Delicious Lady: Lord Wolf, please enter the urn

Chapter 103 Dried This Bowl of Dog Blood

Chapter 103 Dried This Bowl of Dog Blood


I didn't hear mother say that my father had other relatives! Didn't they all die on the way to escape?

Where do these people come from?

After being persecuted in Daming for so long, a certain girl suffered from persecution paranoia. She felt that the visitor was not kind, so she turned around abruptly, and closed the door with a bang.

The few people who were still performing sensationally at the door were completely dumbfounded.

"Huh? Why are you leaving? Sister Yue, open the door!"

Miss Kenny!
Yang Manyue felt a group of crows croaking and flying overhead.I pinched myself hard, and found that I was not dreaming, those richly dressed guys outside really came to recognize their relatives.

There was a sudden shock, and memories flooded in like a flood.

She remembered.

In order to incite scholars, I claimed to be a person from Sizhitang in the yamen.


She trembled. This was really a big fuss!

In case people find out that they are talking nonsense, wouldn't they want to tear themselves apart?
Thinking of this made her scalp numb, the people outside were still shouting, she thought for a long time and opened the door.

There is no way.

Be honest!
Since it is a member of Sizhitang, it is a big family.Thinking about it, I shouldn't care too much about this weak woman like her!

"Oh, dear granddaughter, but did the old lady scare you?"

"Old Shisan's family. Her father's name is Yang Heng, not Yang Shouheng. Don't misunderstand her."

"Hmph! If it wasn't for the master's family back then, why would I, Heng'er, take Yunniang to escape?! It's all your cowardice that caused today's tragedy. Is it strange that my son changed his name to Yang Heng to avoid disaster? Just look at the eyebrows, it's clear It was Heng'er and Yunniang who came out! If it wasn't for you refusing to save them, why would my son and daughter-in-law die in vain?!"

"Ben is a concubine, what kind of daughter-in-law? But there is no genealogy yet!"


Yang Manyue was speechless, and couldn't help but said: "I told you, you must have mistaken someone. My father is just a teacher, not from Sizhitang."

"Were you in the lobby that day..."

"That day, I had no choice but to use the name of Sizhitang to suppress the top snake. You are a little girl, Meng Lang. I hope you will forgive me for hurting the name of the Yang family."

She saluted as soon as she spoke, her words were sincere and her attitude was good.

"No, no, you are Heng'er's flesh and blood!"

The old lady shook her head and said excitedly: "It's all our fault, Sister Yue, and grandma has already found out. It is my father who met a friend when he was studying abroad, and he came to the house twice for dinner. His name is Li Mingsheng! Then Li Mingsheng is Living here, if grandma expects it right, because he was the one who took care of your father and mother and fled here to settle down, it can't be wrong, it can't be wrong."

Yang Manyue's heart skipped a beat, "Li Mingsheng? He, did he know his father?"

Asking such a question is actually unknowingly believing the old lady's words.


The young man beside him wiped the corners of his eyes, and said, "Fate made man, but my sister suffered..."


The old lady's eyes turned red again when she heard this, and she glared at the other two elders, "If someone was not cowardly and refused to come forward, how could today's tragedy have resulted? Then he hurried over, hehe, I really lost the upright character of my ancestors!"

The two old men blushed and murmured: "Old Shisan's family, I can't blame elder brother for this matter. Now that he has passed away, he also regretted this matter before he died, and asked us to find the descendants of Brother Heng. We have not been relaxed. It was not easy for our ancestors to move to Zhejiang. At that time, we were required to take care of each other even after the family was separated. However, in the situation back then, wouldn’t it be a catastrophe for us to exterminate the family if we contributed to the flames? Yunniang's..."

"To shut up!"

The old woman slammed on her crutch, "Everyone is dead, so what do you say?"

As he spoke, he said to Yang Manyue: "My good boy, I have suffered for you all these years."

After saying that, tears flowed again, "I heard that you are going to show your face and do that boy's job at such a young age, it's my grandmother who is sorry..."

"You, what are you talking about?"

Yang Manyue still looked dazed. Why does it sound so bloody?
"Go in and talk."

The two old men suggested in a low voice: "Thirteen Lang's family, don't bother you, after all, you can't write two Yang characters in one stroke. Although it has been so long, that person may not care about it, but you should be careful it is good."


Mrs. Yu snorted coldly, "You guys are afraid, but I'm not! So what about King Wu? Yunniang is gone, so is it possible to blame us for the crime again? Besides, Wang Fei and others, who used to be Yuan Those weaklings at home are just afraid of power!"

The two old men couldn't help but smile wryly.

This old Shisan family is capable, but his temper is too stubborn.It's just that it's understandable for her to speak unscrupulously when she just learned the news that her son was gone.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help sighing, and said to Man Yue: "Girl Yue, you are confused, don't you? Regardless of whether you are from our lineage or not, but the Yang family in the world came from Hongnong, and they were a family hundreds of years ago. Now the elders are here Interviewer, do you want me to wait outside to talk?"

The corner of Yang Manyue's mouth twitched, and she couldn't help but said: "What should I do if the two old men are me? I'm a wild girl in the country, and a group of people suddenly appeared and said they were my relatives. Wouldn't you be surprised?"


