Chapter 109
She couldn't help laughing when she heard it, and a group of people were puzzled by her laughter, so they asked her what she was laughing at.

She shook her head, put away the bowls and chopsticks and said, "Uncle, aren't you going to work in the yamen today?"

"I have nothing to do today, so I don't need to go."

The corner of her mouth twitched, does this count as absenteeism?

But thinking about the vacation system of officials in the Ming Dynasty, I can't help but feel relieved.

Zhu Yuanzhang himself was a hardworking emperor, and because he was born from grass roots, he felt that the suffering of officials was the well-being of the people.As a result, officials in the Ming Dynasty had only three days off throughout the year, namely the Winter Solstice, New Year's Day, and Lantern Festival.

In Lao Zhu's opinion, it would be good if I pay you wages so that you can have food!Think back to when I was a beggar!
Naturally, there are many contradictions caused by this.In the original time and space, officials were not allowed to bring their relatives when they went to other places as officials, and they could only go back to visit their relatives once every three years. How hard is this?
In the whole of Daming, it is estimated that only Leng Yun can bring relatives with him when he takes office. This is a great honor but also a terrible honor. In the end, the glory is sometimes a death penalty.

Far away.Besides, this cheating vacation system was later changed by the emperor when he found out that it couldn't be done, and changed it to take annual leave in the last month of each year.As for the rest of the time, hehe, except for the royal relatives and nobles, other people don't even think about taking vacations.

When we get to the place, the sky is high and the emperor is far away, why don't we just say a word to ourselves when we want to rest?Especially someone with an identity like Leng Yun.In fact, the pace of life in ancient times was slow, and everyone’s real office time was only half a day.

Leng Yun is a general, so he should be more relaxed if there is no war at this time.There are subordinates to help with the drill, and it's okay if you don't go occasionally.Anyway, no one dared to say anything. Anyway, absenteeism is the norm. It is not normal to go to work every day, okay? !
Withdrawing his thoughts, he heard Leng Yun say: "It's also a big deal to recognize the ancestors and return to the ancestors, so I have to take care of you."

Her heart warmed at once, but she said: "I'm not a child. You are an official of the court. The people work hard to support the court, and the court recruits talents. If you don't do things well, wouldn't it be a waste of the people's money?" Tax money?"

Qingyun opened his mouth wide. This speech is good...


It is true that the court collects taxes to maintain the court's operations, but many times they never think that they have obligations to taxpayers.But in modern society, it is very clear that taxpayers have the right to demand that tax collection is not allowed to waste is a matter of course!

Leng Yunxian did not expect Yang Manyue to say such a thing.He lowered his eyes, and an incomprehensible light flashed in his deep eyes.After a long time, he nodded and said, "You are right."

After finishing speaking, he got up and said: "Then I'm leaving. I have something to say when I come back."


She responded, pushed him outside the door with a smile, and said, "I'll wait for you."

He nodded, seeing that Chen Shi and Mancang didn't follow, and Qingyun walked out of the yard with a wink, he asked: "I listen to you, is there any reward?"


She widened her eyes, and when she saw his gaze on her lips, she couldn't help but blush.He lowered his eyes, twisted the corners of his clothes with his fingers, and looked left and right. It was very funny and cute.

He saw her shyness and embarrassment in his eyes, and let out a pleasant chuckle in his heart.

He reached out and rubbed her head, then took her little hand and shook it firmly, saying: "Wait for me."


The voice was low, she actually wanted to try it, but she was too embarrassed, so she hesitated.

Seeing that he didn't embarrass himself anymore, he was relieved and at the same time a little annoyed.

Is this still a new human being in the 21st century? !

Thinking of the nickname given to me by my classmates in college, I couldn't help feeling frustrated.

"Old nun" ah...

In the four years of college, she was pursued several times, but after going back and forth twice, she somehow stopped contacting her, so she was ridiculed by her classmates for being a nun, and the boys all kept her at arm's length.

Just as she was thinking wildly, the man had already walked away.

Seeing his back as he rode away, she clenched her fists and secretly encouraged herself. Next time he wants a reward, just give him a kiss!How about a kiss on the face?Kissing a girl is not afraid, hum!

Those pictures flashed into my mind again, and my face turned red again.

to take the initiative...

That's too embarrassing!
But the uncle is really handsome, too MAN, too tempting...

The palm-sized face is like a ripe peach, red and very alluring.

Mancang poked his head out, looked from bottom to top, and seeing his sister like this, couldn't help laughing, "Mother, come and see! My sister is so cute, my sister is looking forward to spring, my sister is looking forward to spring!" "

"You little bastard!"

Man Yue was awakened by the sound, and stretched out her hand to hit him.

Mancang is so clever, like a monkey, he nimbly passed her with his small bookcase on his back, and ran a long way in one go, not forgetting to shout: "Sister, brother-in-law will be back later, don't worry about it." Think about it..."

"You little bastard, you've failed your studies!"

A certain girl looked at his fleeing back, clenched her fists and gritted her teeth. Chen's narrow laughter came from behind her, and her face turned even redder.

He stomped his feet angrily, turned around and said, "Aniang, you are making fun of me too!"

