Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 334 Dragon Pattern

Chapter 334 Dragon Pattern
Yuan Chen looked at the rubbish all over the floor, he was in a good mood, the 88 experience points he was cheated before, and the bad emotions brought about by the more than 1000 yuan spent cleaning up the rubbish were all thrown away by him one by one!

Although I still don't know which dimension these rubbish come from, but no matter which dimension it is, it will not be the world I am in anyway, and as long as it is not the rubbish of this world, there may be some suitable for me. Rubbish!
Yuan Chen used to spend a little experience points to receive garbage and would feel distressed, but now he won't. After being cheated of 88 experience points and buying a bunch of real garbage, now he feels that it is absolutely worth it to receive so many good things with a little experience points!
"But... which world is this garbage from?"

Yuan Chen carefully inspected the pile of rubbish in front of him, and found nothing alive, then he put on his gloves and began to rummage through it. The rubbish seemed to be household rubbish, including pots and pans, and a pile of similar ancient But it was so weird, and if the pattern on it didn't look like any sign of the times on earth, he might have thought it was ancient household garbage!

Just do what you say, Yuan Chen rummaged carefully wearing gloves and a mask. The garbage is very smelly, but Yuan Chen is very excited. If someone sees a young man laughing on a pile of stinking garbage, he will surely Can't help but curse, Hentai!

But scolding is all scolding, Yuan Chen is still very excited when he should be excited. With so much rubbish, there must be a lot of good things. As long as there is one that can be used, then he will make a lot of money this time!
However, the longer Yuan Chen rummaged, the less excited his face was, because until now, the things he found were basically clothes and pots and pans, although there are no Pink hooded yellow gauze underwear, and no light purple lace underwear, but these weird clothes are of no use to Yuan Chen!

"Fuck, you won't be tricked a second time, right?"

Yuan Chen roared in his heart, he couldn't be so unlucky, it would be sad to encounter two times full of domestic garbage, but fortunately, this time the garbage was thrown into the void space, no matter what, he could get back two or three One point of experience points, after all, there is a lot of garbage, it doesn't matter if it is hard or tiring... Why do you feel inexplicably sad?

"Huh? What is this?"

Suddenly, when Yuan Chen pulled out a piece of wood, a box appeared underneath. The box seemed to be a bit broken, and the box seemed to be made of thin bamboo. Originally, Yuan Chen was not surprised by such a box. It is inlaid with a sparkling green crystal!

Although Yuan Chen's common sense tells him that among so much rubbish, the thing inlaid on a broken box is at most a broken glass ball!
But Yuan Chen's intuition told him that this "broken glass ball" couldn't be an ordinary thing, so he took out the bamboo box without saying a word, because he chose to believe in intuition and not common sense!
Yuan Chen took a look at the bamboo box, the outside was dirty, the lid was missing a corner, and there was a hole on the side of the box, which looked very "chic". Yuan Chen tried to pinch it, surprised I found that this bamboo box is not as fragile as it looks!

Yuan Chen took a closer look, the emerald on it was shiny green, it looked good, even if Yuan Chen wasn't a girl, his eyes sparkled, this thing is money!

Yuan Chen tried to open the bamboo box, and it was not as difficult as he imagined. He opened it with a light force, but there was nothing inside, only a pile of dirt, which gave off a foul smell. Yuan Chen poured the dirt out, and There was nothing, so Yuan Chen had no choice but to cover the lid and put it aside, but fortunately, the emerald on it was not small, enough to make Yuan Chen's heart flutter!
With this harvest, Yuan Chen also felt that it was worth it. No matter how hard and tiring it is, it is worthwhile to be able to gain experience points and have unexpected gains at the same time. Therefore, Yuan Chen at this time is particularly motivated to work, pack up his things The speed is also accelerated a lot!
However, no matter how fast one works alone, it won't go anywhere, so Yuan Chen didn't sort all the garbage into categories until night fell, and put them on the ground, and then Yuan Chen clapped his hands, ready to confirm the garbage for the last time. Will throw useless garbage into the empty space!
First, there are some stones and wood blocks, which are found in almost every dimension. Yuan Chen guessed that it might be that when the vortex sucks up the garbage, the suction force unconsciously sucks the layer of soil or stones under the garbage to the ground. Suck it up!

Now, every time the soil is filled, Yuan Chen almost lets it fill in his own yard. After all, it is more troublesome to clean the soil, so Yuan Chen is too lazy to clean it, but it will be obvious if the stones and boards are thrown here. It takes up space, so Yuan Chen will clean it up!

There is nothing wrong with rubbish such as stones and planks, all of which are useless. Stones are not ores, nor are they spiritual stones, just ordinary stones, and planks are basically rotten and useless, even if they are used to light fire I can't give birth either!

Next is the pots and pans. Yuan Chen checked them carefully. The design is quite beautiful, but these things are either missing corners or holes, so they are all useless, and Yuan Chen didn't use other people's bowls. The habit of chopsticks, and although these things look like ancient times, they actually have no historical value at all, or in other words, these things cannot all be antiques!
Therefore, there is no doubt that these things are also veritable useless garbage. After that, there are three guqins. At the moment of the guqin, the guqin was torn apart, and all three were like this. From the wreckage, it can be seen that the workmanship of the three guqin is very exquisite, and the carved pictures on it are also exquisite, but now they are just a pile of rotten wood. !

Finally, there is a pile of clothes. Some of these clothes seem to be wearable, but Yuan Chen has no interest in wearing these clothes. Let alone wearing these clothes outside, even if you wear them at home, you will be despised of!
However, Yuan Chen still kept the ones that were not tattered. Although he didn't wear them himself, some people might like them. After all, the world is so big and there are so many wonderful things. If you don't want it, someone will always want it!

"Huh? What is this pattern?"

While tidying up those clothes, Yuan Chen was stunned for a moment when he saw the pattern embroidered on a intact dress!
"This is... a dragon?"

(End of this chapter)

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