Chapter 107

"Mom, what are you talking about?"

Man Yue took Chen's hand, "Who said I'm leaving? I'm not leaving!"


Chen raised her head in shock, her eyes filled with disbelief, "You, you're not leaving?"


Yang Manyue nodded vigorously, "Even if I want to leave, I will take you with me."

As he spoke, he told the ins and outs of the matter.Chen's tearful voice said: "Manyue, the Yang family's great favor, Auntie, may not be repaid in a few lifetimes..."

Wiping her tears, she took out a piece of clothing from a small cabinet tremblingly, tore it open forcefully, and a letter fell out from the interlayer inside, and handed it to Man Yue, saying, "This is what your father gave me before he left." He told me that if the Yang family came to look for it in the future, he would show you this letter; if not, he would burn it the day I left."

Yang Manyue took the letter with a solemn expression, opened the letter paper, and looked at it from top to bottom.It took a long time before I closed the letter, with tears in my eyes.

She looked at Mrs. Chen and murmured: "Mother, your sacrifice is too great..."

Mrs. Chen shook her head numbly, "If it weren't for your father, Man Yue and I would have died. I can have a decent name now, and I am very satisfied to be able to stay in this family as your mother. The relationship between husband and sister Shen, although I don't know what happened to them, but my husband misses my sister..."

Yang Manyue didn't know what to say.She who used to be eloquent is now clumsy.

She was moved not only by her father's consistent treatment of her mother, but also by Chen's dedication without expecting anything in return.Such a thing, even if she is just an outsider, she will be moved.

Isn't the most touching thing in the world is to give wholeheartedly?

Father and mother, Chen and father...

She wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, took Chen's hand and said: "Don't worry, mother, you have nurtured Man Yue. No matter when and where, Man Yue will never leave you and brother."

"Ai, ai."

Mrs. Chen tightened Man Yue's hand, "My mother believed it, my mother believed it, you refused to let go when you were beaten up, defending me and Mancang like this, how could my mother not believe you?"

After a pause, hesitation appeared in his eyes, "It's just that Auntie can't be so selfish. My child, if you go back, it will be justifiable with Lord Hou. Otherwise, when you get married in the future, you will inevitably be looked down upon. People these days are snobbish. Very, if there is no one in your natal family, you will bully and humiliate you. If you hang yourself and reject the marriage, you may have slapped the old lady of the Leng family coldly. If you don’t have a strong natal family, Aniang is afraid that they will bully you in the future..."


Yang Manyue's heart was warm, with tears in the corners of her eyes, she couldn't help but threw herself into Chen's arms, and murmured: "Mother, are you still afraid that I will be bullied if I am like this? Hmph, if I don't bother others Not bad!"

Mrs. Chen was stunned for a moment, and then she couldn't help but burst out laughing. After laughing, she said melancholy: "It's useless to be a mother, this world has forced you to be like this... A woman's beauty is to be submissive, ah Mother is afraid that you are too stubborn now, and you will suffer when you marry in the future."

As she spoke, she let out a long sigh, "Maybe it's best to go back."

Yang Manyue pouted, "It's not good at all! If we go back, we will definitely be underestimated. Grandma is sincere, but what about others? A Niang, I won't go back if I can't go back. After a few days, when I get better, I will bring a full warehouse and If you go to Incheon to recognize your ancestors and return to your ancestors, there will be a good way out for Mancang in the future."

"The old lady is easy to talk, but, is it okay if we don't go back to live? Don't others gossip?"


Yang Manyue chuckled, "After I earn money, I will pay Gongzhong money every month. What else can they say?"

"Give them money?"

After all, Mrs. Chen is an ordinary country woman, she doesn't know the twists and turns of this back house.Although Man Yue didn't know much about it, she had read some books anyway, and was more politically sensitive than Chen's. After all, this house fight was also a political game, so she had already figured it out before going.


Yang Manyue said quietly: "This is the money for paving the way for Mancang to go to Tongtian Road."

Chen shuddered suddenly, and looked at Yang Manyue, only to see Yang Manyue under the light with a calm breath and deep eyes, how could she look like a little girl?
She didn't understand the reasoning of this, but she felt that she didn't need to understand it, just listen to her daughter.This daughter is much smarter and more reliable than she is.

She nodded, "I listen to you."

"Let's go out..."


The letter was sent to Mrs. Yu, and after everyone took turns reading it, they were basically 100% sure that Man Yue was the granddaughter of Mrs. Yu.The rest of the matter is also simple, nothing more than discussing when to go to Incheon to recognize the ancestors and return to the clan.

However, it is obviously inappropriate to talk about it today, everyone is exhausted after traveling all day, and there is no place to live at home.Leng Yun, the cold-faced uncle, could see the cunning of this person at this moment.

He directly called Qingyun to go to the town to do something, and soon the Yu family and others stayed in the best hotel in the town.

Although Leng Yun's other courtyard is large, it is not related to that and cannot invite people to live there.It was just right to arrange the hostel.

