Delicious Lady: Lord Wolf, please enter the urn

Chapter 112 Ecstasy Garlic White Meat

Chapter 112 Ecstasy Garlic White Meat

Leng Yun is worthy of being the number one killing machine in the world. Those fanatics were finally extinguished by the invisible murderous aura emitted by this man.

They all saluted, "Greetings, Lord Hou."

The corners of Yang Manyue's mouth twitched. If this man said so, the world knows about her relationship with him?

Stealing a glance at him, seeing that there was a gloomy look on his usually expressionless face, she couldn't help but shiver, and hurriedly said, "Mother, I'll help you prop up the roof..."

Chen Shi glanced at Leng Yun, and suddenly felt like laughing.When he looked at Qingyun, he saw that this person was also suffering so much, and he wanted to laugh even more.

While unfolding the roof, he said in a low voice: "Full Moon, Master Hou has a taste."


Did it start again?
Yang Manyue was a little speechless.

Chen seems to never get tired of it!

Leng Yun nodded to those people, and then helped Man Yue prop up the roof.When those scholars saw that the dignified Lord Hou was so condescending, and remembered how he severely punished the evil officials, they couldn't help applauding him and admiring his affection.

Although many agreed, but this time, Leng Yun's face was completely exposed to the eyes of the world.

The roof was quickly set up, and not long after, Mei Sanniang, He Da and other members of the Mei family came over with other freshly picked raw materials.The braised stew is prepared overnight, but other side dishes are better fresh.

Mei Sanniang was still as nimble as before, she greeted her with a smile, and without any fuss, she briskly started cooking.Chen's began to chop and boil.

After staying in the learning space for so long, the injury has long since healed.Seeing Chen's chopping and stewing now, someone's hands started to itch again.In the learning space, because of the fuzzy study, I feel like I haven’t cooked for a long time. How can I bear seeing so many ingredients?

Rolling up my sleeves, I wanted to wash my hands and cook.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she moved, a certain ice cube looked over, and she hurriedly said: "I thought of a new dish, can I make it for you?"

As soon as she spoke, a group of fans looked over, and when she looked over, they turned their heads one after another. It was clearly that there was no silver 300 taels here!

A certain girl's face darkened.

Looking at Leng Yun again, he hurriedly showed a flattering smile, "My injury is almost healed, and I have thought about this dish for a long time, and I specially thought about it for you. Can I eat it for you? This dish requires no effort..."

Hearing her soft tone, and hearing that it was specially created for herself, Leng Yun's face softened, "I thought of it specially for me? Huh?"

The man's voice was hoarse, and a raised word "um" was like a small brush, which made her heart feel weak, and she couldn't help but blushed, saying: "Mmm, it's delicious to keep."

"That's the only thing allowed."

Hearing this, a certain girl cheered immediately.A group of diners also looked sideways, oh my god!
Finally, I can see Ms. Yang cooking again!
Some old diners have begun to whisper science, "Ms. Yang's cooking is so smooth, it's amazing!"

"Yes, not only is the movement beautiful and skillful, but the taste is also amazing. I can assure you that as long as you eat it once, it will be unforgettable in your life."

"Brother, are you exaggerating?"

"What?! Don't you believe it?! If you don't believe it, you'll know when you try it later!"

There is a lot of noise here, and the moon over there has put on an apron and started to process pork.

Traditionally, the meat used to make Suannibairou is made from sitting buttock meat, which is boiled, chopped, sliced, rolled and served cold.However, because of the stewed pork belly, they all use pork belly, so there is only pork belly at the moment.

Man Yue is not a traditional person, and pork belly is also the best choice. I grabbed a piece of meat that is thick and uniform, washed it, put it in boiling water, and then took it out after it was cut.

Then it was time for her personal saber skill performance. After hearing a bang, the cucumber in her hand had turned into filaments. The technique was so fast and sharp that people who saw it for the first time couldn't help but gasp.

"Straight mother thief! This, is this knife with eyes?!"

"I, it's not the first time I've watched it, but, I'm still shocked! Miss Yang's sword skills seem to be better than before!"

"My mother, this, this technique is too scary, this, is this still human? This, this sword skill..."

Some people spoke incoherently directly. Looking at these people, Leng Yun felt a little proud while being upset.

This is Grandpa's woman.

The white meat is thinly sliced, both fat and thin, and the meat slices are evenly thin and large. The garlic flavor is strong, salty, spicy, delicious, and slightly sweet, which is the standard of garlic-paste white meat.After passing the Level 2 assessment, her physical fitness has greatly improved, both in terms of reaction and perception.

So even if she hasn't started the third-level professional dish learning, but because of her previous skills and perception, she can cook more easily.After a while of fiddling, a plate of fragrant garlic and white meat is ready.

Everyone's eyes widened, and they felt that the fragrance seemed to draw out their souls.Looking at this tableware again, I can't help but be amazed.

The Chinese esophagus pays attention to color, fragrance and utensils, so arranging dishes is also a very important skill.After all, if the food is not good-looking, it will also turn off your appetite, right?

The combination of food and tableware is very important.

