Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 360 The Familiar Figure in the Metal

Chapter 360 The Familiar Figure in the Metal
Yuan Chen looked at the fallen metal all over the floor, and was a little puzzled. These metals were colorful. Yuan Chen carefully inspected them with mental power, and they seemed to be similar to parts!

But Yuan Chen was not in a hurry to search, because the vortex was still spitting out garbage, and the types of garbage were getting bigger and bigger. Yuan Chen seemed to have seen a motorcycle fall off, er... there seemed to be a sports car, Could this also be the modern day garbage of the future?

It took more than five minutes for the garbage to be completely dropped. At this time, a small half of Yuan Chen's yard was already filled with metal. Looking at the metal in front of him, Yuan Chen shook his head helplessly. He didn't know what use these things were. , Just like the garbage in the WALL-E space-time last time, because it is basically metal and machines, Yuan Chen can't tell which ones are good and which ones are not!
"Oh, it's really troublesome. I don't know if there are any robots in here? What kind of rubbish are these!"

Yuan Chen put on his gloves and rummaged casually, and found that he couldn't see what the metal piled up like a mountain. Most of the strangely shaped garbage was made of metal!


Just as Yuan Chen was rummaging through the trash, a voice rang in his ears, Yuan Chen immediately became vigilant, took a few steps back, and then stared vigilantly at the pile of metal trash in front of him!
Because Yuan Chen discovered that the voice came from this pile of metal garbage. He had obviously detected it with his mental power just now. There was no life in this pile of garbage, that is, there was no living thing, but now he clearly I heard a female voice coming from under the metal!
"Well...it's so heavy, someone help me out!"

Just when Yuan Chen was on guard, that voice came out again, the voice was nice, and it felt a little...familiar!
Yuan Chen didn't move, and he didn't know who the other party was, whether it was an enemy or a friend. Although he could hear a girl's voice, was Yuan Chen the kind of person who would forget the danger when he saw a girl?

The answer is yes. Although Yuan Chen didn't relax his vigilance when he heard the voice of a girl calling for help, he got a little closer, and with a thought, he was surrounded by the black god suit. Just in case!

Getting a little closer, Yuan Chen listened carefully, and then heard the sound of someone patting the metal. The sound seemed to be not from this side, but from the other side of the metal "mountain"!
Following the sound, Yuan Chen penetrated through layers of metal with mental power, and finally felt the existence of living things. Before, it was difficult for mental power to penetrate metal, so Yuan Chen only detected the outside of the metal, but now he knows the sound Yuan Chen carefully probed the source of it with his mental power, and finally found that person!
This person was not pressed under the metal. If he was pressed by such a large pile of metal, it would probably be meat sauce!

This person is surrounded by a piece of metal. After careful inspection, Yuan Chen found that the so-called piece of metal was actually a sports car. What surprised Yuan Chen was not that there was anyone in the sports car, but that the sports car was surrounded by a piece of metal. A pile of metal was pressed, but it was not crushed!

In Yuan Chen's detection, the sports car was unharmed, that is to say, so much metal on it just fell from the sky, so much could not crush a sports car, and there may not even be a little damage , This is even more powerful than bulletproof!

"Is there no one?"

At this moment, the female voice below came out again, Yuan Chen hesitated, and said to the following!

"Wait a minute, there are a lot of metal pieces on it, I'll clean it up first!"

Yuan Chen looked at the pile of metal on it, and was a little startled. If he was pressed by so much metal, his car would probably become the meat in the bun!

After thinking about it, she is still a girl no matter how she looks, even if she looks bad to the audience, even if she is an enemy, she must be rescued first and then deal with. Anyway, these metals must be recycled!

"Um...thank you!"

The female voice below was obviously stunned for a moment, and after saying thank you softly, there was no movement. This made Yuan Chen a little puzzled. She was calling for someone just now, but now someone really came, but she seemed a little hesitant !

However, Yuan Chen didn't want to care about these, so he had better get rid of these metal blocks first. These metal blocks were obviously cut by hand, and the surface was very smooth and flat. You can hold them with two hands!

Yuan Chen tried to use his mental strength to move it, and felt that it was much easier than moving it directly with his hands, so he moved it with his mental strength!
There are a lot of metal pieces, some are bigger and some are smaller, some are neatly cut, but some are very irregular, it looks like metal ore, but it is not ore, and Yuan Chen did not find even a piece of it. stone!

This made Yuan Chen feel very strange. Every time before, there was dirt in the garbage, and most of it was dirt, so this time there is no dirt in the garbage, wood, stones, these things that appear every time are No!

After more than ten minutes, Yuan Chen saw the roof of the sports car. To his surprise, the car had turned over, and many large pieces of metal were pressed on it, but the door was only slightly scratched. Flowers, the window glass is not broken!

"Can you try to open the door?"

Yuan Chen knocked on the car door and said to the people inside, then he took a few steps back and looked at the car door vigilantly, he didn't know what was sitting in the car, even if there were people inside, Maybe a monster with a human voice!

To Yuan Chen's question, the people inside did not answer, but a voice came from inside, as if they were trying to open the door, after a few tries, it seemed that it didn't open!

Yuan Chen frowned. It seemed that although the door hadn't been smashed, it seemed that the inside couldn't be opened. Could it be that the car had "internal injuries"!

Yuan Chen hesitated for a moment, and didn't know whether to go forward to help, but when he was hesitating, the inside seemed to be quiet for a while, and then there were some other noises, Yuan Chen didn't know what it was!
After about 5 minutes, the sound inside disappeared, and then the door was opened, it seemed very easy, could it be just pretending!

The door was opened, a claw... No, a white arm stretched out, pulled the edge of the car door, paused, and a figure jumped out as soon as he exerted force, and landed firmly on the car!

When seeing that figure, Yuan Chen's expression froze instantly. This figure was as familiar as her voice!

 Thank you Yanhuang Yeshao, how can the name be so long, two big rewards of 500 points!
(End of this chapter)

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