Chapter 106
"who are you?"

The man's hoarse voice sounded in the darkness, and Man Yue was overjoyed, and hurried forward, "Are you here? Have you eaten yet?"

The figure gradually became clear in the light, and I saw a tall man walking forward with steady steps, his resolute facial features were carved like a knife, and his temperament was as cold as ice. When he saw the girl, his expression softened slightly, and there was a hint of doting in his eyes , "I have some things today, I haven't eaten yet."

Mrs. Yu squinted her eyes, seeing her granddaughter jumping for joy, an imperceptible depth flashed in her eyes.His eyes shifted slightly and fell on the man. When the man came close, the coldness emanating from his body made people feel startled.

That was the unique cruelty and coldness of a person who came out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

From the brow bone, a scar spread from top to bottom to the corner of the eye, adding a bit of bloodlust.

What a solid man!

Even at this age, seeing such a man can't help but take a few more glances.Not only did the scar not destroy the handsomeness of the man, but it added a bit of charm, with a sense of mystery, bloodthirsty, and cruelty, making one unable to resist admiration.

The man rubbed the girl's head with his hands, and a magnetic voice sounded, "Is there a guest at home? Why didn't you bring the door?"

"Didn't you bring it?"

She raised her head, her big eyes were filled with joy, "At Mushi, I have a grandma, a brother, and a sister, and they are looking for me..."


Leng Yun looked at the people in the room, all of them were well-dressed and well-dressed.After thinking about it for a while, he narrowed his eyes and said, "Your surname is Yang. Could it be that these people are from Sizhitang?"

"Old man Sizhitang Yang Yushi, pay homage to Master Leng."

"Old Sizhi Tang Yang Xiaoqian, pay homage to Lord Leng."

"Old Sizhi Tang Yang Xiaoyi, pay homage to Lord Leng."

"Student Sizhitang Yang Lixin, pay homage to Master Leng."

Leng Yun nodded, his status is there, even though the Yang family is noble, but he is a hereditary Marquis with great power, so naturally he can afford this gift.

"Everyone, please forgive me."

He paced forward, and Mrs. Yu had already stood up, wanting to make room, but Leng Yun waved his hand, "My lord, the old lady just sits."

Yu Shi nodded secretly, it seems that the rumors are not credible.This man doesn't talk much, but he is polite.

It's just that the next sentence made Yu almost go berserk.

"Yang Zhen is the Confucius of Kansai. The saying 'Heaven knows, the earth knows, you know and I know' has been passed down through the ages. Since they are his descendants, they must not lose their character. Although Man Yue is young, since I am engaged to her, I will not allow others to bully me. Please come back, everyone."

"What does Lord Hou mean by this?!"

Mrs. Yu snorted coldly, "Could it be that the Marquis thought that we were here to cheat on Man Yue's reputation? Her father's real name was Yang Shouheng, but he changed his name to Yang Heng because he left home to avoid disaster. He is the youngest son; Man Yue's mother came from Ximen Yuan Shi, is the descendant of Yuan Yong!"

Yang Manyue's eyes widened, and she exclaimed: "What? Me, me, my mother is Yuan Yong's descendant? That's the Yuan Yong who swore to death that he would not surrender Yuan, and threw his whole family into the river to die for the country?!"

"That's right! Only one son was rescued back then, and the Yuan family was saved! Your mother is the descendant of this son!"

I'm a darling!
Sister, this is the queen of Zhonglie!Awesome!

The idiom "I would rather die than surrender" came from Yuan Yong!

I go!

All of a sudden, a lot of powerful relatives appeared. Is my sister finally going to explode in character? !
A certain girl had little stars in her eyes, and she suddenly felt that she was very domineering!
Leng Yun was also taken aback: How big is his little thing?
Jiangnan has always been dominated by aristocratic families, just like the position of Lichang, it has become empty by the end of Ming Dynasty.All are in the hands of aristocratic families, and many difficulties in implementing national policies are actually inseparable from the obstruction of this group of people.

When Leng Yun came here, he wanted to implement some policies many times but was always blocked.Although he has a bad reputation, political games are not useful for anyone with a loud voice.Shout loudly, no fist equals fart.

He has not been here for a long time, and his foundation is not stable. Compared with these aristocratic families that have been around for a hundred years, or even a thousand years, he is really not enough as a Marquis.

Although he was surprised in his heart, he had already passed the age of screaming, and his face was still expressionless, he only squinted slightly, and said: "Yue'er, are you sure?"

"It should be right..."

Yang Manyue hesitated, "Father was brought here by Li Juren, and it has been confirmed just now. Li Juren told me just now that my father passed away and gave a letter to my mother. I think the truth will be revealed after my mother comes back." .”

"Li Mingsheng?"

Leng Yun froze for a moment, squinting his eyes slightly, something that flashed in his eyes was somewhat incomprehensible, but then he returned to normal.Tapping the table with his slender fingers, he nodded, "It's better to be cautious about recognizing relatives."

Yang Lixin wiped the sweat from his brow, and suddenly felt that his cousin was really extraordinary, no wonder the cold-faced God of War who was number one in the world valued her so much.

This man seemed cold and unpopular, and the aura emanating from his body made people tremble.It's obviously restrained to the extreme, but you can feel a bit of arrogance and cruelty in this deep restraint, like an unsharpened knife, seemingly harmless, but if you really want to cut it down, it can kill you Life!

