Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 347 Please listen to me

Chapter 347 Please listen to me

Seeing that Huang Zhong really left, Zhou Mingliang and Zhou Mingtao also shook their heads helplessly. They really don't know what to do now. Where do they go to find a hypnotist who can cure their father's insomnia? !

They had looked for it before, all the well-known hypnotists in China, and none of them could really cure Zhou Xinfu's insomnia, even the most powerful one, just let his father sleep for two hours time, and it's not deep sleep!
"Oh, how can I do this?"

Zhou Mingliang was also anxious. Once Huang Zhong left, even if his sister agreed to deal with him, it would be of no avail. Could it be that he really had to sacrifice his sister to marry him?That was impossible, even if Zhou Mingxia agreed, she would not agree!
"What should I do? How do you brothers do things, just push your sister into the fire pit like this? Let me tell you, even if I die, I can't compromise, cough cough cough!"

Hearing Zhou Mingliang's words, Mr. Zhou Xinfu was obviously very angry, cursed a few words, and then coughed non-stop!
"Dad, brother, they are also looking for your body for your body. They came back to me this time, probably to let me deal with that person!"

Seeing Zhou Xinfu's non-stop coughing, Zhou Mingxia quickly ran forward to pat Zhou Xinfu on the back, and then explained to Zhou Mingliang and the others that she was as smart as she had seen through everything!
"It turns out that Xiaoxia, you have already seen it, you have already seen it, why dad can't see it!"

Zhou Mingtao saw Zhou Mingxia express their thoughts, he sighed and said!
"Why can't I see it, but it doesn't work. My daughter is just like this. Even if it's fake, I can't let Xiaoxia deal with that kind of person!"

Hearing Zhou Mingtao's words, Mr. Zhou stared in anger again. If his body didn't allow him, he would have gone up to beat someone!

"Dad, don't be angry, brother and the others are also doing it for your own good!"

Zhou Mingxia's eyes were red, looking at her father who had aged a lot, tears rolled in her eyes!

"Oh, Xiaoxia is sensible now!"

Zhou Xinfu looked at Zhou Mingxia, sighed, and said, if two years ago, he taught his son a lesson, this girl would be thankful that she wouldn't be around to stir up trouble, but now she is speaking for my brothers!
"In the past, it was Xiaoxia who was wrong and kept making Dad angry. I promise I won't do it in the future!"

After today's incident, Zhou Mingxia also understood that no matter how much she quarreled with her father, her father would always put her safety first!

"There is no overnight feud between father and daughter. They are still crying when they are so old. Maybe it was right for you to choose to stay outside and fight on your own in the past two years. If you choose to stay at home, maybe you will go far under the shelter of home. But as long as you lose your home, you will fall very hard. Dad just didn't want you to leave, I was selfish!"

Mr. Zhou Xinfu wiped away Zhou Mingxia's tears, smiled and shook his head and said!

"Okay, you two, father and daughter, will have a lot of time to reminisce about the past, now you should think about how to find a powerful hypnotist, or invite Teacher Zhang Qi over, even if you can only sleep for two hours a day, it's better than nothing Be good!"

Zhou Mingliang looked at the two who started to reminisce about the old days, his eyes were a little dry, he wiped them off and said!
"All right!"

Mr. Zhou Xinfu hesitated for a moment, then nodded. Although he said that just now, it was to protect his daughter. No one is really not afraid of death, so he agreed!
"Dad, let Yuan Chen try it first!"

At this time, Zhou Mingxia said, Yuan Chen was brought by her, and she also believed in Yuan Chen, so naturally she wanted Yuan Chen to try it!
"This young man... is too young!"

At this time, everyone remembered that there was someone like Yuan Chen in the room, and they forgot for a moment just now, how low this sense of existence is!

"Dad, don't look at Yuan Chen's young age, he is very capable. Don't you know how your daughter looks at people?"

Zhou Mingxia smiled. She thought Yuan Chen was young before, but after seeing Yuan Chen's abilities, she no longer underestimated others!
"This... can it work?"

Mr. Zhou Xinfu said with a smile, he knew his daughter's vision, and he was quite accurate in judging people from the past!
"Dad, let Mr. Yuan try it. I've seen his hypnotism before, and it's no worse than Teacher Zhang Qi!"

At this time, Zhou Minghao who had been silent all this time suddenly spoke!
"Oh? Okay, then I'll try!"

Zhou Xinfu didn't expect his second son to say that. He knew that his daughter had a good eye for people, but she liked to favor acquaintances. But his second son was different. It's accurate and doesn't take sides with anyone!
"Hehe, little friend Yuan Chen, I wonder if you are willing to treat this old man's insomnia that has plagued me for many years?"

Thinking of this, Zhou Xinfu also looked at Yuan Chen and asked!
Yuan Chen who was standing in the corner was also taken aback, is he going to play?You thought you were going to get a lunch box?By the way, why did your speaking style change when you came here?

"The old man was joking, as long as you are willing, then Yuan Chen will sing a song with Junge, please listen to me!"

Yuan Chen waved his hand and said in an ancient style!

"Ahem, I can understand my little friend in Mandarin, so please!"

Mr. Zhou Xinfu obviously didn't expect Yuan Chen to follow his route all the way to the dark, so he coughed lightly and reminded Yuan Chen that this is an urban novel, not a history class!
"Ahem, then please lie down first, and I'll play a song for you!"

Yuan Chen also said in embarrassment, you were almost taken into a pit by you, and you have the nerve to say me!
"Oh? Little friend Yuan Chen actually knows how to play the guqin, so I have to listen to it!"

Mr. Zhou Xinfu smiled, and after hearing what Yuan Chen said, he just lay down on the bed. The others were also curious. The purpose of playing the tune at this time was to ease the old man's mood. Is it easier to hypnotize?

Yuan Chen ignored the crowd, just found a chair to sit down, and then began to play, which was naturally Pei Yuan's Meditation Song, and Yuan Chen only knew this one!

With the sound of the piano mixed with Yuan Chen's spiritual power in this small room, it instantly penetrated into the ears of everyone, or in their minds!

The sound of the piano is melodious, melodious, and touching... The old man fell asleep after hearing it, and several people around him also fell down one after another!

Yuan Chen didn't interrupt the song because they fell asleep, but continued to play, completing the entire Pei Yuan Meditation Song!

Looking at the sleeping people, Yuan Chen's mouth also evoked an inexplicable smile!

(End of this chapter)

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