Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 389 Lu Zihan

Chapter 389 Lu Zihan

Everyone was stunned, the uncle doorman might have nothing, thinking they are twins, but Yuan Chen, Song Wei, Liu Ke including that person are all the same, they all know that Yuan Chen and that person really It doesn't matter at all!
"you are?"

"you are?"

Yuan Chen and that person asked at almost the same time, and then smiled at each other, because the voices of the two are almost exactly the same, and it is really impossible to tell who's voice is which!
"Yuan Chen, what about you?"

Yuan Chen said that he can be sure that this person is not plastic surgery, but really looks exactly like himself. Yuan Chen has already secretly detected it with mental power. The facial curves of this person are very normal and there is no modification. Traces of the past!
"Lu Zihan, hello!"

The man said, and then shook hands with Yuan Chen and me. No matter their height, behavior, or eyes, the two of them are simply engraved from the same mold!

"You... don't you two know each other?"

The uncle doorman also understood at this time. It turned out that the two people who looked exactly the same in front of him did not know each other. This surprised him. He had never seen such a person in his life!
Before, he thought that these two people were twins. He didn't expect that these two people are not only not twins, but they don't even know each other, but they actually look exactly the same. Is there really such a thing in the world?

"Let's find a place to talk!"

Yuan Chen smiled, although this person looks exactly the same as himself, but Yuan Chen found that this person is still different from himself in many ways, Yuan Chen did not find the existence of spirit in the other person!

In other words, even if the other party is exactly the same as yourself, but your own abilities are not available to the other party, that is to say, it is impossible for the other party in another dimension in your mobile phone to exist. Just like myself, it was cultivated through different-dimensional treasures such as Warcraft meat!
"Well, let's go, I'll drive!"

Then Lu Zihan said, Yuan Chen also nodded, because his car is a two-seater, there are four of them here, there is no way for him to carry it, so he can only let him drive by himself, and he also needs to carry one for himself by the way!
When Lu Zihan drove out, the two of them were taken aback again, because Lu Zihan's car was exactly the same as Yuan Chen's car!

"Haha, it looks like I'm going to help you pick up a friend!"

That Lu Zihan smiled, there are so many coincidences in the world!

"Hey, I'll trouble you then!"

Yuan Chen nodded, and then let Liu Ke take his car, while Yuan Chen drove Song Wei to a nearby coffee shop together!

"Yuan Chen, do you think that person has plastic surgery?"

Sitting in the car, Song Wei looked at the car following behind, and asked Yuan Chen a little worriedly!
"will not!"

Yuan Chen shook his head, he can be sure of this, it will definitely not be plastic surgery!
"How can you be so sure!"

Song Wei asked, he couldn't see anything, why was Yuan Chen so sure!
"Because his facial curve is very normal, completely natural, not the kind of plastic surgery, if it is plastic surgery, it will definitely not be so natural, and if you look closely, it will definitely be different, and it will not be completely different from yourself. Exactly the same!"

Yuan Chen explained that he had tested it mentally, and it was absolutely natural!
"Okay, Yuan Chen, are you adopted?"

Song Wei jokingly said, since Yuan Chen's family doesn't have another one, is it possible that Yuan Chen was adopted? Could it be that Lu Zihan's family has twins?

"Ahem, probably not, I haven't heard my mother say it, and if you ask my mother about this kind of thing, she will probably say yes!"

Yuan Chen smiled helplessly. His mother had this personality. She remembered looking in the mirror when she was a child, and then felt that she didn't look like her father, so she asked her if she was adopted, and she would always say yes!
"Okay, then do you want to ask that person later if there are any missing twin brothers in the family!"

Song Wei asked, this kind of thing is really too bizarre, so he has always found it a bit unbelievable, how can two people who are not related by blood look so similar?

"No, it's easy to offend people if you ask about this kind of thing!"

Yuan Chen shook his head. He asked someone this kind of thing not long after we met. If that person had a bad temper, he might turn his back on him. However, Yuan Chen was also curious, would that person's personality be exactly the same as his own?

"All right!"

Song Wei nodded!

Soon, the four of them came to a coffee shop. This coffee shop is very big in this city, but two identical luxury cars stopped at the door, which also attracted the attention of many people. When they saw the owner of the car, everyone was relieved!
There are quite a few twin brothers who like the same car. After all, they are twins. It’s not unusual to like the same thing!

"Mr. Lu, what do you do for work?"

Yuan Chen asked, two people who look exactly the same sitting together, it feels like they are talking to themselves, this feeling is so fun!
"Opened a hotel, two companies, and a newly established orchard!"

Then Lu Zihan's answer made Yuan Chen and the others completely stunned, it couldn't be such a coincidence, could it?
"What? Could it be that...Mr. Yuan, you too?"

Lu Zihan could also see the surprised expressions of Yuan Chen and the others, and asked also in a little surprise!
"Well, that's right, a fishing company and a technology company!"

Yuan Chen smiled, and specifically pointed out the projects his company operates!
"Then I'm different from you. I'm a vegetable company, and there's another one that mainly researches ores!"

Lu Zihan smiled, and also told Yuan Chen about the projects operated by his two companies!
"That's okay, if it's really all the same, it's a bit appalling!"

Yuan Chen smiled, luckily it was different, if the other party was also Hantan Fishery and Future Technology Research Company, Yuan Chen had to be cautious!

Because my Hantan fishery relies on the Hantan whitefish that has absorbed aura, and the future technology is also due to those technologies from different dimensions!

If the other party is the same, then the other party may also have garbage from another dimension. Although Yuan Chen can't feel that the other party has spiritual power, he may have other abilities!

"Yeah, I really didn't expect it. Just now I called home and asked my mom if I had a lost twin brother. My mom said I had a fever, haha!"

Lu Zihan said with a smile!

"Same, I also asked, there are no lost brothers!"

Yuan Chen smiled!
(End of this chapter)

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