Delicious Lady: Lord Wolf, please enter the urn

Chapter 104 Terrible Brothers and Sisters

Chapter 104 Terrible Brothers and Sisters
Li Mingsheng glanced at her with a complicated expression.It's just that he didn't think too much, just bowed and said: "Meet Mrs. Yang."

Mrs. Yu hurriedly got up and said, "I can't, I can't, if it weren't for you, my Brother Heng wouldn't be able to survive back then."

Li Mingsheng sighed when he remembered what happened back then, and then said: "This old man is not here to ask for favors, but for the Chen family."

Yang Manyue's eyes widened, and she came here for the Chen family?What's the meaning?
Speaking of the Chen family, the old lady turned cold and said: "If the old man heard correctly, this Chen family was originally bought by my son. Later, my son saw that she was pitiful for her orphans and widows, so I canceled the marriage contract. , remarried as a wife. Mingsheng, you will never forget your friendship with Henger, and the matter of the Chen family is a matter of my Yang family, Mingsheng, you should leave it alone."

"That's a bad word!"

Li Mingsheng shook his head, "If I don't come here to explain, the old lady might have an affair with Mrs. Chen. I'm here to tell Mrs. My brother and Mrs. Chen are only married in the name of husband and wife, and everything is to take care of the full moon."

As he spoke, he cupped his hands, ignoring the shock on the faces of several people, "That's all I said, Mrs. Wang treated Mrs. Chen kindly. If Mrs. Chen didn't exist, your granddaughter would have been killed by them long ago."

Saying that she wanted to leave, Yang Manyue hurriedly chased after her, saying, "Master Li, please stay!"

Li Mingsheng turned to look at her and asked, "What else do you need?"

His tone was a bit cold, after all, there was already some suspicion because of his daughter.Even if the daughter doesn't live up to it, even if Yang Manyue is the victim, it's easier said than done, in the end they can't get close.

"Master Li!"

She bowed, "I just want to know what happened to my father and mother? And my stepmother..."

"You should ask Mrs. Chen about this."


"Your father has already written a letter before he left. He intends to ask Mrs. Chen, and you will know when she comes back."

After finishing speaking, he cupped his hands and said, "Farewell, old man!"

Yang Manyue returned to the room in a daze, only to hear the people inside say: "It's not unreasonable for Li Mingsheng to befriend Brother Heng. This temper is very hard."

"You can meddle in Brother Heng's affairs if you don't insist? It's just a matter of a few encounters, and this man is a real man! He is righteous!"

"Yue girl, are you going to eat? Come on, go to the town to buy some food and come over. I'm hungry too, so we just have a meal together."

Yang Manyue didn't bother to take care of them, she was in a mess right now.The only thing he was sure of was that the person in front of him was indeed a relative of this body, and he shouldn't harm her. Let's have a full stomach and see what they want to do.

Soon the servants brought by several families bought all kinds of cooked food and came back. Seeing that Yang Manyue was going to get the bowls and chopsticks, several maidservants rushed to the front in fright and said: "Miss Eighteen, we will do it, we will do it."

Seeing the confusion in Yang Manyue's eyes, Mrs. Yu said, "You and Brother Xin belong to the same generation, and both belong to the Li Zi generation."

As she spoke, she pointed to the two old men, "Counting the children of their family, not counting those who died young, you have 67 older brothers, 73 younger brothers, and 73 older sisters, and 92 younger brothers, [-] a sister..."


Yang Manyue fell into a daze, a row of carrot heads popped up in front of her eyes, I'll go!
This can form an army!
"There are so many branches. If you only count our lineage, you still have 7 older brothers, 5 older sisters, 8 younger brothers, and [-] younger sisters..."

Continue to mosquito-repellent incense eyes.

I go!

The ancient big family is so scary!
"Don't scare Yue girl."

The two old men couldn't help laughing at Man Yue's sluggish look, "We don't have many members of the Yang family, and some of them are from Sizhitang, but they haven't contacted the master's family for a long time. How many times did your grandmother say so?" The family can only count Jingchuan, Lixi, Pan'an, and Fenghua, but the others don't walk around with us."

Yang Manyue nodded dumbly, and then heard the old lady say: "Brother Heng is born of me, so you are also a concubine daughter with a noble status, how can you do these trivial things?"

Yang Manyue waved her hand and said, "I didn't suffer too much. It's just that the news was too shocking, and I still can't catch my breath. Listening to what you guys said, my parents were born in a big family, and later my parents fell in love with each other. Yue, but because King Wu also fell in love with mother, mother's family was afraid of the power of the prince and prevented the two from being together, so father took mother to elope, right?"

Speaking of this, the amicable atmosphere just now changed. Mrs. Yu was silent for a while, before saying: "Sister Yue, the outside world says that you are resourceful, good at cooking, and unique. Now it seems that the rumors are true. You can understand the matter in just this moment, alas!"

Mrs. Yu sighed heavily, shook her head, and murmured: "Injustice, injustice!"

Seventh Uncle also had a serious expression on his face, "Our people have been staring at Wu Wang's mansion, but there is no movement. Old Shisan's family, in your opinion, then Wu Wang will really not find it?"