Man Yue followed to the town, and waited for Yu Shi and others to make arrangements before letting Leng Yun send her back.

The weather is not so hot anymore, and it is even a little cold at night. After all, once the autumn tiger is over, the sky will only get colder every day.

Seeing that Man Yue was wearing thin clothes and recovering from a serious illness, Leng Yun took off his outer shirt and put it on for her.He didn't wave the whip either, just let the horse walk slowly.Although the wound has healed a lot, she still can't bear the immediate jolt.

The two of them walked slowly on the country road together, the night was silent, only the sound of horseshoes kicking.

The moonlight shone down gently, enveloping the two of them, and their faces became hazy.

I don't know how long it took before Man Yue said in a low voice: "Uncle, can Li Huiniang's matter be forgotten?"

"Have you softened?"

She shook her head, "I just remembered what my father said in his letter..."

She lowered her eyes and murmured: "Although Li Huiniang is hateful, Li Juren is a righteous person. He is kind to his parents, and you can even say that he is kind to me..."

The hand holding the rein involuntarily tightened, "Uncle, can you just let her go this time?"

Leng Yun didn't respond to her, all she got was silence.

The wind blew up, brushing her hair against his cheek, the man's resolute eyes were deep, making it impossible to guess what he was thinking.

I don't know how long it took, but when he was almost at the door of the house, he heard his hoarse voice, "The betrothal gift has been given, if you withdraw the marriage again, I'm afraid it will really hurt the heart of Master Ju Ren."

She lowered her head and said in a low voice: "Is there no other way?"

He was silent again.

The horse snorted and stopped at the gate of Yang's small courtyard. The silence of the night made people feel frightened.

The dull atmosphere continued, and after a long time, the man said: "Forget it, I'm afraid that you will have trouble solving your heart in the future if you know how to repay your kindness. Let me find a better husband for her."

He narrowed his eyes as he spoke, "I just hope you won't regret it in the future, some people can't change their eating shit."

She looked at the rein in her hand and said indifferently: "Even so, I will admit it. Repay the big favor, and it will be settled once and for all. Don't blame me for being cruel next time."

"No regrets?"

She looked up at the bright moon and laughed, "How do I know now? It's just that I know that my father has been favored by Li Juren. If I still insist on punishing his daughter, I won't be able to bear it. We should live in the present, and the future will be the future." talk later."

"Sometimes I really don't understand you."

The man chuckled, "It looks like he's going to get revenge, but his heart is softer than anyone else's."

After a pause, he said again: "Forget it. I will return the favor to him."

She cheered up, "Thank you, uncle."

"Call me uncle again."

He patted her on the head lightly, with infinite love in his eyes.He got off his horse, hugged her, and said, "Rest early, and I will come to see you tomorrow."


She responded crisply and waved him goodbye.

The man's figure quickly disappeared into the night, and she looked at the direction in which he left, feeling a little lost in her heart for some reason.

But in a short period of time, she suddenly found that she was a little dependent on this man, often worrying about gains and losses.

Is this the feeling of liking a person?

With such a mood she fell asleep.That night, he slept very restlessly. For a while, he dreamed that he was locked in the backyard, and for a while, he dreamed that someone was using her identity to prevent them from meeting again...

As soon as the genius came to light, she woke up from the nightmare, staring blankly at the daffodils on the window sill, thinking about the upside-down of this night's chaotic dreams, she sighed after a long time, and said to herself: "I sure as hell Still not strong enough."

Although it was still early, but because of the nightmare, I had no sleepiness.Then he got up, and just put on his clothes, he heard movement outside the house, thinking that Mrs. Chen had woken up.

Seeing her coming out, Mrs. Chen said, "Why are you getting up so early? You're still in good shape, so you need to lie down."

As she said that, she wanted to push her back to the room, she hurriedly said: "Mother, I can't sleep anymore, I'll get up and walk for a while before going to bed."

"Are you hungry? Mother will cook something for you."

"Hey, didn't you have any leftovers yesterday? I'll make some rice, and it will be delicious when the warehouse is full. Auntie, don't worry about me. I'm fine. I'd better move around."

The mother and daughter were talking, but they heard Ye's wife's voice from outside the house, "Manyue, we are here to make an apology for you, are you up?"

The mother and daughter looked at each other, and Chen's eyes were full of confusion, "He, what are they going to do?"

There were too many things going on yesterday, and Yang Manyue also forgot to mention Ye Qilai's return of the betrothal gift to Mrs. Chen.Immediately, she recounted what happened yesterday in a few words. When Chen heard it, she was very happy, and spat: "Bah! I'm an idiot, and I still entrust them to keep the dowry?! It's really shameless! Don't Take care, Man Yue, just sit down, and Auntie will make you breakfast."

They ignored it, but the people outside shouted more and more vigorously.When the rice is ready, there are already a circle of people watching the fun outside.Yang Manyue was also speechless.

The gossip spirit of the people here is too good.

Resignedly said: "It's not a problem for them to shout like this, they are shameless, we have shame, I will go and see, what are they going to do!"

(End of this chapter)

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