Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 361 Code 7

Chapter 361: Code Seven

Yuan Chen looked at the woman who jumped out of the car in front of him, and was stunned for a moment, a little speechless, because the woman in front of him... should be called a girl, was really too familiar to many people!

It was a girl who didn't look very old, she looked about ten years old, her long sky-blue hair was tied into two ponytails, fully hanging below her hips, her figure was quite slender, but a certain The part is slightly flat!
The girl was wearing a small dress with bell sleeves, and a short skirt on her lower body, black silk on her legs, and a pair of small leather boots on her feet. She looked extremely clear and pure!

Seeing this image, many people probably guessed it. This is the image of a virtual character, and the image of this person in front of him is exactly the same as that of the virtual character. Hatsune Miku from all over the world!

Hatsune Miku (初音ミク/HatsuneMiku) is a sound source library developed by CRYPTON FUTUREMEDIA on August 2007, 8 based on Yamaha's VOCALOID series of speech synthesis programs!
In other words, Hatsune Miku is a virtual character, developed by others, it can be said to be a virtual idol, but now it appears in front of him alive!

Yuan Chen blurted out, because all he could think of now was that the girl in front of him was probably accidentally sucked into this world by the whirlpool on the way to cosplay!
"Hello, thank you for saving me!"

The girl didn't answer Yuan Chen's words, but thanked Yuan Chen, then looked at the surrounding environment, and then frowned, it seemed that it was because of the strange environment around her!
"Um, hello!"

Yuan Chen nodded. Now he feels a little bit that the girl in front of him is Hatsune Miku, because not only the image is the same as Hatsune Miku, but also the voice is exactly the same!
"What is this place?"

That "Hatsune" looked at Yuan Chen, and then asked, because she really couldn't see what this place was, and there was... land here!
"This is Earth!"

Yuan Chen said, now he can be sure that this girl is not from this world, because from her expression and her questioning, it can be seen that she is very strange to this world!
"Earth? There is no data on the earth, it seems to be a new planet!"

That "Hatsune" was stunned for a moment, then looked at a mobile phone-like thing in her hand, pressed it a few times, frowned, then looked up at Yuan Chen and said!

Yuan Chen thought for a while, and recalled the description of the earth in geography textbooks when he was studying. He used to be pretty good at geography!

"The equatorial radius of the earth is 6378.137 kilometers, the polar radius is 6356.752 kilometers, the average radius is about 6371 kilometers, and the equatorial circumference is about 40076 kilometers. , of which 5.1% are oceans, 71% are land, and the earth appears blue from space!"

Yuan Chen memorized these things in one breath. Since his mental strength improved, his memory has also become better and better, and he even recalled the past very quickly!
"Is this the earth? There are plants, land, blue sky, white clouds, and fresh air here!"

After hearing Yuan Chen's words, "Hatsune" looked around all the time, then looked at the machine in his hand, and suddenly said happily, as if he had discovered a new continent!
"Um, yes, you... are Hatsune Miku?"

Yuan Chen nodded, hesitated for a moment, and asked again, he was really curious, could it be that the person in front of him came from the virtual dimension, and would he train her to be a singer in the future?

"Hatsune? What's that?"

But to Yuan Chen's disappointment, the girl in front of her was not called Hatsune Miku, and she didn't even know what Hatsune Miku was?
"Well, it's a singing avatar!"

Yuan Chen still doesn't give up. You are Hatsune Miku, okay? Not only do you look exactly like her, but you also have the same voice and appearance, okay?
"Virtual character? Singing? I can't sing, I'm a scientist!"

"Hatsune" muttered a few words, then shook his head, expressing that he was really not Hatsune, and he didn't know anything about Hatsune, he was a scientist!
"Uh...scientist? How old are you? What's your name?"

Yuan Chen was taken aback. The girl in front of her didn't look very old, but she claimed to be a scientist. Could it be Tong Yan...?It's not right, it's obviously very flat!

"Well, I'm a scientist, my name...you can call me code name Seven, I'm 16 years old this year!"

The girl thought for a while before saying, what surprised Yuan Chen was that the girl in front of her seemed unfamiliar with this world, but she was slowly integrating into it!

Yuan Chen always had a feeling that this girl seemed to be chatting with him while learning about things in this world, because Yuan Chen saw that she occasionally looked down at the device in his hand, and then raised her head to talk to Yuan Chen !

"Code Seven? Is this your name?"

Yuan Chen said, "I think this name is very strange, but... this girl who looks like Hatsune Miku is very strange. You said that you are a technology person, but you have such a two-dimensional face!"


The girl named Seven didn't seem to want to repeat what she had said, she just nodded her head, hummed lightly, and then lowered her head to look at her car!

She looked at her car, then got back in all of a sudden, and jumped out again after a while, as if she breathed a sigh of relief!

Then, amidst Yuan Chen's stunned expression, she held a huge piece of metal with both hands, and lifted her hands vigorously. The huge piece of metal that Yuan Chen didn't want to lift before was hugged by those small hands. Get up and gently put it aside!
"This power..."

Yuan Chen didn't know what to say anymore, is this really a scientist?Do scientists have such great strength?Yuan Chen had just tried that huge piece of metal, which weighed at least 300 kilograms!
Yuan Chen could carry it by himself, but it took some effort, because he saw that the metal block only pressed the car body, not the door, and he was too lazy to move it, so he didn't move it!

But when Yuan Chen saw that this 16-year-old girl who claimed to be a scientist hugged that huge piece of metal with ease, in his mind was a mud horse leading a group of mud horses galloping past!

(End of this chapter)

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