Chapter 110
After hearing this, Mrs. Yu calmed down a little.After thinking about it, I felt that what Man Yue said made sense.

But seeing his son and daughter-in-law lying alone in this wilderness, he panicked.After thinking for a while, he said: "The son is the flesh of the mother, so Ye Qi treats Heng'er like this, with no regard for affection, and the old woman can't swallow this breath."

She looked at Yang Lixin and said: "How can a girl born in such a family be the official wife of an official family? Li Juren has a great kindness to our Yang family. Although the Lu family is only in-laws, we can't cheat others. Such a woman is a concubine It's almost..."

Yang Manyue's heart moved, and she said in a low voice: "Grandmother, I begged Mu Shi yesterday, and he planned to stop worrying about Miss Li's affairs for the sake of daddy, and change him to a better family..."

Mrs. Yu raised her eyebrows and said, "Sister Yue is a person who knows how to repay her kindness, well done! Just watch, grandma will definitely give you such a bad breath!"

I thought Yang Manyue would be happy, but she just shook her head. Yu Shi felt strange and asked, "Why?"

Yang Manyue said lightly: "Because in the eyes of my granddaughter, Ye Qi is already a dead person, and it's not worth fighting again."

Yu's body shook slightly, and she couldn't help but look at Yang Manyue carefully again.

The more I look at it, the more joyful it becomes. This kid's vision is not small!
Thinking that this is the only flesh and blood of her son left in the world, Mrs. Yu looked closer, and the sadness in her heart was diluted a lot. She nodded and said: "Yue girl has a good heart, and the old woman is comforted in her heart. But... "

She smiled sinisterly, "The old lady is old, and I don't know how many days she has left to live, so she just wants to be happy right now. Believe me and listen, this woman can only be a concubine!"

"Yes, grandma, don't worry, grandson won't let her do what she wants, hehe, treating Seventh Uncle and Seventh Aunt like this, if you don't take the skin off, we really treat our Yang family as a bully!"

Chen couldn't help trembling, she was frightened just hearing these murderous words.

It's just that amidst the fear, I felt a faint sense of joy.Thinking of the scene where they forcibly opened the coffin and dug up my sister's bones that day, I felt extremely happy.

Grandma Ye's arrogant expression was still flashing in front of her eyes. At this moment, Mrs. Chen suddenly understood what Man Yue meant when she said "a good person is bullied by others".

Bending down to clean up all the weeds beside the grave, and laying out the things they brought, the group thought about it for a while and then went back.

Yu Shi's mood became heavy again, and she hurriedly set off back to Pan'an without even eating any food. Before leaving, she explained in detail before leaving.

After Mrs. Yu left, life returned to calm.

The most important thing for Man Yue right now is to recover from his injuries, and the Yu family will send someone to pick them up in half a month.Recognizing the ancestors and returning to the clan is not a trivial matter, and it takes a lot of energy.Man Yue, who was planning to enter the system, also had to put aside her study tasks, fearing that it would hurt her muscles and bones again and delay her work.

After another seven or eight days, Man Yue felt much better, so she took advantage of this night to study in the system.

There are still two learning contents left for the second level, thinking that as long as I suffer a little more, I can start the third level of learning, and my heart is full of exhaustion.

This time, she planned to finish all the second-level content in one go, even if she stayed in the study space for a year or two.The improvement of basic skills will help her understand food, and systematically rewarding food is good for her body.

I don't know if I have suffered from the punishment this time. The food I eat in the study space can improve my body, and it can be treated as a cure.

Val is still the same as before, but fortunately, this artificial intelligence is very capable, and when he is tired from studying, he can still talk with him, so he doesn't feel lonely for a while.

Countless days and nights passed, and Yang Manyue couldn't figure out how long she had been in the study space. After passing two small exams, she ushered in the second-level major exam.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for passing the second-level assessment, and reward a recipe from the Red Mansion and a secret recipe for fermented bean curd!"

"Ding! It has been detected that the host has passed all the basic skill assessments and successfully promoted to an apprentice. All skill points will be increased by 5, and the Hand of God will be rewarded with an additional 5. I hope the host will continue to work hard and become the best chef in the world as soon as possible!"

The full moon that came out of the study space looked at the bright moon rising outside the window, with anticipation rising in her heart.

This time I stayed in the space for a full year, and the injury has healed up long ago. Now that I have passed the second-level exam, the hand of God has increased by 10 points, and the body's reaction speed and sensitivity have increased, as well as strength. 5 points, she is looking forward to what kind of dishes she can make.

Such a rigorous learning method, even without the hand of God, is worth looking forward to.Now she can't wait to show off to those diners. As a cook, the compliments of diners are the highest honor.

[-]. There is nothing to say at night, and soon the sky will dawn.Chen was a little surprised to hear that Man Yue was going out of the stall.

"It's better to raise it for a while before going, the family is not short of money now."

Full Moon shook her head with a smile, and said, "Aniang, I'm lying down until my bones are about to fall apart, let me go out to get some air."

"Are you sure you're okay?"

