Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 351 Model

Chapter 351 Model
After arranging everything, Yuan Chen bid farewell to Mr. Zhou Xinfu on the second day, and also rejected the persuasion of other members of the Zhou family. Holding the Guqin, Yuan Chen followed Zhou Mingxia and left Suicheng, returning to his hometown!

"Yuan Chen, thank you this time. If you need any help in the future, as long as I, Zhou Mingxia, can do it, I will definitely do it for you!"

On the way back, Zhou Mingxia expressed gratitude to Yuan Chen. Although she had quarreled with her father before and ran away from home, she didn't have any resentment towards Zhou Xinfu in her heart. It was just that she was stubborn and wanted to make some achievements. After that, come back!

And this incident caused her to come back early, but she is now considered to have achieved something. Xiaguang Zoo became the champion of the provincial zoo exhibition, which is not a small achievement!

However, this achievement was also due to Yuan Chen. If it weren't for Yuan Chen's kitten, it would have been impossible for him to win the championship. So now that I think about it, I owe Yuan Chen too much!
"Hey, it's just a little effort!"

Yuan Chen shook his head. In fact, he didn't give anything in the past few days. He just played a piece of music for Mr. Zhou Xinfu every day. Get up, I really have nothing to lose!
"Actually, Mr. Zhou is also helpless. His sons are working hard outside. He just wants his daughter to spend more time with him!"

Yuan Chen said that he had learned from Zhou Xinfu before that Mr. Zhou Xinfu was very happy when he got a daughter. He was really afraid of falling when holding it in his hand, and afraid of melting in his mouth, so he just didn't want to. Zhou Mingxia was just too far away from her!

Who knew that what he did was to make Zhou Mingxia farther and farther away from him, and finally ran away from home. According to what Mr. Zhou Xinfu said at the time, it was like sand in his hand, the tighter he held it, the more it flowed. quick!

"Well, I see, I will think about it carefully!"

Zhou Mingxia nodded. In fact, she wanted to go back more than once, but there was no good time. Now the time seems to be ripe!


Regarding the affairs of the Zhou family, Yuan Chen, as an outsider, naturally cannot interfere too much, so after listening to Zhou Mingxia's words, he did not express any further opinions on what to do. Yuan Chen believes that Zhou Mingxia is more sensitive than him. Clearly, it was her father, she should know what to do!


After returning to Xiaguang Zoo, Yuan Chen didn't stay too long, and drove home directly, because after leaving for so long, Zhou Mingxia also had a lot of things to deal with, Yuan Chen... was very free, the company had Tao Qiong and Huang Wei's two right-hand assistants take care of it, he really doesn't have anything that needs him to come forward in person!
But just when Yuan Chen was about to go home, he received a call from Chen Jiayuan!
"Hey, is Yuan Chen free?"

After getting through the phone, Chen Jiayuan asked directly, she and Yuan Chen were too familiar, the two grew up together, although they didn't stay in the same place for a few years, but even after graduating from university, until now, the two The human connection has never been interrupted, so there are not so many kind words!

"I just finished my work and ready to go home, what's the matter?"

Yuan Chen said, it's only after [-]:[-] in the morning, and they came back from Suicheng at night after [-]:[-] last night. In this kind of weather, driving during the day would be too hot, so it was only after [-]:[-] in the morning when we got back here. It's only after seven o'clock after having breakfast!

"Hey, so early? Finished things? Last night couldn't be..."

Hearing Yuan Chen's words, Chen Jiayuan gave a soft moan, the meaning was obvious, she suspected that Yuan Chen did something bad last night!
"If you don't say anything, I will hang up!"

Yuan Chen is speechless, this girl's thinking is getting more and more dirty now, where did she go to learn this, she just graduated for more than a year and she broke her studies, she will have to pay for it in the future!

"If you have nothing to do, come to my studio, it's very important!"

Chen Jiayuan said directly that she didn't care whether Yuan Chen had just finished his work, she would definitely not be polite when she should be polite, and she would find a way to be polite when she should be polite, this is the relationship between the two of them!
"Okay, I'll go now!"

After saying that, Yuan Chen hung up the phone, turned around and headed towards Chen Jiayuan's studio. Although he didn't know why Chen Jiayuan was looking for him, Yuan Chen knew that she wouldn't look for him for nothing!

Chen Jiayuan also has her own studio now, making a brand of clothing by herself, and even set up a processing factory by herself. Although the factory is not big, it is more than enough to produce the brand clothes they designed by themselves!

It is worth mentioning that after Yuan Chen introduced Chen Jiayuan and Gao Enxing to each other, the two hit it off, their personalities matched well, and they became best friends immediately, and the studio and processing factory were jointly produced by the two!
Chen Jiayuan's studio is not in the city center, because there is still a processing factory. Although it is garment processing, Chen Jiayuan chose a location closer to the suburbs!
And although Yuan Chen's single-family villa is also in the suburbs, there is still a little distance between the two suburbs, but Yuan Chen arrived there very quickly by car!

"Why did you call me here in such a hurry? Hey, En Xing is here too!"

When he came to Chen Jiayuan's studio, Yuan Chen asked, then rolled his eyes, and saw Gao Enxing sitting in another corner of the studio, busy with something!
"Well, because the next thing is very important!"

Gao Enxing nodded, she is now their chief designer here!

"Can't I call you here if I have nothing to do?"

While Chen Jiayuan was busy, she said to Yuan Chen!

"It's okay, will you call me?"

Yuan Chen said, and then he found a place, and sat down very politely. He and the two of them are familiar, so there is nothing to worry about!
"will not!"

Chen Jiayuan didn't reply at all!

"That's it, what's the matter?"

Yuan Chen rolled his eyes speechlessly, seeing how busy they were, if they had nothing to do, they probably wouldn't ask him to come over to take up space!

"Pfft, your two personalities are a good match!"

Gao Enxing was listening to the conversation between Yuan Chen and Chen Jiayuan, and couldn't help laughing out loud!

"Who matched him (her)!"

Yuan Chen and Chen Jiayuan shouted almost in unison, and then they were taken aback, what a coincidence!
"Look, I'll just say you guys are compatible, how tacitly is this cooperation, hahaha!"

Gao Enxing looked at the two of them and laughed out loud. This is called unworthy, so what is worthy?
"Ahem, what's the matter with you looking for me?"

Yuan Chen thought for a while, and asked again!
"Well, you put on this pile of clothes, and I'll take a picture for you!"

Chen Jiayuan pointed to the clothes in front of her and said!
"Ah, so you asked me to be your model!"

(End of this chapter)

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