A suitable tableware can add a lot of color to the food, and it can also make the presentation more handy.

The presentation of the plate is particular, and in later generations, it pays more attention to the level of the plate, that is, the layering of the food.

From thick to light, it depends on the attributes of the food, just like making a landscape painting.The specially customized tableware is combined with delicious food at this time, and it becomes the unique logo of Yang's Shop.

Flat Changxing plates are original in this year, with five or six rolls of garlic-paste white meat neatly stacked, topped with boiled sauce, snow-white meat, bright red sauce, and carved vegetables on the edge of the plate make it simple and easy to serve. The pork belly has an extra layer of artistic sense.

Some people who came from other places saw Man Yue's craftsmanship for the first time, and felt that this short cup of tea had overturned their previous impressions of cooks.Whether it is cutting vegetables, cooking, or carving flowers, I feel that there is an indescribable beauty in every action.

Yes, it can't be said, it can't be described with worldly words.

Is it true that cooking can be astonishing?
Some learned people can't help but secretly think so.

Man Yue pushed the plate of Suannibairou to Leng Yun, and said with a smile, "Suannibairou, Lord Hou, please taste it."

Leng Yun's expression softened a lot as he looked at the piece of delicious, fragrant white meat.

This is a dish created by the little thing for himself. Although it uses cheap meat (the ancient nobles called pork cheap meat), but this kind of heart, he will remember it all his life.

He picked up a white meat roll, and before he ate it, a group of people looked over eagerly. Ma Wenru relied on what he had said to Leng Yun before, and urged him fearlessly: "Master Hou, try it, try it!" , what smell, what smell."

Yang Manyue wanted to laugh a little, but the expressions of this group of people are so cute, okay?
His eyes were wet and swollen, like a puppy, if he hadn't been afraid of the air conditioner brought by the uncle, he would have rushed up to eat instead.

I was secretly happy and beautiful in my heart, and my subordinates were not ambiguous.

Seeing that the uncle's attention was all on the white meat, he quickly rolled out a few more. Anyway, there are so many materials, so don't waste them.

Many of them are old diners, and they cannot be neglected.

She has quick hands and feet and skillful movements. When Leng Yun came back to his senses, he had already prepared more than a dozen of them, neatly piled them on the plate, and said with a smile: "My fellow villagers, let's try this dish for Man Yue. Let's see how delicious it is." Is there anything else to improve?"

The corner of Leng Yun's mouth twitched, does this girl think she is such a stingy man?I just feel sorry for her recovering from a serious illness.

But in a blink of an eye, seeing the group of men robbing the meat rolls like wolves, I immediately felt uncomfortable.

This was made for him, why should they eat it?

Yang Manyue turned around and saw a certain uncle with a gloomy face, hurriedly made a face, and asked flatteringly, "How is it? Is it delicious?"


He responded, "The heat is suitable, the knife is good, and the seasoning is fragrant. The combination of oil, chili oil and garlic is just right. The garlic taste is strong, fat but not greasy, which greatly increases people's appetite."

A few diners with quick hands and feet have already eaten the meat rolls, and it is a good thing that they are hot slices and eaten cold, otherwise they will be scalded to death because of their impatience?
It's just that although it's not hot, it's a bit spicy, and a few people can't care about the gentleness anymore. They poured barley tea in mouthfuls, sticking out their tongues, and said in their mouths: "Delicious, delicious, too It’s delicious! Zhiniang thief, even if it’s too spicy, it’s strange, it’s so spicy, why would you want to eat another one?”

"Oh my god! This is obviously the flavor of Sichuan, why do I have the flavor of my hometown? Damn it!"

Leng Yun also had this question, because she used to feel that she cooks and eats with a sense of intimacy.As time went on, this feeling became more and more intense.It was obviously the first time to eat this white meat with garlic paste, but it gave him a hint of his father's taste.

Father is a very interesting person. Although a gentleman stays away from the kitchen, his father often does not respect the teachings of saints, and cooks dishes from time to time. This taste constitutes all his childhood memories.

With the death of my father, this taste has also become a kind of regret.

Now I suddenly tasted this dish again, and I didn't know how to comment for a while.The long and narrow black eyes also became deep, and the eyes looking at Yang Manyue became a little more inquisitive.

Our memory of food is the memory of home, and God's hand is so powerful here.Even if the prepared dishes are completely different from the ones in memory, as long as they come out through the hands of the full moon, it will add a layer of intimacy.

With the improvement of the skill of God's Hand, this feeling will become more and more intense.

For those who leave their homeland, this is a fatal temptation.

"In the past, when I read "Tokyo Menghualu" written by Yu Yuanlao of the Song Dynasty, and "Capital Jisheng" written by Naideweng, white meat was mentioned in it. At that time, people in Kyoto called cooked meat white meat. Today, I saw the white meat made of garlic paste by the little lady. , I suddenly thought, is there any connection between this?"

A rather unfamiliar scholar asked so.

Yang Manyue smiled and said, "How do you know that? Some things have been lost, but your reasoning may be reasonable. The inspiration for my Suannibairou came from these two books."

(End of this chapter)

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