Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 388 Resemblance, Really Too Much Resemblance

Chapter 388 Resemblance, Really Too Much Resemblance

Seeing the video sent by Song Wei on the phone, Yuan Chen drove out without saying a word. In the car, Yuan Chen thought about it and called his mother!
"Hey, Xiaochen, why did I suddenly think of calling my mother? Is it out of money? I'll call you if I don't have money!"

After answering the phone, Yuan Chen hadn't spoken yet, but his mother spoke first.

"It's nothing, Mom, I want to ask, Xiaoxuan and I are the only children in the family, right?"

After thinking about it, Yuan Chen still asked!
"Son, are you okay? Don't you know if you and Xiaoxuan are the two children at home? Are you a liar?"

Yuan Chen's mother asked vigilantly!
"It's okay, Mom, you can go to work!"

Yuan Chen smiled and said to his mother!

"Well, it's good to be fine, go home when you're tired, say you don't have money, drink more water when the weather is hot, that's it, I'm busy with work, it's really inexplicable!"

My mother complained a few words, but all the words she said were words of concern!

"Okay, I see, you and Dad are too, I'll go home when I'm free!"

Yuan Chen said, and then hung up the phone!
Then he drove directly towards the place Song Wei said!

Before Song Wei sent the video, Yuan Chen deliberately showed it to Qiqi, and after confirming that the video was definitely not synthetic, he chose to believe that the video was real, because Yuan Chen completely believed in Qiqi's technology !
In the video just now, it was a man, and the main thing is that the appearance and figure of that man are exactly the same as Yuan Chen, and it is not the Yuan Chen before, but the same as the Yuan Chen after eating the monster meat!
"How can it be so coincidental!"

Yuan Chen secretly thought, when he watched the video just now, his first reaction was, when did he go to Yanjiang Road and was Song Wei and the others photographed him?

Later, when I thought about it, I had never been to Yanjiang Road at all, but that person really resembled me, whether it was the clothes or the way he walked, they were all carved out of the same mold!
After arriving at Yanjiang Road, Yuan Chen called Song Wei and found him!

"What's going on? Where's that man?"

After finding Song Wei, Yuan Chen's first words were to find that person, that's right, to find that person, because he already knew that this was not a prank by Song Wei and the others, not only did he trust his intuition, he even more I really believe in Qiqi's judgment, the video has not been processed!
"Liu Ke went to follow, are you sure you really don't have any brothers?"

Song Wei still couldn't believe it, because when he went up to say hello before, the other party was taken aback when he saw him, then hesitated for a moment, then ignored him and walked away!
"No, no, I don't have any brothers, and that person is definitely not me!"

Yuan Chen said, he has never been here before, so he can be sure that it is not him, and he has been at home all the time, would he not know?
"No? But it's really similar!"

Song Wei frowned, because he had greeted that person directly, so he could clearly see that his facial features and appearance were exactly the same as Yuan Chen's!
"No, where is Liu Ke now?"

Yuan Chen asked, he wanted to see now, who is that person, does he really look like himself?Still pretending to be similar to me, I blame myself for being so handsome!

"He shared the location with me, let's go there!"

Song Wei nodded, he was also curious about who that person was, how could he look so similar to Yuan Chen, could it be plastic surgery?Impossible, Yuan Chen is not handsome, how could it be possible to have plastic surgery to look like Yuan Chen, and plastic surgery is to look like those stars!

"Go, get in the car!"

Yuan Chen couldn't help but snatch the phone from Song Wei's hand, and then drove to the location above!
Not long after, the two of Yuan Chen arrived at a community where Yuan Chen had never been before, and they saw Liu Ke at the gate of the community!
"Liu Ke, what's the matter?"

Yuan Chen patted Liu Ke and asked!
"Hey, didn't you just go in? Why didn't I see you come out and you're here!"

Liu Ke was startled when he saw Yuan Chen behind him. It seemed that he didn't know about it. In fact, when they saw "Yuan Chen" before, the two of them saw Yuan Chen ignoring them, and thought that Yuan Chen was being raped. It was inconvenient to say hello to him because of people following him, so Song Wei recorded the video and asked Liu Ke to follow!

But the more Song Wei thought about it, the more something was wrong, because the expression of "Yuan Chen" was not flustered, but a little cold, he froze for a moment, didn't know what he was thinking, and then left!

That's why Song Wei called Yuan Chen, but Yuan Chen answered immediately, and he realized that something was wrong!

"What just went in, that person is not Xiaochen at all, Xiaochen just came from home, we followed all the way here, where is that person?"

Song Wei asked, that person is very important, I don't know who it is, if it is born like this, then it's okay, if it's deliberately plastic surgery to look like Yuan Chen, then it's a bit terrible!
Song Wei knew that Yuan Chen was now the owner of two companies, a hotel and an orchard. If he really wanted to impersonate Yuan Chen and take away some of Yuan Chen's things, it would be really dangerous. This kind of thing is not impossible. possible!

"I don't know, that person went in, but the guard won't let me in!"

Liu Ke shook his head. He followed that person before, and then that person went directly into the community. After that, Liu Ke lost him, and the guard didn't let him in, so there was nothing he could do!

"Come on, let's go and see!"

Yuan Chen thought for a while and said, there are many ways for him to enter this gate, and if he wants to lead someone, it is really not possible to use mental power to control the guard uncle!

"Okay, let's go!"

Song Wei nodded to Liu Ke, and then followed Yuan Chen to the past!
When they got to the door, the uncle guard inside yelled, and then walked out!

"Hey, Mr. Lu, didn't you just go in?"

The doorman must be around 50 years old. He wanted to stop Yuan Chen and the others, but when he saw Yuan Chen's face, he was stunned for a moment, then a little puzzled, and then he spoke after thinking about it!

And at this moment, a voice appeared behind the guard uncle, the uncle turned around, and then the cigarette in his hand fell directly to the ground!

"This... this... so Mr. Lu is twins! Hehe!"

The uncle looked left and right, then smiled and said!
And Yuan Chen and the man who just came out looked at each other, and they were also stunned!
"Like, it's so similar!"

Song Wei behind Yuan Chen looked at the two of them and said, Liu Ke next to him also nodded in agreement!

(End of this chapter)

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