Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 385 What do you want to shoot

Chapter 385 What do you want to shoot

Yuan Chen muttered while cleaning up, otherwise it would be too boring to clean up these corpses by himself!
These things are a pile of carrion, who would like to clean them up, and they look bloody and mushy, and they look disgusting. If it weren't for the stink of these things, Yuan Chen really wanted to leave it alone!
"Damn, this experience is not easy to earn!"

Yuan Chen muttered, because these things are garbage from another dimension, even if there is nothing valuable, even if there is nothing useful, as long as Yuan Chen packs them up and throws them into the empty space, it will be fine. Get an upgraded version of Mobile QQ!
"By the way, don't I have Wall-E?"

Yuan Chen was taken aback, that Wali is a robot, it doesn't have any feeling, no emotion, let alone a sense of smell, so it's the best thing to let it help him clean up the garbage!
Thinking of this, Yuan Chen put down what he was doing first, ran to the front, then found WALL-E, and saw that it was cleaning the yard, and the Eve robot was running around it!

And Yuan Chen was also a little worried when he saw this scene. Could it be that the Eve robot still has feelings, then that would be a big problem. If Eve has feelings, then Wall-E might also have feelings!

Yuan Chen remembered that when she first came to this world, Eve had no emotions, but why does she have something similar to emotions now?

"Wali, come here and help me clean up the trash!"

Yuan Chen gave an order to Wali, and then Wali obediently stopped what he was doing, and started to follow Yuan Chen to the backyard!
"Start cleaning up!"

Yuan Chen issued another order, and then Wali started to clean up the remains of the corpses, and while it was cleaning up, Eve also followed!

"Discover new plants, discover new plants!"

Originally Yuan Chen wanted to drive him away, but after hearing Eve's words, Yuan Chen was stunned!
"Discovered new types of plants? Where?"

Yuan Chen said that Eve is also an intelligent robot, so it can fully understand Yuan Chen's questions, and it is also a new alien plant detection robot, that is, to detect plants. Since it said it found plants, there must be some botanical!

"In it, do you want to destroy the obstacles above!"

Eve pointed to a place, Yuan Chen looked over, there was a pile of corpses!

"No, I'll come!"

Yuan Chen said, these things have to be cleaned up by themselves, if they are broken, it will be even more troublesome to clean up, so let's do it ourselves!
According to the location given by Eve, Yuan Chen cleaned up the corpses bit by bit, and put them into sacks!

After tidying up for a long time, the three small bags inside were revealed. Yuan Chen quickly picked them up. These three bags were all tied up. Yuan Chen opened the rope to reveal the contents inside!
The contents inside are seeds, that’s right, they are three small bags of seeds. Seeing these three small bags of seeds, Yuan Chen is very excited. He knows which world these seeds come from, that’s right, it’s the dimension of Plants vs. Zombies. And what else can the seeds of that dimension be, of course, sunflowers, pea shooters and the like!
Thinking of this, Yuan Chen put those seeds aside, and then worked harder to clean up the remains of these corpses!

Although these wreckages come from the dimension of Plants vs. Zombies, they are exactly the same as the things in this world when they come to this world, so everything in front of Yuan Chen is exactly the same as in this world, that is to say, those corpses are exactly the same as those in this world. Like corpses, they are all real, very disgusting, not as cute as in the game!

Yuan Chen and Wally worked together to clean up faster, but it took three hours to clean up the rubbish!

After throwing the rubbish into the empty space, Yuan Chen's mobile phone also had a reminder that he had obtained [-] points of experience. This is the most experience Yuan Chen has seen. Before, it was a few hours, more than ten points!

"It's probably too disgusting this time, otherwise how could there be so many, this system is really humane!"

Yuan Chen smiled wryly, his whole body smelled of blood mixed with rotten flesh, if someone saw it, it would be hard to explain it!

Thinking of this, Yuan Chen hurriedly took a bath first, then cleaned up Wali, and then couldn't wait to tinker with those seeds!
Yuan Chen first took out the seeds from the first bag, and then directly planted them on the spot. Soon Yuan Chen saw the seeds germinate, and then grow up. It only took 5 minutes to grow up!
Yuan Chen looked at the green plant with eyes in front of him, and was speechless for a while. Could it be that this game is a pirated version?
An inexplicable plant grew in front of Yuan Chen!

"This... this plant is too ugly, isn't it?"

Yuan Chen was stunned. He really couldn't tell what kind of plant the plant in front of him was from the Plants vs. Zombies game!
"How does this thing communicate?"

Yuan Chen frowned. This thing has eyes and a mouth, so it might be able to talk, but Yuan Chen didn't know how to communicate with this guy. Before, he communicated with animals using the beast card, but this is a plant. , shouldn't it be considered a beast?

"I don't know if I can communicate with my spirit!"

Yuan Chen said, and then released his mental power to surround the green plant in front of him, and then tried to communicate with it mentally!
"Little guy, what kind of plant are you?"

Yuan Chen tried to use his mental power, and then a miracle happened, he could really communicate!
"I'm a peashooter!"

A childish voice sounded in Yuan Chen's mind!

"I'm going, you're a pea shooter? Don't make trouble, how can a pea shooter be so ugly?"

Yuan Chen said, the thing in front of me really can't be connected with the pea shooter in the game, the leaves are yellow and yellow, the head is big, if it doesn't have horns, Yuan Chen thought it was a dragon plant!
"I'm Peashooter, I'm so cute!"

The pea shooter replied that its intelligence seems to be a bit low, but luckily it couldn't tell that Yuan Chen was scolding it, otherwise it would definitely be shot to death with peas!
"Ahem, can you shoot peas?"

Yuan Chen asked a very idiotic question!
"Yes, master, do you want to take a look!"

But Peashooter answered very seriously, and also asked a very idiotic question!
"Okay, then you shoot and see, what do you want to shoot?"

Yuan Chen asked, this guy has a low IQ, but besides his appearance, he is actually quite cute!
(End of this chapter)

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