Chen said with a smile: "It's normal when you're old, what's there to be shy about?"


Such a powerful reason made her speechless.

The ancients were conservative, where did they become conservative?

Thinking about how the ancients gave their children pre-marital sex education, and thinking about my own time, parents always kept a secret, and suddenly felt that modern people misunderstood the ancients too much.

Slowly walked back to the room, just sat down but heard another shout from outside, "Yue girl!"

When Chen heard this voice, she became nervous again, "It's the old lady who is here."

Man Yue gave Chen a comforting look, and went to open the door.

The two uncles were gone, only Mrs. Yu was outside with her cheap cousin.

"Good morning grandma, good morning brother."

She saluted and turned sideways to let them in, "Did the two uncles go back?"

"Huh? How does Yue girl know?"

Yu's complexion is not very good.The son ran away for a long time, searched for a long time, but in the end, he was in the middle of life and death, and he sent a black-haired man in vain. The most sad thing.

I saw that her eyes were very red and swollen, it was obvious that she cried all night yesterday, and her complexion was extremely bad.

Man Yue watched, feeling sore in her heart.

Even if there is no blood relationship, it is extremely heartbreaking to see an old lady with gray hair go through the pain of bereavement.

Carefully helping her to sit down, Mrs. Chen hurriedly saluted, "Greetings to the old lady."

Mrs. Yu waved her hands weakly, and said, "It's all from my own family, so don't be too polite."

As she spoke, she looked at Mrs. Chen again, nodded, and said: "I've heard about you, and you are a good one. Since you are a three-media, six-hired, and worshiped heaven and earth, then she is the daughter-in-law of my Yang family. Call me mommy."

Chen's eyes widened, she looked at her in disbelief, and stood there for a while.

Then I heard Mrs. Yu continue: "Where did Brother Cang go? Why didn't he come out to meet people? My grandmother hasn't paid a big gift yet. Does this mean that I don't want my grandmother?"

Mrs. Chen shook her head again and again, and said excitedly: "Old, old madam, no, mother, mother!"

She suddenly yelled loudly, with tears in her eyes, "I'm going to call him back right now!"

As he said that, he rushed out of the door, rushed to the door and slammed on the brakes, "Mother, you, don't get angry, he is going to study with the husband, I will call him back now!"

After that, he ran away like smoke.

Yu Shi was stunned there, and suddenly burst out laughing, "This new daughter-in-law is a wonderful person, unlike the ones at home, who are rigid and boring to watch."

Yang Lixin couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth, and said, "Grandmother..."

Yu Shi glanced at him, sighed and said, "Forget it, let's not talk about that."

She looked at Yang Manyue, saw that the child was obviously 12 years old, but looked thinner and thinner than other children of the same age, and couldn't help feeling sad again, "Poor child, it's been a difficult time since you lost your father since childhood, right? "

Man Yue knew that this mother was far more painful than herself, and besides, she was a stranger to her original father. Apart from being oppressed, she didn't feel much emotional loss or grief.

She shook her head and said: "Although it is difficult, but thanks to my ancestors, I finally supported my family with a single skill."

"It's a capable one."

Mrs. Yu nodded with satisfaction, "When I see Brother Cang, I will take my grandmother to see your father..."


Yang Lixin exclaimed, "You, why don't you rest for two days before..."

Mrs. Yu shook her head, "Good boy, grandma knows what you are worried about. But this is the old woman's body. How can the old woman not go and have a look? Don't worry, this body can still hold up."

After a pause, he continued: "After reading it, let Heng'er go back on a good day... and Yunniang..."

This topic was heavy, and for a while, the entire Yang family hut became quiet, the silence was so breathless.

It wasn't until Mrs. Chen came back with a full warehouse that the atmosphere was broken.

Mancang stepped forward to salute, "Grandson Yang Mancang pays respects to grandma!"

I couldn't see very clearly last night, but now the light is bright, so I can see much more clearly.

Yu Shi looked carefully, and saw that although the child in front of him was a little thin and dressed plainly, standing there, although he was small, he was carrying a book.A pair of eyes are the same as that of the full moon, big and bright, exuding a sense of wit and aura, looking at them like this, they really look like descendants of the Yang family, their faces are very similar.

Is this fate?
They are not related by blood, but the two siblings have similar appearances, and they feel a sense of intimacy for no reason.

With a good impression, Yu's heart became a little happier.

After all, the son is gone, leaving only one daughter. It would be good if there is a child raised since childhood as the heir.Although it is also possible to inherit incense from a side branch, it is not as good as raising it from childhood to adulthood.

As for blood relationship?
Yu sneered.I've been in the big family for a long time, what kind of filth hasn't I seen?Those who adopt the family have benefits, but the one in front of them is a lifelong love and support, so I have to choose which one to choose.

Thinking of this, Yu Shi waved at Mancang, "Good boy, come here and show grandma..."

 Recommend the book "Happy Events in the Flower Field: Your Highness Dotes on His Wife Too Much" by a good friend, a sweet pet space farming article, super beautiful!If you like it, you can go and have a look. Realistic good friends, guaranteed character, constant updates, not bloody, not too supervising! !

(End of this chapter)

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