Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 346 Please listen to me

Chapter 346 Please listen to me

Mr. Zhou Xinfu took a look at Yuan Chen. He didn't know if he didn't believe Yuan Chen. He thought Yuan Chen was too young or he was afraid that Yuan Chen would be involved. He shook his head and said sorry to Yuan Chen!

"Dad, I finally brought Yuan Chen here, why did you drive him away?"

Zhou Mingxia was a little annoyed when she saw her father kicking people away. She didn't even look at the people she brought here, so she just wanted to chase them away!

"I'm in good health now, there's no need, you can go too!"

Zhou Xinfu waved his hand, signaling that he didn't need it, and told Zhou Mingxia and the others to go back!

"Dad, since Xiaoxia is back, why are you driving her away again!"

Zhou Minghao said, his father usually mentioned Xiaoxia, why did he chase her away when he was in front of him!

"I'm going to drive her away. Didn't I say it before? If you can't make any achievements in the zoo, you won't come back?"

Zhou Xinfu suddenly shouted angrily, checking the time from time to time!

"Hehe, Dad, you are wrong this time. You have ignored the outside world these past few years. Xiaoxia's Xiaguang Zoo is now a well-known zoo in the whole province, and it has also won the championship of this year's animal exhibition. Now the zoo in the whole province is the most famous of her Xiaguang!"

Obviously, Zhou Mingtao knew something about Zhou Mingxia's affairs, and he only started to pay attention to Zhou Mingxia's zoo when he was helping Zhou Mingxia before, so he still had some understanding of Xiaguang's affairs!

"This... Anyway, hurry up, it's almost ten o'clock!"

Mr. Zhou Xinfu was taken aback. He didn't expect that his daughter would actually be able to develop the zoo to the first place in the province one day. Before that, he always felt that his daughter's business philosophy was problematic, and he kept adopting stray animals. How can this business be done? !

But after thinking about it, he still waved to Zhou Mingxia, signaling her to leave quickly, and said something inexplicable!
"Dad, what are you talking about, Xiaoxia finally came back, she has to have a meal before leaving, she hasn't eaten yet, and you started chasing people after ten o'clock!"

This time it was Zhou Mingliang who spoke, that is, the fat middle-aged man. He also couldn't figure it out, what happened to his father?
"It's almost ten o'clock, don't eat, let's go!"

Mr. Zhou Xinfu shook his head, but he still didn't want Zhou Mingxia to stay here!

"Dad, what's the matter?"

Zhou Minghao also felt that something was wrong. The old man often mentioned it, why did he change his normal routine today? Could it be that his anger has not subsided after so many years?
"Mr. Zhou, how is your spirit today? Hey, everyone is here. This is... Zhou Mingxia!"

At this time, there was a burst of laughter outside, and then a middle-aged man about 50 years old came in, tall and thin, with a pale complexion, yes, it was pale!

Seeing the person in front of them, everyone also understood, why did they forget this, the person in front of them is the hypnotist Huang Zhong they invited earlier!
This man fell in love with Zhou Mingxia and threatened them with the sleep of Mr. Zhou Xinfu, and if he was not allowed to marry Zhou Mingxia, he would stop treating him. The three of them thought it was nothing. If you don't treat him, I'll just find someone else!
But they found a lot of people who claimed to be hypnotizers. After trying to hypnotize Mr. Zhou Xinfu a few times, they found that there was no effect. Looking at the old father who was getting more and more haggard, the three brothers had to temporarily agree to Huang Zhong's request!
That's why Zhou Minghao went to find Zhou Mingxia. In fact, he just thought that Zhou Mingxia's presence would delay Huang Zhong for a while, and he wanted to find a new hypnotist from abroad to come back!

But he hadn't told Zhou Mingxia about his plan yet, so Huang Zhong came over, and now he knew why his father kept emphasizing ten o'clock and wanted Zhou Mingxia to go back. It turned out that his father had agreed with Huang Zhong to treat him at ten o'clock!
"Hey, hello, let me introduce myself, my name is Huang Zhong, your fiancé!"

The hypnotist Huang Zhong smiled, introduced himself, and then stretched out his hand to shake hands with Zhou Mingxia, but Zhou Mingxia didn't even look at him!
"Mr. Zhou, with your daughter's attitude, it's really hard for me to treat you any longer!"

Seeing Zhou Mingxia ignoring him, Huang Zhong was also a little angry, and said very rudely to Zhou Xinfu!

"Hey, let's go, my daughter can't marry you!"

Zhou Xinfu sighed, then waved to Huang Zhong, it was too late to say anything now, so now he did not chase Zhou Mingxia, but chased Huang Zhong instead!

"Mr. Zhou, you have to think about it. Now I am the only one who can cure your insomnia. I think you should be clear. You have hired other hypnotists before. Don't think I don't know. In the end, I didn't want me to help you. to fall asleep!"

Seeing Zhou Xinfu driving him away, Huang Zhong was not angry, but smiled and said!

"You...Even if I never sleep again in my life, I will never let my daughter marry someone like you!"

Hearing Huang Zhong's words, Zhou Xinfu was very angry. After working hard for many years, he has received many threats, and he has not survived!
"That's what you said, don't come to me then!"

Huang Zhong was also angry when he heard this sentence, okay, you have the ability, if you have the ability, you will not sleep in the future, how long can you bear just now, after you finish speaking, you turn around and prepare to leave!

"Mr. Huang, please stop. Just now my father said that because he didn't sleep well last night. Forgive me, I will tell her about Xiaoxia properly!"

Seeing that Huang Zhong was about to leave, Zhou Mingliang hurried up to apologize. If Huang Zhong left at this time, he didn't know how long it would take to find a hypnotist abroad. During this period, Zhou Xinfu couldn't stay awake all the time. If he really didn't , then even if the masters from abroad are invited back, they cannot be saved!
"Yes, we will all persuade my sister, right, second brother!"

Zhou Mingtao also stepped forward and said, as long as Zhou Mingxia can hold him back for a while, they will have enough time to find a foreign hypnotist!

But this time Zhou Minghao was very strange and didn't help!

"I don't need it, you can go, I slept well last night!"

Seeing that his two sons wanted to save them, Zhou Xinfu couldn't help saying even more angrily!

"That's what you said. Without me, I'll see how you sleep soundly. Then don't come to beg me. Even if you strip your daughter and send me to bed, I may not be willing to come, hum!"

After speaking, he left without looking back. Hearing his words, Zhou Mingliang and the others were also very angry, but they were helpless. It can be said that his father's life is in the hands of this person!
"Let's go, what should we do now?"

(End of this chapter)

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