Mrs. Yu shook her head, "King Wu is obsessed with Yunniang, loves the house and Wu, if he really wanted to attack, he would have killed Brother Heng unknowingly. Although our Yang family has some reputation in the local area, King Wu also Not bad. The Daming feudal king has to stay in the fiefdom, and from generation to generation, that is the largest prominent family in the locality, you say, even if I wait to cover it up, if the king of Wu really wants to investigate to the end, how can he not find Heng'er's whereabouts?"

She looked at Man Yue, "Girl Yue obviously didn't know her identity before. I think King Wu had given up the moment he learned that Yun Niang had eloped."

"That's true. They married the current princess according to the wishes of the old concubine, so I thought I'd let it go. Poor Yun Niang was pregnant at the time, and it took a lot of energy to travel all the way. Otherwise, how could it be difficult to give birth?"

After some rhetoric, Yang Manyue finally figured out the ins and outs of the matter.

I just feel that the blood has come home.

Thinking of Li Mingsheng's words again, I can't help feeling awe of my father.

Although he is a weak scholar, his dedication to feelings is touching.And that King Wu is also quite graceful, so he just let it go.From what we can see, the villain only has his cheap grandfather left.

I heard from this cheap grandmother that my cheap grandfather could have rejected King Wu because my mother and father had already had a marriage contract. As I said, even if there is no written evidence, it can be counted.

But later, King Wu fell in love with his mother, and his grandfather started to think about it, not only did not explain, but also started to pretend to be confused.The mother managed to get out, and went straight to the bridal chamber with her father without doing anything else. She thought that grandpa would change his mind, but grandpa didn't.

And King Wu also sent people to look for his mother, and the importance of her was so high that the head of the Yang family didn't dare to move at will, and he even made up his mind automatically.At this time, it was reported that the mother was pregnant.Fearing that the head of the family would not be able to withstand the pressure, the grandmother secretly arranged for the father and mother to escape until the child was born.

But I didn't know that I couldn't come back this time!As for why her father didn't go back later, and didn't even tell her family, Yang Manyue felt that maybe her father thought that the matter would bring disaster to the family if the king of Wu's face was swept away, so he changed his name and stayed here as a teacher, right?

And Li Mingsheng also helped a lot in this process. I heard from Grandma Cheap that they knew each other through study tours, and they only met a few times.Being able to do this, Yang Manyue couldn't help admiring Li Mingsheng, and suddenly didn't hate Li Huiniang so much.

With the ability of the Li family, it is very easy to create a false identity for the father, and the grandmother did not expect that the father would come here, let alone Li Mingsheng, who only met a few times, came back to help.

When they heard the news, they were also shocked for a long time, this man is righteous!
After figuring out the ins and outs of the matter, Yang Manyue was also a little embarrassed.

Right now, this body is undoubtedly a descendant of the Yang family, but how will she face them?

Do you still go back with them?

Her first reaction was to refuse.

It's good to have relatives to rely on, and it's good to see these living ancestors, but I don't want to go back with them.Now I feel that the kindness is only a blood relationship. If the relationship is not as good as the relationship with Chen Shi and Mancang, it is inappropriate to live with them.

Furthermore, such a big family has so many brothers and sisters, and the relationship in the back house is extremely complicated. Why do you do it yourself?Are you courting death?

She doesn't want to waste her life on boring fights, the world is vast outside, why fight to the death with a group of backyard women?
After finishing the meal slowly, Mrs. Yu put down her chopsticks and said, "Son, don't you still want to call me grandma?"

Yang Manyue hesitated for a while, and said: "The master of the Li family said that father had a letter to mother, I want to read the letter..."

"you you……"

The old lady stared wide-eyed, and the tears came immediately, "You, you want to deny us again?! Do evil, oh my god..."


Yang Manyue looked at the old lady in front of her speechlessly, and said helplessly: "Old lady, I, I have to digest it, you, let me think about it."

The cheap elder brother was a little surprised, she was the first one who dared to speak to grandma like this.

Yu choked and said, "What else are you thinking? I think your eyebrows and eyes are just like Yunniang's, and everything else is like your father. Li Mingsheng has also confirmed that you are Heng'er's flesh and blood. I think you have a twist on your head. You must be a traitor, you don't want to recognize us..."

"Grandmother, there is no spin on my sister's head..."

"To shut up!"

Yang Manyue's mouth cramped again, this old lady is really...

Rubbing the center of his brows with some headaches, he said, "I know, I'm just too shocked. Also, if you come here like this, don't you want to take me away? I won't go."


Several people were shocked. Is this the rhythm of not wanting to recognize their ancestors? !


Immediately furious, the table crackled and slapped, "Sister Yue, you have forgotten all the classics!"

"You don't think we are rebels!"

"How unreasonable! You have my Yang family's blood on your body, you must go back!"

"Sister, you, you will be struck by lightning..."

"I say……"

Yang Manyue couldn't laugh or cry, "I didn't say I didn't recognize you, I just wanted to live here..."

"What? I don't agree!"

Mrs. Yu shouted, "You are the granddaughter of our Incheon lineage, how can you live here? I couldn't find it before, but now that I have found it, how can I live here?! The old woman won't agree!"

(End of this chapter)

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