yuan Chen looked at No. 37 who was missing an ear in front of him, a trace of anger flashed across his face, it was time for revenge!

(End of this chapter)

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