Chapter 102
The fact that Li Huiniang was forcibly married is well known.Ye Qi, as the head snake here, how could he not inquire about it?
This inquiry made him break out in a cold sweat.

Is the note Yang Manyue gave a fake?

It was already expected that Leng Yun would give Yang Manyue a head start, and he couldn't sleep well for many nights because of this.But he never expected that Leng Yun would attack the Li family first.As for him, he didn't care about it, which made him more uneasy.

After much deliberation, I think it's best to give in to Yang Manyue.

After all, Yang Manyue is now in the limelight, and the strength of character that he shows is most appreciated by scholars.Even if there is no Leng Yun, if she balds her mouth and let out the rift with her family, then she will be drowned in the saliva without the help of others.

If this is the case, not to mention the next head of the village, I am afraid that the chief of grain will also be taken captive.

Thinking about it is also depressing.

Could it be that Yang Manyue really went to the Palace of the King of Hell to get some kind of compensation?
After she came back from the dead, not to mention her temperament changed drastically, she also became resourceful, and her vision and vision were not like that of a peasant girl.His demeanor is even more like that of a noble daughter who has been educated for many years...

Is this what people often say: if you survive a catastrophe, you will have a future blessing?
Every time he thinks of this, Ye Qi can't sleep at night.

If you fight against people, you may win; but if you fight against the sky, you are asking for death!
This Yang Manyue was obviously a lucky person, so he was able to save himself from danger time and time again, and his life was more prosperous...

Thinking of this, Ye Qi's eyes flashed a gloomy ambiguity, and said in a deep voice: "No matter what, even if you are a dog, as long as Yang Manyue can calm down, regardless of previous suspicions, it will be worth it."


Granny Ye exclaimed, "Being a dog for Yang Manyue? Master, you don't have a fever, do you? Why are you talking nonsense? Why should we humiliate ourselves and give her..."

"Several fellow villagers..."

Before he could finish speaking, he saw two people dressed as servants approaching the front.When he got close, he cupped his hands and saluted, "Excuse me. We are the Yang family in Lixi. May I ask if Yang Manyue lives here?"

"Lixi Yang's family?!" Ye Qi's eyes widened, "You, you, you are from Sizhitang..."

"Do you dare to ask Miss Yang Manyue to live here? Jingchuan Yang's family is here to find the descendants of the homeless!"

"What are you Jingchuan doing here?"

"Hehe, that's funny, we're all a family, you guys from Lixi can come, why can't we come?"

This, this, this...

The three members of the Ye family stared wide-eyed, as if beeping a dog.

The two families in front of me are both from Sizhitang, descendants of the Yang family, but they have different branches.But the difference is different, but these two branches are extraordinary, they are famous families in Ningbo, and in Yin County, they are all people who stomp their feet and shake the earth three times.

I was secretly surprised when I saw a convoy approaching again. A man sitting on a horse in front of me said happily when he got close, "Grandmother, this is the place, this is the place. The villager said just now that my cousin lives here. You see?" , white walls and black tiles, with words on it, this is the house!"

"Where, where?"

An old and excited voice came from inside, and soon a young servant stepped on it, and a few maids helped an old lady from inside, her manner was called a graceful one.

I saw the old lady look at the hut in front of her, and immediately shouted, "I'm sorry! Why are you so cruel! I'm sorry!"

After saying that, he burst into tears, "You are hiding in this crappy place, so it's easy for mother to find me! My poor son, why did you let my mother have white hair and black hair, I'm sorry, mother is even your last face I haven't seen it..."

"Grandmother, look carefully. Sister Yue and Brother Cang are still left here. Sister Yue is not afraid of power at such a young age. She is a girl who dares to fight against officials. She left such poems. She really deserves to be a descendant of my Yang family." , our spines are straight!"

"Ai, ai."

Wiping her eyes, the old woman stepped forward tremblingly. When she saw the people in front of her, she immediately pulled her face and said, "Oh, I wonder why it's so lively here. It turns out that all the uncles are here..."

While talking, a few servants had already pulled the carriage, and two gray-haired old men got out of the carriage. When they saw the old lady, they smiled and said, "I said why the magpies kept barking today. It turned out to be Thirteen The daughter-in-law of the Lang family. From the Shisan Lang family, what are you doing here today?"


The old lady slammed her cane and said angrily, "I'm here to pick up my granddaughter."

As he spoke, he looked at several people vigilantly, and snorted coldly: "You live in Yin County, I live in Pan'an Incheon, far away. I only heard about this a few days ago, Heng is my son, you don't know Right? You didn’t send anyone to tell me, what’s your idea of ​​sneaking here now?”

"Oh, old Shisan's family, what you said is ugly. What do you mean by playing tricks? They are all from your own family, why are you talking so ugly?"

"Hmph! The family separated a few generations ago!"

The old lady snorted coldly, pointed at the young man beside her and said, "Brother Xin, go, knock on the door for me, the old man will pick up his granddaughter in person, the granddaughter is back home!"

"Yes, grandma!"

Ye Qi and the others were dumbfounded.

