Chapter 386
Just as Yuan Chen said the words, he saw a pea the size of a fist hitting his face. Fortunately, his mental strength is good now, and his reaction speed is relatively fast!
Just when the pea was about to hit him in the face, Yuan Chen avoided the pea on the side of his body, but the pea would definitely not stop and smashed directly towards the wall behind Yuan Chen. Then leave a hole in the fence!
"This power is not bad!"

Yuan Chen looked at a small hole in the fence and smiled. This pea shooter looks ugly, but it is really serious. But it's no wonder that this thing is here to fight zombies. As long as it is a zombie, You can kill it with a few more hits, it's strange that it doesn't have power!
"How many times can you shoot this night, ah no, how many times can you shoot at a time... It's not right!"

Yuan Chen was a little speechless, how to ask this!

"Maximum two shots in a row at a time, and it will cool down for 10 minutes after shooting!"

Fortunately, Peashooter's thinking was much purer than Yuan Chen's, and he gave the answer Yuan Chen wanted without any hesitation!
"Two? That's okay, but it's a bit long to cool down for 10 minutes!"

Yuan Chen shook his head, they were all picked up anyway, it doesn't matter if there are more or less, anyway, it's just for fun, there are really little zombies who probably can't rely on it!
"I don't know if the other two bags are planted with this kind of pea shooter!"

Yuan Chen grabbed the other two bags on the ground, looked at them, and found that the seeds looked different, that is to say, these three bags of seeds were of different types of plants!

"Try what this bag is!"

Yuan Chen thought for a while, then grabbed another bag, planted a seed on the ground, watered it, and waited quietly for the seed to grow!
But after waiting for more than an hour, the seeds didn't start to germinate, and they didn't really grow until three hours later!
This is a small pure white flower, why is it a small flower, because it is really small and very good, only ten centimeters high, and when it just grew out, Yuan Chen saw a small silver metal falling down!
"What is this?"

Yuan Chen picked up the small silver metal on the ground, the surface was smooth without any engraving, and it was about the size of a coin!
"Little guy, what are you?"

Yuan Chen curiously asked with his mental strength, this thing actually has a small metal piece, what is it?

"I am a marigold!"

Hearing Yuan Chen's words, the voice of this little flower also appeared in his mind. Hearing its words, Yuan Chen was also taken aback. It turned out to be marigold, also called honeysuckle. Time to decide whether to produce gold or silver coins!
"Is this a silver coin?"

Yuan Chen stared at the small silver metal in his hand again. Although it was very smooth and bright, it seemed that the material was not real silver, it seemed to be other metals, because the hardness was very different from silver, much harder than silver!
"It doesn't matter, put it away first!"

Yuan Chen thought about it, anyway, it wouldn't be something too bad, so he just put it in his pocket!
"Little Marigold, how long will it take you to grow gold coins?"

Yuan Chen asked, this little thing can produce gold coins, if they are really gold coins, they are very valuable, but Yuan Chen didn't have any hope, just wanted to see it!

"Well, this little flower is very conflicted. Should I produce gold coins or silver coins?"

Little Marigold immediately fell into confusion, whether to want gold coins or silver coins or... This is indeed a question!
"Okay, take it easy!"

Yuan Chen was speechless, then took out the last bag, and buried one of the seeds in the ground!

This time the germination was very fast, within 10 minutes, Yuan Chen saw a big yellow chrysanthemum blooming!
"I know, you must be a big chrysanthemum!"

Yuan Chen looked at it, and finally it looked decent. Although the chrysanthemum was a little big, it looked pretty good. After all, it was a chrysanthemum from the game world, and it was no bigger than the chrysanthemums in this world. What a strange thing!

"Hee hee hee, master, I'm not a chrysanthemum, I'm a sunflower!"

Just when Yuan Chen nodded, the big chrysanthemum finally spoke, and let out a coquettish laugh, which made Yuan Chen's body covered in goosebumps!
"Don't make trouble, really don't make trouble, how can a sunflower look like this, you see it is a big yellow chrysanthemum!"

Yuan Chen patted the thing that had just grown. If this guy was a sunflower, it looked a bit like a sunflower. This is clearly a big chrysanthemum!
"Master, I'm really a sunflower. If you don't believe me, I'll give you a big move!"

Hearing Yuan Chen's words, the big chrysanthemum said angrily, and then began to prepare for the big move!
"Hey, what a big move, don't make trouble!"

Of course Yuan Chen knows the function of the sunflower in Plants vs. Zombies, that is to produce the sun. If this guy is really a sunflower, then its ultimate move is to release the sun!

There is already a sun on this earth, if another sun is created, it will be over, so Yuan Chen quickly stopped it!

"I don't care, I'm a sunflower, I'm not a big chrysanthemum, burn it, little sun!"

The big chrysanthemum was obviously annoyed by Yuan Chen, ignored Yuan Chen, just yelled, and then... there was no more, one more sun appeared, the earth was destroyed, the book ended... that was impossible!
After the big chrysanthemum yelled, nothing happened!

"Huh? Where's your big sun?"

Yuan Chen asked curiously, what is the situation? Where is the promised sunflower? Where is the promised sun?
"Wow, master, I can't hold back the sun anymore, wow!"

The big chrysanthemum said, it doesn't know what's going on, it just can't hold back its big move, that is, it can't make the sun!

"It's said that you are not a sunflower anymore, you big chrysanthemum, I never thought you would be such a chrysanthemum!"

Seeing that there was no sun, Yuan Chen finally let go of his heart, and looked at the big chrysanthemum with contempt and said!

"Wow, it's not a chrysanthemum, it's a sunflower!"

The big chrysanthemum burst into tears, Yuan Chen ignored it, packed up the three bags of seeds on the ground, and went home, this thing is not bad, keep it for now, and see if it can be used for anything later!
"Wow, the master has to trust Xiaokui, I am a sunflower, I am not a big chrysanthemum, I am a sunflower that will not give birth to a big sun for the time being!"

When Yuan Chen left, the cry of the big chrysanthemum came from behind, and Yuan Chen directly cut off the connection of spiritual power!

(End of this chapter)

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