Delicious Lady: Lord Wolf, please enter the urn

Chapter 108 The slut is hypocritical

Chapter 108 The slut is hypocritical
When the door was opened, Yang Manyue was taken aback.

I saw Ye Qi kneeling on the ground with a lot of presents beside her. When she came out, he immediately kowtowed, "Full Moon, it's me who has no eyes and no eyes, and I'm a bully. I shouldn't bully you mother and daughter like this! Please look at Yang For the sake of the old man, let me go! These are gifts for atonement, please, please, let us go!"

A group of spectators nearby were obviously confused by Ye Qi's sudden behavior.

Yang Manyue was also stunned, and after thinking about it again, she sneered.

Jiangnan has always been dominated by prominent families, so Leng Yun and Ye Qi may not be too scared.After all, he can be regarded as a little gentry here, and he can still get away with it.

After all, Leng Yun has only been in Ningbo for a short time, and his foundation is not yet deep; moreover, he is a local military chief. Daming has never trusted generals. Those who cover the Lord!

But Sizhitang is different.

That was a real noble family, crushing a Ye Qi to death was as easy as crushing an ant, no one dared to talk nonsense.Seeing people from the Yang family come yesterday, the old dog immediately softened, but he is also a judge of the situation.


She looked at the neighbors pointing and sneering in her heart.

Do you really think she, Yang Manyue, is an idiot?

He deliberately came early in the morning and yelled so loudly. It seemed that he had to be reasonable and unforgiving in what he said.Want to use public opinion to force yourself to submit?

This guy is still not learning well.

Don't you know that she, Yang, has always been soft but not hard?

It would be fine if he apologized sincerely today, but at this moment he is still playing tricks, hehe...

A trace of disgust flashed in her eyes, and she said lightly: "What is Uncle Ye doing? It's as if the full moon is bullying others."

There was a glimmer of darkness in Ye Qi's eyes, and then he regained his composure, and said: "Your eyes are blind, I don't know that you are a daughter of the Yang family of Sizhitang. If I knew, how dare I help you connect with Lord Hou ?”

Yang Manyue smiled, and she really laughed heartily, "That's what happened. Uncle Ye's family doesn't need to feel guilty. Although Lord Leng has the reputation of restraining his wife, he is also a great hero who protects my Daming's safety. I, Yang Manyue How can a peasant girl from the countryside feel grateful for marrying such a person, so how can she blame you?"

Ye Qi secretly groaned in his heart.

Yes, you don't care!

Old man, I believe you don't care about it, the problem is: you don't care about it, but the people of the Yang family do! ! !

Really beeping a dog!

Ye Qi is a villain at heart, and his heart is full.

You must know that Yang Manyue is from Sizhitang, even if he had ten guts, he wouldn't dare to marry her instead!

Thinking of those few houses yesterday, he wanted to die.

These families are the most powerful in Zhejiang, and they are also the most powerful. If they knew that they had bullied Yang Manyue, wouldn't they have to kill themselves?

If he uses any means to rob him of his food chief, and another means to make his son unable to become an official, will he still have a way out?

Over the years, relying on his son to work in the yamen, and being the head of the post, he has offended many people.Not to mention, the last time he joined forces with the girl from the Li family and the young master from the Lu family to force several village chiefs to destroy the rosters full of warehouses. kill him!
The more Ye Qi thought about it, the more frightened he became, and he didn't dare to be narrow-minded anymore, and he bowed again: "Girl Man Yue, the old man was fascinated by ghosts, and made things difficult for your sister, mother and daughter, and now he has come to his senses, please forgive me. For your father's sake, bypass the old man this time."

This is a bit sincere.

Yang Manyue smiled faintly, "Uncle Ye's words are serious, so why bother?"

As soon as this remark came out, applause immediately erupted from the side.

"I didn't expect Yang Manyue, a girl, to have such a broad mind..."

"Yes, the patriarch was indeed a little unkind before, it's rare that Yang Manyue didn't care."

"Hey, why do you think the patriarch suddenly behaved like this?"

"You don't know yet, do you? A few nobles came here yesterday. It turns out that Mr. Yang is from Sizhitang in Pan'an Inchuan. This Yang Manyue is the granddaughter of the Yang family. Now she is going to take her back to recognize her ancestors... ..."

"What? That Yang family?! Sizhitang?!"

"What does it have to do with the patriarch?"

"You idiot, the Yang family has been rooted here for hundreds of years, is it easy to provoke?"

"Hey, fortunately Yang Manyue doesn't care, otherwise..."

Ye Qi was also taken aback for a while, but then he felt cheated, he treated others like this, could others easily spare him?He doesn't believe that there are any saints in this world, saints are all from temples, how can there be a big-hearted man in the world of mortals?
"The eldest sister of the Yang family..."

He changed his address again, showing more respect, "I'm telling the truth, I sincerely repent, these are gifts for atonement. I hope you can forgive me for the past..."


Yang Manyue sighed softly, looking at Ye Qi with pity in his eyes.

Even if he doesn't pursue it and his grandmother doesn't pursue it, how many people have offended him, Ye Qi?As far as the people of their Ye family are dissatisfied with him, there are many, let alone outsiders?