Yang, Yang Heng is a child of the Yang family in Incheon?This old lady is his mother?

Thinking about it, Yang Heng's remarks back then were indeed suspicious.He said that he came here as a fugitive, and his family members were gone, but although he himself was dressed in simple clothes, he was born clean and white. How could he look like a fugitive?It reminds me of Li Mingsheng again...

He shuddered violently!

Yang Heng was led by Li Mingsheng, this, this...

Yes, yes!

He remembered that when Yang Heng came, he was holding Yang Manyue in his arms. He was dressed in ordinary clothes, but the swaddling baby looked like it belonged to a rich family.Is it possible? !
Ye Qi's mind was in a mess, completely messed up.

From this point of view, not only is Yang Manyue not a country girl, but she is also from a famous family. She is really a descendant of the famous Yang Zhen!
I'm a motherfucker!
"Ah! What's the matter with you, my lord?! Oh, my lord!"

Grandma Ye exclaimed, seeing Ye Qi rolling his eyes and laying down softly, he was so frightened that he passed out.

It may be possible to offend Leng Yun, after all, he is an outsider with no deep roots.But the famous local families who offended the locals really didn't know how they died. They were like the honorable families in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, and they were the real emperors.

Not to mention that Yang's lineage in Zhejiang migrated here at the end of the Song Dynasty. After hundreds of years of lingering here, there are many descendants. There are three branches in front of me, and I don't know how many branches are behind.

As far as he knows, Guangxi and Fenghua are also very good, and the one in Yanglehetou...

Oh my God!
What crime did he do, what kind of behemoth did he offend?
Ye Qi was so frightened that his liver and gallbladder were torn apart, this cold cloud and Yang Manyue's current reputation made him unable to sleep peacefully every day.I just want to admit my mistake, maybe there will be some turning points.

But, now that the grandmothers are all here, if they find out that they use their granddaughters to replace those who marry their wives...

Ye Qi didn't dare to think about going, so he simply fainted, which would save trouble.

There was a movement here, and the people who were arguing just now stopped, glanced at Ye Qi, and said, "This one has heatstroke?"

This group of people are all good people, and they have already inquired about the matter clearly.Seeing the old man's pale face, hehe, he is obviously that arrogant Ye family villain!
Hurrah!You have bullied our descendants of the Yang family, so we must show some color.

In fact, these families have been lingering in Chaiqiao for several days, and they dared to come when they saw that Man Yue finally came out from the evil spirit.Only the old lady, what a coincidence.

Incheon no longer belongs to Ningbo, and it is far away. If Miss Yang's poem hadn't been so shockingly copied, it might not have spread to Pan'an County.But Yin County is different, it is the Fukuo County of Ningbo Prefecture, and the news is well developed, and it is natural to take back such a person in the clan.

What the other families didn't expect was that Yang Manyue would be recuperating at Leng Yun's, and after a long time, the news would reach the child's grandmother.

Yu's face was gloomy, she glanced at the three members of the Ye family, snorted coldly, and suddenly raised her voice: "Brother Xin, what are you still doing in a daze?! Knock on the door! Knock louder for the old lady, knock on the door!" , don’t think that there is no one in our Yang family!”

Ye Qi, who had just been pinched awake, rolled his eyes again when he heard this, and passed out.

Grandma Ye was also trembling with fright, she didn't dare to stay longer, she didn't even dare to speak, she and Liu Shi immediately dragged Ye Qi back.

"Who?! Are you annoying?!"

Yang Manyue had just finished reheating the food and serving it to the table, when she heard another hasty knock on the door from outside.

Immediately furious, this Ye Qi is really shameless, do you want to show some face?
He opened the door angrily, and cursed: "Ye Qi! Are you finished..."

The voice stopped abruptly, and seemed to turn a corner suddenly, "Here, this young man, you, who are you looking for?"

"younger sister!"

Yang Lixin got excited when he saw Yang Manyue, grabbed her hand, and said excitedly: "I found you, grandma, this is my sister, this is my sister, look, she looks like an uncle!"

Yang Manyue's eyes widened, and she was immediately stunned.

What, what's the situation?
Where did the cheap brother come from?And, still so old? !

This looks at least more than 30, right?

"Really, it's really Heng'er's flesh and blood!"

Just as she was in shock, she saw an old lady tremblingly coming forward with the support of several maidservants. The moment she saw her, tears fell, "Like, like, really like! Also like Yun Niang, these eyes , this mouth looks like Yunniang!"

The old lady burst into tears as she spoke, stretched out her hands and said, "Good boy, hurry up, come to grandma! My poor child... it's useless to be a grandma..."

What the hell? !
"Ah, this is Brother Heng's daughter? Tsk tsk, she is indeed a descendant of my Yang family. She has a strong character and a bearing that is stronger than that of a man. No wonder she can write poems like Ren Er's east, south, north, and west winds. Come, come, don't you, my child." Stupid, according to your seniority, you have to call me Seventh Uncle."

"I am your ninth uncle..."

Yang Manyue was completely stunned.

How come there are so many confidantes in the time it takes to warm up a meal?
(End of this chapter)

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