The old lady quit when she heard this, and cried loudly: "You, do you want to deny us?!"

As he spoke, he beat his chest and stomped his feet, "Do evil, do evil! God, what evil did the old woman do! This granddaughter doesn't recognize me..."


Yang Manyue felt a thunderbolt above her head, and the corners of her mouth kept twitching.

This old lady looks capable and agile, but why does she feel a little bit like a rascal when she does things?
The two old men also rubbed their temples, with constipated faces, and said to the old lady: "I said Yu, this life is almost over, why are you still like this? Speaking of which, you are also from a famous family, how can you act like that?" Shrew-like..."

"You old man, who are you calling a shrew?!"

Yang Manyue opened her mouth wide, feeling like a beeping dog!

Well, these old men are really from Sizhitang?her ancestors? !
I go!

These are obviously some old urchins!

Seeing that some old urchins were about to quarrel again, that cheap brother winked at her again and again, his eyes showing pleading looks.

Yang Manyue's scalp was numb from his kitten-like eyes, so she had to turn her body sideways and said: "A few, a few are from afar, and they are guests. Why don't you go in and have a sip of tea before you worry about it."

When she spoke, she felt like a yellow oriole chirping, like a clear stream flowing slowly, which made the several old men who were arguing endlessly quiet down immediately, and nodded repeatedly, "It's very, it's very, or what Yue girl said makes sense. After such a long journey, I am already too thirsty. Yue girl, do you have something to eat, even the hungry old man!"

The corner of the mouth twitched again, and I couldn't help but think with teary eyes: I, my ancestors were, that's it?
Even so, somehow there was a sense of intimacy.

I don't know whether it's because blood is thicker than water or because she always loved to study the family tree in her previous life, so she felt a sense of kindness towards the group of ancestors from Sizhitang in the Ming Dynasty.

After welcoming them into the house, they saw the dishes on the table. Before they could speak, the old lady started crying again, "Oh my God! It's not that my good granddaughter has been tortured severely. But Bu Bu is going to get the root of the disease! What about the Chen family? Where did you go? Did you treat you harshly?!"

Yang Manyue was a little terrified, "You, do you know mother?"


The old lady showed displeasure on her face, but she returned to normal immediately, and said calmly: "When your story got to Pan'an, I thought you were Heng'er's flesh and blood, so I asked people to inquire about it."

She said with a sad face, "It's just that I didn't expect Yunniang to die because of giving birth to you, and Heng'er would continue the strings again. This, really..."

Yang Manyue felt a little uncomfortable.Just now when the old lady mentioned her little stepmother, there was a look of contempt in her eyes, which made her a little upset.

Then, from their mockery just now, it can be analyzed that his father and mother eloped, and he had himself before marriage. If it is obvious that his mother is favored by the King of Wu, and the cheap grandfather dare not disobey, then With today's release.

Thinking of this, he said: "My mother is very good to me, and she treats me as her own. It's just that the family's livelihood is difficult, so I left the stall when I saw that I can take care of myself."

Then he grinned and said, "After all, the belly is big!"

She spoke lightly, but the others were not pleased when they heard this.

The old man who called himself Seventh Uncle looked at the food on the table, although it was not bad for a farmer's family.But thinking that the little girl in front of him is brother Heng's flesh and blood, and should have lived a life of luxury, I couldn't help feeling sour.

After a long silence, he said: "It's fate. Sigh, speaking of it, your grandfather is really to blame for this misunderstanding. If it wasn't for him wanting to curry favor with King Wu, how could today's tragedy have happened? Fortunately, King Wu didn't pursue it, otherwise, with his Where can I find Brother Heng?"

After hearing this, Yang Manyue couldn't help lowering her eyes, and asked, "My father's name is Yang Heng, and he said that our hometown is in Pan'an Incheon..."

As soon as she said this, Mrs. Yu responded again and again: "You can't be wrong, I am your grandmother. Your father is from the generation of Shou Zi, presumably to avoid the entanglement between the Yuan family and the King of Wu, so he will keep Shou Zi." get rid."

She trembled slightly, and couldn't help but look up at the old lady in front of her, feeling a little weird in her heart.

This is his ancestor?

His eyes were slightly red, as if a long-lost child finally saw his relatives.But this kind of strangeness only surged for a moment and then calmed down again. She suddenly remembered the purpose of their visit here.

Look at this posture is to recognize the ancestors?What about Chen and Mancang?
When he thought that the other party might not accept his stepmother and younger brother, he instinctively resisted.

Just as I was thinking about it, I heard another knock on the door, "The old man asked Li Mingsheng to see you!"

"This is Brother Heng's benefactor!"

Yu said excitedly: "Brother Xin, hurry up and open the door!"

Yang Manyue has become the background board gorgeously, and she is worthy of being the head mother of a wealthy family. This momentum is too powerful.

Soon Li Mingsheng came in, and Yang Manyue was a little embarrassed.

Now she knew the ins and outs of the matter. Although Li Huiniang had harmed her, this Li Mingsheng didn't know.Now that I know that he is my father's benefactor, meeting under such circumstances makes me feel extremely embarrassed...

 Seeing that there are two duplicate comments, the author is so broken, I checked the latest one and found no chapter duplication!Ahhhhh!Where exactly?Can you guys tell me? !

(End of this chapter)

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