Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 333 Real Garbage

Chapter 333 Real Garbage

While complaining, Yuan Chen cleaned up the garbage. Unwillingly, Yuan Chen checked these things again, but he really didn't find anything that had nothing to do with this world. They were all domestic garbage in this world. In the end, Yuan Chen had to Admit it, I was really cheated!

Yuan Chen's heart really hurts, 88 experience points, even if he was cheated of 88, he still feels heartbroken without the 88 experience points, and he was almost able to upgrade his QQ, just a little bit less experience points That's all, although I don't know what new functions will be available after the upgrade, even if there are no new functions, even if it's just an upgrade to the next version, it's better than being cheated, 88 experience points, just give it to someone else, change it Heap domestic garbage!
"No, why am I picking up such a pile of garbage here!"

Yuan Chen suddenly realized, what is he doing here to clean up this pile of rubbish, anyway, just 88...my 88 experience points... the mainland has already said, even if you clean it up yourself, it's useless, this thing won't increase Experience is worth it, so I just need to find someone who cleans up the garbage and clean it up, can't I?
Thinking of this, Yuan Chen clapped his hands, and instead of cleaning up, he called directly to ask the garbage collector to come over. Anyway, it's all domestic garbage in this world, so even if you ask someone to collect it, it won't be a problem at all!

But just to be on the safe side, he still threw in the garbage that had been sorted before, to see if he had any experience, but obviously, without any experience, Yuan Chen could only really give up!
Soon, the garbage collectors came over. After all, this is a single-family villa area. When Yuan Chen lived in the old house, he cleaned up the old house and asked someone to come over to clean up the garbage. He waited for a long time and urged him three or four times, but he didn't come. , In the end, I came here after giving a relatively good price!
But this time they didn't say anything, well, they actually said it, they said they would arrive in 10 minutes, and then they arrived in 8 minutes, very efficient, they came with a garbage truck, and two people came, but when they saw After arriving at Yuan Chen's garbage dump, he silently made a phone call and called two cars again!
Then I discussed the price with Yuan Chen. Coincidentally, the person who negotiated the price with Yuan Chen was the person who went to Yuan Chen's old house to clean up the garbage. That person also recognized Yuan Chen, which was a bit embarrassing. Two years ago The poor student who was despised by himself now lives in this kind of detached villa, and he was the head of the cleaner two years ago... he is still the head of the cleaner, but fortunately their company is a large garbage cleaning company, so although he is I am a cleaner, but I am still very happy to do it, the job is stable, and the salary... is also stable!

"Well, Mr. Yuan, hello, old acquaintance, I will give you a discount, clean up the garbage, and charge you 880!"

The head cleaner estimated the amount of rubbish, and then quoted a price. Originally, Yuan Chen heard that an acquaintance offered a discount, so he nodded, but when he heard the price, he shook his head!
"That... No need, let's charge as much as you want, after all, there is so much garbage, I can't let you suffer too much!"

Yuan Chen waved his hand, you can get a discount if you want, can't you just charge 666?No, it’s okay to accept 88, why do you accept 88, do you know that I was cheated of [-] experience points, did you do it, you say, you say, is it you?

"Hehe, Mr. Yuan is really generous, so let's charge you 1000 yuan, then shall we work now?"

The head cleaner asked with a smile, since Yuan Chen said to charge at the original price, then let's charge at the original price. Mr. Yuan Chen is real, he looked down on others before, he really looks down on others!

"Well, pack it up!"

Yuan Chen nodded his head, but he was scolding in his heart. If you tell me not to discount it, then you really won’t discount it. Can you charge [-]?Huh, my sister, hurry up and clean it up for me, labor and management have to accept new garbage, so busy!
"Mr. Yuan, is this going to be cleaned up too?"

Just when Yuan Chen felt sorry for the money and experience points, a female cleaner came over and asked Yuan Chen, Yuan Chen was taken aback, and looked in the direction of the female cleaner's finger, just in time to see her folded underwear... ...Of course, it's the garbage from the vortex, and the old face turns red with a swipe!

"Ahem, yes, it's all cleaned up, it's all cleaned up, and I don't know who lost it. Alas, I haven't been home for a few months, and it has become a garbage dump!"

Yuan Chen nodded and signaled her to clean it up, but the cleaner's eyes were full of disbelief, who threw underwear at your house and folded it so neatly, but she couldn't say anything, after all, she had Money man!
After more than an hour, those six people cleaned up Yuan Chen's yard. During the period, they found a key inside and handed it to Yuan Chen. Yuan Chen saw that it belonged to his own house. Maybe I was so sad that I didn't even know I lost it. Fortunately, they picked it up. If some people with bad intentions picked it up, they might touch my home in the middle of the night, although I am not afraid!
After sending those people away, Yuan Chen couldn't wait to click on his mobile phone QQ, then opened the group file, looked at the new junk file, smiled, clicked receive, spent a little experience, and then started Downloading the file, the downloading speed is very slow, but Yuan Chen is very happy, the downloading is slow, haha, genuine!
After the file is downloaded, the old rule is that a vortex should appear. Sure enough, a vortex appeared in the sky, spinning slowly, and then spit out a lot of garbage!
At this time, An Cai'er, who was closing her eyes and resting her mind, saw this scene and the corners of her eyes twitched. Brother Yuan Chen's vortex is really powerful. Not only can it swallow people, but it can also spit out so much... Uh, rubbish, no, I have to practice hard Just thinking about it, An Cai'er closed her eyes again!
But Yuan Chen looked at the rubbish all over the floor, but smiled happily, because there were many things in the rubbish this time that he had never seen before, that is to say, the rubbish this time definitely did not come from his own world , but from a different dimension!
"Haha, finally there is a new piece of garbage from another dimension!"

Yuan Chen smiled, this is the only hope after the hardships. Although he still doesn't know which dimension the garbage comes from, but according to the past rules, there will always be one suitable for him among so many garbage, so he can be happy in advance up!

According to the habit, Yuan Chen used his mental strength to detect first, and after finding that there were no living things, Yuan Chen began to rummage through the garbage, and silently sorted the garbage!

While rummaging through the garbage, Yuan Chen is also looking for clues about the source of the garbage. This is also one of his interests in cleaning up garbage, so he doesn't check the small video first every time!

 Thank you Xiaoshuai for the reward of 688, well, I will arrange for the dragon set, but Continent [-] has already arranged for the Dou Qi Continent, so I can only change it. By the way, the little zombie is also because he likes the number seven, so he put his favorite "Fights Break Sphere" is scheduled for the [-]th!

(End of this chapter)

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