Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 350 Disks

Chapter 350 Disks
Yuan Chen lived in Zhou's house for half a month. During this half month, Yuan Chen played a piece of "Peiyuan Meditation Song" for Mr. Zhou Xinfu every day during the daytime, and then used his mental strength to play the song "Peiyuan Meditation Song" for Mr. Zhou Xinfu's house every day. A ten-minute meditation crystal was condensed in the sea of ​​consciousness, so that Mr. Zhou Xinfu could enter a deep sleep!

After all, "Pei Yuan's Meditation Song" is only a supplementary function. Although it also has the effect of calming the nerves, it is not like "Wang Ji", which is a real lullaby. That's why Yuan Chen used the meditation crystal!
After half a month of hypnotherapy, Zhou Xinfu's sleep quality has obviously improved a lot. If he blindly relied on the hypnotic effect of "Peiyuan Meditation", he probably wouldn't be able to heal so quickly, but with the addition of meditation crystals The effect, this effect is greatly strengthened, so it will be able to be cured after only half a month!
"Little friend Yuan Chen, are you leaving now?"

Hearing that Yuan Chen was going to leave, Mr. Zhou Xinfu was a little bit reluctant. After half a month of contact, he had completely regarded Yuan Chen as his own family, and he and Yuan Chen got along very well, so Yuan Chen wanted to leave. , he is very reluctant!

The old man is alone, although some servants are here, but those are more fearful and respectful of themselves, even if you don't care about some things, they dare not say, and it is impossible to sit down and chat with you face to face, while your own My sons and daughters are all outside, and there is no one to accompany me at all. With Yuan Chen here for half a month, it has been much more lively. Now that Yuan Chen is leaving, the house will return to its original desertedness in the future!

"Well, your insomnia is almost healed, and I can leave!"

Yuan Chen nodded. During the half month of contact, Yuan Chen also knew a lot about the old man in front of him. The sons were all busy outside, and the daughter ran away from home because of a quarrel with him and went to other places. He is very lonely at home alone every day, that's why he has too much mental stress, and he worked too hard when he was young, which eventually led to severe insomnia!

"Hey, you're gone, now it's going to be deserted again, but young people, you can't stay here all the time, you should go everywhere, I wonder if you are interested in tourism?"

Mr. Zhou Xinfu sighed. Although he really wanted Yuan Chen to stay, but the man has ambitions everywhere, and he can see that Yuan Chen will never be an ordinary person, because he is not suitable for ordinary people, and he will not be ordinary. So he wanted to help Yuan Chen!
He expressed his understanding before that Yuan Chen has just left school for more than a year, and he has no idea of ​​being a hypnotist to treat others with hypnosis, so he wants Yuan Chen to come to his company. He believes in Yuan Chen's strength Let's take it as a little reward for Yuan Chen helping him treat his insomnia this time. After all, Yuan Chen doesn't charge him a fee, it's purely friendship treatment!

"This... I have no intention of starting a travel company for the time being!"

Yuan Chen was stunned for a moment, thinking that Mr. Zhou Xinfu was asking him whether he wanted to open a travel company. He hadn't thought about it, but he could also consider it. The scenery in his hometown is pretty good, surrounded by mountains and rivers, with flowers and trees. The ocean, if developed, should be a good tourist attraction!

"Huh? Start a company?"

Now it's Zhou Xinfu's turn to be stunned, I just want you to come to my company to help, why do you want to start a company!
"Well, yes, now my two companies have just developed, and now I don't have much money to engage in tourism!"

Yuan Chen nodded seriously. He has just started Hantan Fishery and Future Technology, and he really doesn't have so much energy and funds to start tourism!

"Uh, two companies? Your family?"

Mr. Zhou Xinfu was also taken aback. He had asked Yuan Chen before, and Yuan Chen obviously said that his family was a working class and his parents both worked in factories. How could there be two companies?
"Uh, this... should be my personal company!"

Yuan Chen was also taken aback, but his parents didn't know much about this company, so it should be regarded as his own. Of course, if his parents wanted it, he would transfer it to his parents' name without hesitation!

"Didn't you just graduate for more than a year?"

Could it be that I am confused? Yuan Chen clearly said before that he has only graduated for more than a year, and he has opened two companies in more than a year. Even if it is 10,000+, a company with hundreds of thousands of registrations is very Amazing!

"Well, yes, I made some money in business, so I started two companies!"

Yuan Chen nodded. This kind of thing is not a secret now, so Yuan Chen didn't hide anything. He told Mr. Zhou Xinfu everything, and told him about the previous things. Of course, it was about the whirlpool, about the different dimensions. , He definitely didn't say it!
"Good, good, good!"

After listening to Yuan Chen's simple description, Zhou Xinfu said three good words in succession. He really thought Yuan Chen was amazing. He was able to open two companies with his own efforts within more than a year after graduation. , even he thinks it's great, although these two companies are nothing in his eyes, even if the registered capital is tens of millions, he can ignore it!

But if these millions or tens of millions were earned by a young man in just over a year after graduation, he would be very surprised. This person is a talent even if he is not a genius!
"No wonder you don't want to stay here to be a hypnotist. I didn't expect that you are also a person with a net worth of tens of millions. You are really a hero!"

Mr. Zhou Xinfu said with a smile, even if it is the registered capital of the company, it is still Yuan Chen's company. It is not an exaggeration to say that he has tens of millions of net worth!

In fact, only Yuan Chen himself knows that his net worth is far more than tens of millions, but he will not tell people everywhere!

"You're always joking, how can tens of millions be in your eyes? Compared with you, these are just a drop in the bucket!"

Yuan Chen waved his hand. What he said was not flattering. The Zhou family's tourism development was the result of two generations of hard work, so it naturally has a profound heritage!

"By the way, Mr. Zhou, this disk is for you. It contains the music I played. You can listen to it when you sleep. Although you can fall asleep normally now, if you listen to this to sleep, the effect will be better!"

Yuan Chen took out a disk, on which he recorded "Peiyuan Meditation Song". Although it was recorded, it still has some calming effects. Listening to sleep can enhance the quality of sleep!
"Young friend Yuan Chen, don't worry!"

Mr. Zhou Xinfu took the floppy disk from Yuan Chen and said with a smile!
(End of this chapter)

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