Mrs. Chen thought for a while, and said: "Then you can just take a look, mother will do it."


Man Yue was also cunning, so she agreed first, thinking in her heart that she would wait until she got out of the stall first, hehe.

They sent Mancang to Wang Zhi's place, and the mother and daughter pushed the cart to Shiqiao, when they saw Leng Yun walking towards this side with Qingyun.When seeing her, Leng Yunxian was a little surprised, "Why did you come out?"

"I was lying at home almost falling apart, so I came out to get some air."

She was a little guilty, she didn't dare to look at him, she changed the subject and said, "You, why are you still in Chaiqiao so late? Didn't you go on business?"

"Nothing to do today, take a rest for a day."


"At Twilight, my aunt said she was bored at home, so I took her out for a walk. Have you eaten earlier? If you haven't eaten, Auntie will make it for you."

Leng Yun nodded, "Since that's the case, Auntie Lao is in trouble. I got up late today and haven't eaten yet."

After saying that, he stepped forward and picked her up horizontally, and said: "Qingyun, help Auntie push the cart."

She exclaimed, "What are you doing?"

"You are recovering from a serious illness, you should ride a horse."

"no thanks!"

Her heart warmed up, and she patted her small breasts and said, "It's healed, take a look if you don't believe me!"


He clamped the horse's belly, and the horse whimpered and moved forward.The man hugged her to his chest, pulled the rein, leaned slightly and whispered in her ear: "What do you want me to think? Huh?"

"of course……"

The voice stopped abruptly, suddenly hot and sharp, "You bastard! You're playing hooligan again!"

"Ha ha……"

The man's narrow voice echoed on the stone bridge, Chen Shi and Qing Yun looked at the two people on horseback going away, and heard the man's laughter from a distance, they couldn't help laughing.

"Since meeting Madam, Lord Hou has become much more cheerful and lively."

"is it?"

Chen's eyes showed surprise, "But my lady is indeed a pistachio, this child is so caring..."

Qingyun laughed, "It's not to make my aunt happy. Ever since I met my wife, Master Hou has smiled more, and people are not so cold..."

Mrs. Chen nodded, "I don't ask for anything, I just hope that Lord Hou can treat Man Yue well in the future, Man Yue is too bitter for this child..."

"Yes, Auntie, don't worry. Master Hou seems to have a cold temper, but he is actually a man of love..."

"Hey, hey, that's good, that's good..."

The two on this side were talking, and the two on the other side were also talking, but the atmosphere was quite ambiguous.

"Didn't you let me see it? Show me later."

"Shameless! I didn't mean that!"

"What does that mean? What do you want me to see?"

"I, I said it, I didn't mean that, it's not the same..."

"Are you tongue-twistering? Which one is watching?"

"Cold! Twilight! Time!"

She clenched her fists, gritted her teeth and said, "You did it on purpose!"

Although he couldn't see her face, he could see that her ears were turning red, and he could imagine her expression at the moment. The man felt inexplicably happy, and said with a smile: "You asked me to see this, I didn't force you!"

"You are fooling."

"Huh? I've seen it all, why are you so shy?"

"That's what you forced me to do!"

"Yue'er means..."

He suddenly lowered his head again and blew into her ear, which brought a tingling sensation.The hoarse voice seemed to be even hoarse, and it sounded in the ears with a magnetic force, "Do you want to do it yourself?"

She shivered, she seemed to be flirting, but she had confronted this scoundrel many times, but she knew it was a threat.

Immediately annoyed, he said, "Didn't you say you should force me? What do you mean?"

"Huh? You said it yourself..."

He had an innocent and aggrieved face, and when she looked back and saw this expression, she immediately felt like hell, she slapped him, and slapped his face with her little hand, saying: "Don't scare me, you made such a face because you want to for what?"

He took her hand, kissed it, and said ambiguously, "What do you think?"

"You are crazy!"

She withdrew her hand in fright, "This is on the street."

Thinking about it again, he hurriedly said: "There will be more people soon, please let me down."


He sneered, "The whole world knows that you are my Leng Yun's woman, so why not share a horse with my mother-in-law?"

As he spoke, he took out something from his bosom, stuck it in her hair, and said, "This is the first thing I captured, and I'm giving it to you."


She shivered, isn't that something that was taken from the dead?
Reach out and take it down to see, but it is smooth and smooth.Putting it into the palm of my hand, I found that it was a green jade hairpin with a man's curly hair. The style was simple, but it gave off a heavy feeling, just like him: cold as a front, but also mysterious and stable.

"This, is this the first booty you captured?"

She hesitated, "This is an honor for a man, it's too precious, I can't have it."

But he grabbed her hand, took out the jade hairpin and inserted it on her head again, a hoarse voice came, "Death and life are inseparable, tell can't take it off without my permission..."

Her body trembled slightly, and she looked at him in disbelief, "Death and life are so rich, talk to Zicheng? You are..."

Holding her in his arms, rubbing his chin against her hair, he asked in a low voice, "What about you?"

(End of this chapter)

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