Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 390 The Creepy Discovery

Chapter 390 The Creepy Discovery

The communication with Lu Zihan was generally very pleasant, but Yuan Chen always felt that the way he looked at him was a bit strange, as if it was a bit... ambiguous!
After returning home, Yuan Chen told Song Wei about this, but Song Wei said it was normal, because he always looked at people like this, which made Yuan Chen very speechless, and deliberately stood in front of the mirror after returning home. After looking at it, the more I look at it, the more I feel that I am pleasing to the eye, okay, don't talk!
Yuan Chen looked at himself in the mirror, and suddenly realized a problem. He didn't notice it when he was with Lu Zihan before. When they were communicating, it felt like they were looking in a mirror. Yes, they were looking in a mirror!

Not because of the image, but just like looking in a mirror. Everyone knows that the self in the mirror is the opposite of the real self, which means that Lu Zihan is completely opposite to himself!

After discovering this problem, Yuan Chen's heart skipped a beat. He quickly opened the video Song Wei sent to him, and watched it carefully. Sure enough, that person was the opposite of him. He was just surprised that he was the same as himself, but he ignored it. His other!
When they were sitting together and eating, Yuan Chen was only focused on chatting and didn't look carefully. Only now did he look in the mirror and found something weird!

I have a small mole on my right face, which is on the right side of "him" in the mirror. When Yuan Chen looked at Lu Zihan just now, he also had it, in the same position as himself, but this same position is very special. It's weird, because they are sitting opposite each other, so if you replace yourself in Lu Zihan's position, it will be on your left cheek!

Thinking of this, Yuan Chen quickly set up a discussion group, and then brought Song Wei and Liu Ke into it, and asked them to watch the video carefully!
"I watched the video. It's true. It looks exactly like you, but it's the opposite of you. It's like a character walking out of a mirror!"

After watching the video, Song Wei sent Yuan Chen a QQ message. After listening to Yuan Chen's words, he went to watch the video again, and immediately felt a little creepy!

"Actually, I also noticed this before, but when I was in his car yesterday, he used to use his right hand to make phone calls. He is not left-handed!"

This is a message from Liu Ke. Because he didn't have a seat before, he took Lu Zihan's car twice, so he saw more than Yuan Chen and the others!
"This... I don't know how to say it. Anyway, it definitely didn't come out of the mirror. Maybe the world is so wonderful!"

Song Wei heard Liu Ke's words and sent a message. He doesn't believe in this kind of thing. If it really crawled out of the mirror, Yuan Chen would not be able to see himself in the mirror now, because "he" crawled out !
"I don't know either, let's do this first, I'll think about it myself, you guys go to bed early!"

Yuan Chen said, he can't figure out what's going on now, could it be that something happened to him when he was a child?Impossible, I basically remember things from my childhood!

Lying on the bed, Yuan Chen fell asleep in a daze. He had a dream. In the dream was the man named Lu Zihan. Yuan Chen looked at him, and he also looked at Yuan Chen, just looking at each other. , but there was a weird smile on Lu Zihan's face, that kind of smile made one's hair stand on end!

Yuan Chen woke up from a dream. This was the first time he had a nightmare after he learned mental power, and it was also the first time he was awakened from a dream!

"Who is that Lu Zihan?"

Yuan Chen woke up with a start, wiped his cold sweat, and then got up to make a cup of tea from another dimension, because there is really not much tea left, so he rarely drinks this tea now, but now he urgently needs a cup of tea Come to soothe the gods!
On the second day, Yuan Chen's mental state had basically returned to normal, although Lu Zihan was still lingering in his mind!
After breakfast, Yuan Chen drove directly back to the countryside to find his uncle, and asked him about his childhood. In the end, he knew clearly that he was born to his mother, and he was the only one. There were no brothers who died young, let alone twins!

Afterwards, Yuan Chen went to inspect the two companies with his own concerns, and there was nothing wrong with them, so he went to the orchard!
The fruit trees in the orchard are still the same as before. Although the growth cycle of those fruit trees is very short, they don't grow up so fast. Yuan Chen just came here for a stroll!
Another day, Yuan Chen planted the remaining pea shooters in his yard, as if something was going to happen to him!
Then, after telling Lin Qi and the others a few words, he packed up his things and went back to his hometown. He wanted to show his parents this video, because it is difficult to find out something if you ask yourself about this kind of thing!
"Dad, Mom, I'm back!"

Because today is Saturday, my parents are also at home on vacation, so Yuan Chen called them in the morning and told them that he was going home!
"Xiaoxuan isn't at home?"

When Yuan Chen returned home, he saw that Yuan Xuan was not at home, so he asked a question!
"Well, she is in class, how can she be as leisurely as you!"

Mom said that although she said Yuan Chen was leisurely, she was actually more worried that Yuan Chen would be exhausted!
"Mom, isn't it? I'm so busy, so I'm free to come back now, okay?"

Yuan Chen said, of course they were all joking!
"Your mother is like this. She was still talking about why you are so busy. She hasn't been home for a long time. She wants to prepare delicious food for you!"

Dad chimed in!
"Go, go, isn't that what you were talking about?"

Mom patted Dad and said!
"By the way, mom and dad, let me show you a video!"

As Yuan Chen said that, he took out his phone and clicked on Lu Zihan's video!

"Hey, who is this guy? Why does he look so much like our son?"

Mom took a look, and then called dad to come and watch together!

"Ah, really, is there such a similar person in the world?"

Dad sat over and took a look, and exclaimed too!

Yuan Chen smiled triumphantly, just about to ask the question in his heart, and then suddenly realized something was wrong!

"You mean like? If you look carefully, it's me?"

Yuan Chen lied and said, how could my mother use the word like?
"Don't fool us, this is you? That's impossible, it just looks like you, where did you take the photo, did you ask for contact information in the past, or take it home and let's see, this young man looks like you It's so similar, don't you think?"

Mom said, the last sentence is for Dad!

But Yuan Chen was stunned, he didn't say that this person was not him at all, he even emphasized that it was him, but how did parents see it?

(End of this chapter)

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