Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 387 Chrysanthemum New Function

Chapter 387 Chrysanthemum New Function

Yuan Chen didn't care about what it was, and it didn't matter anyway, because there are no zombies in this world now, and there won't be a large number of zombies, because zombies in the world of Plants vs. Zombies didn't appear!

So even if there is garbage from the Plants vs. Zombies dimension next time, there will be no zombies, so these plants are not very useful!

But the next day, Yuan Chen found out that he was wrong. The next morning, when Yuan Chen went to the backyard to look at the plants, he found that the surrounding air became very fresh!
This kind of freshness is not the freshness after spiritual power purification, but the freshness after the bloody smell around has disappeared!
Yuan Chen remembered that after he cleaned up the corpses yesterday, the backyard was full of the smell of blood, but now there is no smell at all, and it has become unusually fresh!
Yuan Chen can be sure that this place is definitely not because of the purification of spiritual energy, because this place is the only place in the villa that cannot be covered by spiritual energy, and this is why Yuan Chen chose this place as the place to receive garbage!

But after waking up this morning, the smell here has disappeared, which surprised Yuan Chen very much!

"What happened here?"

Yuan Chen picked up the two silver coins in front of the marigold, and then used his mental power to communicate with it. Among the three plants, Yuan Chen valued the marigold the most. The reason is that it can produce gold coins and silver coins. Plants, who doesn't like it, although this may not be real gold and silver coins!
"Well, it's made of sunflowers!"

Hearing Yuan Chen's words, Marigold also replied, and Yuan Chen also looked at the big chrysanthemum not far away!

"Big chrysanthemum, what's going on here? Did you do it?"

Yuan Chen had no choice but to use his mental power to communicate with the big chrysanthemum. Although he was very unwilling to do so, after all, this was what the big chrysanthemum did, so he could only communicate with it. Fortunately, this guy is not crying now!
"Wow, it's not a big chrysanthemum, it's a sunflower!"

After hearing Yuan Chen's words, the originally quiet big chrysanthemum screamed again!
"Okay, okay, it's not a big chrysanthemum, you are a sunflower, so sunflower, what's going on here, why does the air in this place seem to be fresh?"

Yuan Chen had no choice but to comfort it obediently, although comforting a plant seemed really strange, and it was a sunflower that looked like a chrysanthemum!

"Yeah, I'm Sunflower, master master, do you know? I finally know what my ability is. It turns out that my ability is not to release the sun, but to absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen!"

Hearing that Yuan Chen finally admitted that he was a sunflower, the big chrysanthemum also smiled happily, yes, it just laughed, and let out a refreshing laugh like a silver bell!
"Ah, that's really congratulations. You've realized your strengths. If you don't know how to release the sun, then you're still a sunflower. This is obviously the skill of the big chrysanthemum!"

Yuan Chen is speechless, what kind of skill is this? Plants on this earth can photosynthesize, absorb carbon dioxide, and release oxygen. Isn't this normal?
"My skill is more advanced than other plants. Not only can I absorb it, but I can also absorb a large amount of it at once!"

Big Chrysanthemum said proudly, this time Yuan Chen didn't tell her to cry!
"Okay, very good skills, you keep working hard!"

Yuan Chen suddenly lost interest. What kind of skill is this? It's just a small skill. When he woke up in the morning, Yuan Chen felt it.
"Well, okay, I will continue to work hard, master!"

Big Chrysanthemum said!
"By the way, you said you are a sunflower, so where are your sunflower seeds?"

Yuan Chen was very curious. This thing kept emphasizing that it was a sunflower, but Yuan Chen didn't see even a single sunflower seed on the surface!

"Because the sunflower seeds are hidden by me, do you want the master?"

Big Chrysanthemum said, this is a good skill!
"Ah, it's hidden. If you plant sunflower seeds directly, can you grow new sunflowers?"

Yuan Chen was a little curious. If this is possible, then the sunflowers can be planted indefinitely in the future. It would be good to plant a sunflower garden by then!

"Well, it can be planted as a seed, but the sunflower that grows does not have my wisdom. It is just an ordinary sunflower, but it can have my ability!"

The big chrysanthemum seems to have good intelligence and can think about things, which is beyond Yuan Chen's expectation. Pea shooter and marigold are not very intelligent, but this big chrysanthemum has a very high IQ!

"Okay, so how many sunflower seeds do you have?"

Yuan Chen asked, this is a crucial question!

"I... I have two, but after the owner takes it away, I can grow two more in an hour!"

Big Chrysanthemum said!
"That's it, then give it to me first!"

Yuan Chen nodded. This is the same as the pea shooter and marigold. Yes, there are two peas. The pea shooter needs to cool down for 10 minutes after two peas are shot!

After the marigold produces a silver or gold coin, it takes five hours to grow one!
Now this sunflower is the same, it takes an hour to grow two, that is to say, it takes half an hour for this thing to produce a sunflower seed!
"You work hard!"

Yuan Chen said, and then cut off the connection of mental power!

And in the afternoon, something terrible happened. In the afternoon, Yuan Chen received a call from Song Wei!

"Yuan Chen, where are you?"

Song Wei asked very solemnly!
"What's wrong? I'm at home!"

Yuan Chen was very surprised, what was the matter? Judging from Song Wei's tone, it seemed very serious!
"Well, you and your sister are the only two children in your family, right?"

Song Wei asked again!

"Ah? Yes, it's just me and my sister. What's wrong with you?"

Yuan Chen was even more puzzled, what was going on, Song Wei basically knew about the affairs of his own family, why did he ask this question at this time!
"Then hurry up and come over to Yanjiang Road, I'll send you a video, just watch it!"

After Song Wei finished speaking, he hung up the phone. Five minutes later, Yuan Chen received a video on QQ, which was sent by Song Wei!

After opening it, Yuan Chen was stunned by the video in front of him!

"What exactly is going on?"

Yuan Chen watched the video and muttered to himself!
"Who will tell me what's going on here?"

No one answered, then Yuan Chen put away his phone and went directly to the place Song Wei said!

(End of this chapter)

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