It's just such a person, but my cousin can talk and laugh with him as usual, she is really a hero among women!

Mrs. Yu narrowed her eyes slightly, and something unclear flashed in her eyes, and then she laughed, "Master Hou is very careful with my Yue girl. This child has a hard life, and my father is gone. I, the grandmother, will take her place. Thank you Lord Hou for your love."

After a pause, he continued: "The truth can't be fake, and the fake can't be true. You can check it if you want to. It's just that there are some things that are not humane, so don't ask Hou Ye. I'm the grandmother of Yue Yatou. will hurt her."

Leng Yun suddenly smiled, "The old matriarch's words are serious. This little thing is not easy. Since she made a marriage with me by accident, I have to take care of her a little longer. Leng Moujiu After passing through the battlefield, the game is full of intrigues, and the soldiers are cunning, so I have many doubts, and I ask the old lady to forgive me."

"Ha ha!"

The seventh uncle, Yang Xiaoqian, laughed loudly, "There are rumors that Lord Hou has a weird personality and is unreasonable. Now it seems that the rumors are absolutely unbelievable, and I don't know who actually spread such words. The old man thinks that Lord Hou has a certain degree of advance and retreat, and is very polite. , he must be a hero among the people, and a good-looking talent. If a person is not envied, he is a mediocrity, Hou Ye, what do you think?"

"Hehe, who is this Yue girl? She is a sensible person."

Leng Yun responded, "If Man Yue is really a descendant of the Yang family, then he will recognize his ancestor and return to his clan, and Leng Yun will send someone to escort him."

The corners of Yang Manyue's mouth twitched, do I need to do Tai Chi here and guess charades?Could it be that they were afraid that these servants would hear something?

I was complaining when I heard a noise coming from outside, "Sister, I'm, who are you? Brother-in-law, are you here?"

Man Yue was injured, and Mrs. Chen was about to leave the stall again, so Mancang was at Wang Zhi's place all day long, waiting for Mrs. Chen to return before bringing him back, lest Man Yue would be distracted from taking care of him.

Chen was also surprised, why are there so many people?Who are these people? !
After she saw the people in the room clearly, her body began to tremble.

She suddenly remembered what her husband had said to her before he died.

"I still have family members alive. If they find them in the future, you can give this letter to Man Yue. Remember, only those who come from Incheon are relatives... If no one comes to find them, this letter cannot be shown to Man Yue for the rest of my life." , and one day, if you leave, you will destroy this letter..."

Husband's words seemed to ring in Er's ears, tears rolled in his eyes, and he said tremblingly: "Where is the honored guest?"

"Pan'an Incheon Sizhitang!"

Yu Shi was very angry, looked at Chen Shi, and saw that although this woman was dressed as a peasant woman, she was dressed neatly, and she looked clean, so she felt a little fond of her.

Well, it's a rule.

Hearing the word "Pan'an Renchuan", Mrs. Chen couldn't control herself anymore, she felt the sky was dark for a while, and tears welled up in her eyes: Is it finally here? !

She knew, she always knew.Husband is not an ordinary scholar, and his habits in life are definitely the demeanor of the children of big families.And he never worships anyone, even if someone dies on the way to escape, it is always right to set up a tomb to express his grief, right?
But he didn't.

Only in Chongyang, Mid-Autumn Festival, and New Year's Eve do they drink to the moon, murmuring repeatedly "I miss relatives every festive season", and then feel sad.

And she also discovered that her husband seldom went to see his sister, but often stared in a daze at an embroidered handkerchief embroidered with twin tilians. Before he died, he did not forget to ask her to bury the embroidered handkerchief with him, which she always found strange.

As for her sister, she never felt jealous.Because when she agreed to get married, she agreed that she would only be called husband and wife in this life.

The husband is just her benefactor, Chen has always thought so.

For a long time, she was just paying back the favor.

Now that her husband is gone, and she has gone through so much with Man Yue, she has regarded Man Yue as her own child, now that Man Yue's real relatives have been found, are they going to separate?

The day is finally here...

Seeing Mrs. Chen like this, Leng Yun understood in his heart. He glanced at Man Yue, saw her stepping forward to help Mrs. Chen, comforting her softly, and said, "Auntie, drink some water and talk more carefully."

Mrs. Chen trusted Leng Yun, so she calmed down after hearing what Leng Yun said.But that hand was holding on to his sons and daughters tightly, so they could come forward and blessed Mrs. Yu, "I have seen the old lady."

"You are the Chen family?"

Mrs. Yu waved her hand, "Don't be in a hurry to salute. Li Mingsheng said that my son Heng'er has a letter with you, right?"

Chen's heart trembled, and she looked at the old lady in front of her in disbelief. This, this is the husband's mother?
Isn't that yourself? !
Not daring to think too much, he quickly wiped away his tears and said, "Yes, I'll take my body here."

Seeing Mrs. Chen go back to her bedroom, Yang Manyue hurriedly followed, "Mother, I'll help you find it together."

After entering Chen's house, Chen didn't look for anything.

He stared fixedly at the full moon for a while, then suddenly stretched out his hand to touch the full moon's head, and said with tears: "Good boy, you are a blessed one. If they can find it, the disaster must be over and they can take you back Yes. The big family has many rules, you go back with them, but you have to be careful everywhere, you can’t be like at home, those people pay more attention to the beauty of softness..."

(End of this chapter)

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