Not to mention, as far as the county yamen sells Rong Huai, I am afraid that his son will be unable to move an inch in the yamen now.Do you think the officials rewarded by Leng Yun are so easy to do?
That black-bellied man has never been a good stubble.To make a statement, it seems that he is asking him to mention Ye Jiadalang, but in fact he wants to state that Ye Jiadalang is roasted on the fire, reminding colleagues that this guy's promotion is because he sold the Shangguan. here.

How can a person like this be able to enjoy himself in the Yamen?

It is a matter of time before one is dismissed by finding a mistake.Once the son who works in the yamen is gone, and this time he persecutes several chiefs like this, I'm afraid it will not be good in the future.

So Ye Qi is basically a dead person in her eyes, so what's the point of worrying about it?
But I don't want to be used as a raft by him anymore, so I still have to do it.

In life, it is not a loss of character to be hypocritical occasionally.

Thinking of this, there was a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, as warm as a spring breeze blowing on her face, "A smile on the rivers and lakes wipes out all grievances, and the past is over. Uncle Ye family wants to give such a big gift to a junior like me in this big year, the full moon I can't bear it."

Turning his body sideways, he said: "It's inevitable that the teeth and lips will fight, let alone the neighbors? Uncle Ye family, let's go back, this gift cannot be accepted for a full moon."

"Oh! The Jianghu smiles away all grievances! The eldest sister of the Yang family is really talented!"

"This demeanor is like a prime minister who can hold a boat in his stomach..."

Ye Qi was a little dumbfounded.

Granny Ye and Liu Shi were also dumbfounded.

It is completely impossible to connect the tolerant person in front of him with the person who was chasing them with a kitchen knife.

In their thinking, now that she has gained power, she must humiliate them well.And Yang Manyue gave them the impression that she was also someone who must take revenge.But now they want to expose it gently like this. Could it be that Yang Manyue has been possessed by something again?

Previously, it was demons or monsters who possessed them; now it is gods or bodhisattvas? !

Ye Qi was also uncertain.

In his opinion, Yang Manyue humiliated him severely, but he felt at ease.

Now that he is so magnanimous, he feels even more terrified.

Seeing his solemn expression, Yang Manyue also guessed what he was thinking, and couldn't help but find it funny.

How should she describe this talent?

I can only paraphrase the words of Concubine Hua, "Bitch is hypocritical!"

If you don't hit him, you won't be happy.

"My Yang family is a descendant of Yang Zhen. There are some things that can't be done, so Uncle Ye doesn't have to worry."

As she spoke, she was about to close the door, when the girl's unique crisp voice came, "Heaven's law is clear, it's not that it will not be reported, and the time has not yet come. So what if I ask for the forgiveness of the full moon? Can others forgive me? It's really self-inflicted, hehe..."

Ye Qi's body trembled suddenly, he only felt that there was something in the words, but for a moment he couldn't figure out what it meant.Watching Yang Manyue close the door, the creaking sound was like a mill, grinding in her heart, a sense of urgency and panic, even pain, but she didn't know which word to use to describe her mood at the moment.

The villagers talked a lot, and basically felt that Yang Manyue was just.Of course, it is inevitable that some people say she is hypocritical.

But whether it's right or wrong, what does it matter?
For Yang Manyue herself, it was nothing more than watching a funny show. It was only through Ye Qi that she understood another truth: people should be more cautious and humble when they are in the right place. If you can pierce the sky, then you will fall to your death one day.

It wasn't God who took care of Ye Qi, it wasn't someone else, it was himself.

Yang Manyue, who came back to the room, seemed to have a certain feeling in her heart, and she actually thought of a dish: tofu mixed with shallots.

"Mom, can I have tofu today? I want tofu with shallots."

Mrs. Chen didn't go out from the beginning to the end, but just listened in the room. Hearing Man Yue's words now, he seemed to have a feeling. He nodded and said: "Scallions mixed with tofu, it's clear."

As he spoke, he sighed softly, and said: "We are rich now, but we can't bully others like Ye Qi, we still have to be humble at all times. To be a human being is to mix tofu with shallots, to be as clear as possible. Bai, dignified and upright, not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door in the middle of the night."

Yang Manyue laughed, "Mother, you still think clearly."

Mrs. Chen blushed, glared at Man Yue, and said: "Stinky boy, you actually made fun of your mother. Come on, sit down and eat, I'll go and call Mancang up, this little debt collector is getting more and more out of tune, every day he wakes up the most Night."

"It's normal for a child to snooze a little bit. Now that he's studying hard, let him sleep more."

"How can this be? He's a kid, aren't you a kid? We're farming and studying, and it's a rule to get up at the sound of a chicken, but we dare not let him be lazy. I can't hold on to this trivial matter, how will I go to the imperial examination in the future? A Niang has never read it. Books, but I often heard your father say that the imperial examination road is like crossing a single-plank bridge, and it is impossible not to suffer all the hardships in the world..."

Chen babbled into Mancang's room, looking at her back, Yang Manyue couldn't help but smile.

Chen is a good mother!

(End of this chapter)

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