Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 349 What Do You Think About Your Niece

Chapter 349 What Do You Think About Your Niece
Mr. Zhou Xinfu woke up, really woke up, the previous sleep is not as good as today's sleep, this is sleep, okay?This is the best way to sleep, okay?
It was only now that Yuan Chen understood that some things can be done by ordinary people, but for some people it is simply a big problem, and some people are wasting extravagant things, for some people, they are hard to come by. So... the author is going to sleep, that's impossible!

"Little friend Yuan Chen, thank you very much this time. My insomnia has troubled me for several years. You also know that when I get old, it is easy to suffer from insomnia. I have seen many doctors before and took medicine. Quite a few, but it didn’t get better. Later, I heard people say that this kind of disease requires a hypnotist to come. They can make me sleep. I didn’t believe it at the time, but I was troubled by insomnia for a long time. I really wanted to sleep well. As soon as I woke up, I tried it with the mentality of trying it out. Hey, the effect is still there, so I directly invited the hypnotist. The old hypnotist is also old recently, so it was only two years ago I found Huang Zhong before..."

Mr. Zhou Xinfu suddenly told Yuan Chen about the past, but why does this line feel like an advertisement, with the mentality of trying?Is this something that can be said to try?

Although Yuan Chen complained in his heart that he wanted to vomit out old man Zhou Xinfu and turn it into energy for complaining, but on the surface he still listened very seriously, replying with a few words from time to time, which made old man Zhou Xinfu quite angry. I have a good impression, this young man is very good, so he talked more and more, further and further away!
"By the way, Brother Yuan Chen, do you have a date?"

Mr. Zhou Xinfu chatted very speculatively with Yuan Chen. During the chat, his address changed. Little friend Yuan Chen was directly upgraded to Brother Yuan Chen. Shouldn't this be the time to light a few cigarettes and pay homage to Second Lord Guan? up!
"I haven't yet!"

Yuan Chen thought for a while, he really didn't have a girlfriend yet, and the day of dog abuse on Chinese Valentine's Day is coming soon, how can he not find a girlfriend!
"Not yet, what do you think of your little niece?"

Seeing Yuan Chen shaking his head, Mr. Zhou Xinfu was also very happy, and said to Yuan Chen, but Yuan Chen was confused, what about the eldest niece, the younger niece, it has nothing to do with whether I have a girlfriend or not!

"What little niece?"

Yuan Chen said, his niece?Yes, yes, what's the matter, in my hometown, a little loli, what's the matter, you've always missed me, but you don't seem to have met each other before, it's the first time I've seen you!

"It's Xiaoxia, you call me old brother, what is Xiaoxia not your little niece? Xiaoxia is not young anymore, it's time to find someone else, I think you are good, brother!"

Mr. Zhou Xinfu said, he doesn't look like a serious old man anymore!
"Dad, what are you talking about?"

Zhou Mingxia, who was packing her things, heard her father say that she was Yuan Chen's little niece in an instant, so she pretended to be angry and said that she was not angry, but just a little shy!

"Sister Mingxia is very good, I have always treated her like my own biological sister!"

Yuan Chen said, I don't know if his words are true or not, but he really treats Zhou Mingxia as his sister!
When he heard Yuan Chen's words, Zhou Xinfu could only shake his head helplessly. It seemed that Yuan Chen already had someone in his heart. He really wanted to see how Yuan Chen felt about his daughter. If possible, He really wants to match up!
"Sister? Is it really just a sister? Hehe!"

When Zhou Mingxia heard Yuan Chen's words, she was also a little disappointed. It turned out that Yuan Chen had always regarded herself as a sister in her heart, and it turned out that there was really nothing else!
Afterwards, Yuan Chen chatted with Mr. Zhou Xinfu for a long time, and he didn't talk about his little niece and three eldest nephews anymore. That's how it happened!

While chatting, Yuan Chen also learned a lot about Mr. Zhou Xinfu's condition, which is not helpful for the follow-up treatment. Yuan Chen just hypnotized directly. There are so many things. No matter how insomnia you are, I will just hypnotize you. Just sleep!
So Yuan Chen chatting with Mr. Zhou Xinfu was really just chatting, it was useless chatting at all!

For the next few days, Yuan Chen stayed at Zhou Mingxia's house all the time. His daily task was to hypnotize Mr. Zhou Xinfu. In fact, the hypnosis meant that Yuan Chen played a song for Mr. Zhou Xinfu, and then after he fell asleep, he directly fell asleep in his sea of ​​consciousness. Stay and meditate on the crystal model!

And the meditation with Peiyuan's meditation, plus Yuan Chen's meditation crystal hypnosis!
Mr. Zhou Xinfu's health improved day by day, which made the Zhou family very pleased. What made them even more happy was that in the next few days, even without Yuan Chen's hypnosis, Mr. Zhou Xinfu could still sleep by himself. Last time, although the hypnotic effect was not as good as Yuan Chen's playing Pei Yuan's Meditation Song, and he didn't sleep for so long, he was finally able to sleep!

And during this period, a small episode happened, and the author took it out in order to make up the word count!

Huang Zhong was very angry when he went back that day. He had never been scolded so unreasonably before, so he was angry and angry!

But after thinking about it for two days, the members of Zhou's family must compromise, because he is confident that his hypnotism is one of the best, which is rare in China, and even if it is put abroad, it is not bad!

So he is not afraid, as long as Zhou Xinfu can't sleep for a few days, they will come back and beg me!

But it is always beautiful in imagination, and reality will give him a slap in the face, and this slap makes his face hot!

Originally thought that in a few days, people from the Zhou family would come to find him, but he waited and waited for a long time, but the Zhou family did not call him!
At this time, Huang Zhong realized that this matter was not that simple, so he quickly called Zhou's family, and they answered it!
"How is Mr. Zhou Xinfu's body recently? Do you want me to continue hypnotizing him?"

When Huang Zhong opened his mouth, he was trying to find out. If Mr. Zhou Xinfu still suffers from insomnia, then he will take a look. When Mr. Zhou really can't take it anymore, he will naturally come to him, but if he is better... there is no such thing!

Because Huang Zhong heard clearly on the phone, Mr. Zhou's insomnia has been cured by Yuan Chen!
"Healed? Okay? How is it possible?"

Huang Zhong roared feebly! ?
(End of this chapter)

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