Chapter 113
The scholar nodded, and laughed, "Miss Yang is really pure and honest, I admire her, I admire her."

Yang Manyue smiled as a response.

Just as he was about to take off his apron, he heard someone from the crowd say: "Huh! This way of eating white meat is the way northerners eat it! That tartar takes porcupine meat (pork) and cuts it with small blades. It's completely opposite to the saying of a sage that if you don't cut it right, you don't eat it. What is the intention of Miss Yang to cook this dish today?!"

Yang Manyue was stunned for a moment, looking at the person who came, she was also very embarrassed. At this moment, she had an angry face, which looked like an angry youth.

The corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch, this kind of people are the most troublesome.

Food is the most important thing for the people. If you have to divide the world even for one thing, it will be really tiring.

"You only know one, not the other."

Leng Yun took out a silver jug, opened the lid and poured himself a cup of wine. The red plums were brewed in the white porcelain wine cup and calmed down, just like the calm eyes of a man, with a quiet.

"The golden man advocates the ritual of dancing gods. You mean the meat of dancing gods. In the country, wealthy businessmen and officials must enshrine the gods in their rooms. Every spring and autumn, after choosing a day for sacrifice, they eat dancing gods, so this meat is also called Ama. Respect the meat..."

"Who doesn't know what Master Hou said?"

Before Leng Yun could finish speaking, the man interrupted him, "That's why I said that Young Lady Yang is despicable!"

Leng Yun sneered, "The meat is boiled for nothing, for example, no salt sauce is allowed, you can eat it yourself, you know?"

As soon as this remark came out, the man was speechless. He wanted to refute, but he couldn't refute. Ma Wenru and a group of people yelled and scolded: "Where did you come from? How can the rough eating method of Fanbang barbarians compare with the refinement of Miss Yang?" Compare!? Go, go, are you here to make trouble?"

"Hmph! A business woman doesn't know the hatred of subjugation..."

Seeing the crowd's attack, that person not only didn't flinch, but continued to mock Yang Manyue, "Across the river, you're still singing backyard flowers!"

"Ha ha!"

Yang Manyue laughed, "Brother, if you have time to worry and be angry here, accusing me of being a little girl, why don't you take off this scribe shirt, abandon your pen and join the army, and go directly to the battlefield to serve the country?"

"Those who work hard..."

The man responded calmly, "I'm waiting to read..."

"I'll let your mother-in-law go!"

Before he finished speaking, he was stunned by Man Yue's swear words, and a group of scholars were also dumbfounded.

Him, what did they hear?

Just now, this, this talented woman who is famous all over the world swears?

The corner of Leng Yun's mouth twitched, suddenly feeling powerless.

Swearing again, this problem...

Before he finished complaining, he saw the little thing sinking into his dantian, and suddenly shouted: "Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the country!"

The voice was very loud, a little shrill, but like Huang Zhong Dalu, it made people's eardrums hurt.

The scholars present were dumbfounded, this, this, this...

Well said!

"Whoever holds a pen can't go to the battlefield? Chongzhen Lord moved to the south, canceling the so-called craftsman registration and business registration. Why did Chongzhen Lord do this? Conservative and conventional, not enterprising, not keeping pace with the times, that is the subjugation of the country! You Little scholar, look at things only on the surface, even a piece of food can be dragged into the sky by you, hehe, I have seen a lot of people like you. The slogan is loud, but the surrender is faster than anyone else!"

Yang Manyue's words were turned very fast, like a machine gun, every sentence was like a nail, firmly nailed to the scholar's painful foot, without mercy.

The corners of her mouth were slightly raised, with a trace of mockery, "Think about those Donglin party members, how strong are they? The slogans are so loud, when King Chuang comes, they will be the ones who kneel down to welcome them! Open the city gate! I think Qian Qianyi, the leader of Donglin, has been a moral gentleman all his life, and when he said that the water is too cold, he is not as upright as his wife Liu Rushi!"

The kitchen knife in his hand slammed on the cutting board, then pointed at the scholar and said, "Let me ask you, is the Donglin party right or evil?!"


Who dares to answer this question!

Although the Donglin Party produced a few traitors who knelt and licked, even Qian Qianyi who said "the water is too cold" did not join the enemy!So this political force is still active in the court.They all want to test for fame, how dare they say that?
No future?

If you say that Donglin is good, you will offend other forces; if you say that Donglin is not good, you can just stop messing around. Is Miss Yang crazy? !
Just when a group of people were shocked by this little girl and thought she was crazy, they heard her change the subject and said: "The former king was the world's public, so he managed things; the later generations are the world's private , so everyone guards against disadvantages. Those who manage affairs may not avoid minor disadvantages, but the existence of advantages is always enough to cover them up. Donglin evil? Righteous? "

Everyone suddenly realized that they couldn't help marveling at the talent of this woman.Using the example of the immoral people in the Donglin Party, and using a dialectical way to explain, there are no absolutes in the world.

A smile appeared on the corner of Leng Yun's mouth, and he looked at the scholar, "Young students, you don't have to eat, why are you croaking?"

Before the scholar could answer, Man Yue said: "Master Hou, the proud don't eat dross, so Master Hou wants to learn from Qian Ao?"

Everyone roared with laughter, everyone knows the allusion of the food that comes from the sip, this Lord Hou and Young Lady Yang are really a perfect match, you say it, I say it, the guy blushed with anger, his lips trembled, it really is true It was hilarious.

At this time, I heard the Lord Hou say: "This statement is wrong. Zeng Zi also said: "Slightly agree! If you are sorry, you can go, and if you thank you, you can eat it! The sages have said before, why not be a villain in vain?"


Yang Manyue shook her head, "Master Hou, listen to me: Those who give up eating because of choking will die, and those who stop doing things because of fraud will die! The pedantic generation, the river is surging, and eventually drifts with the current and wipes out everyone. This villain, it doesn't matter... ..."

A group of spectators couldn't take it anymore, and finally couldn't stand it any longer. They hugged their stomachs and laughed, and then looked at the scholar, who rolled his eyes with anger, his chest heaved violently, pointed at Yang Manyue, and said "you" For a long time, he couldn't speak a word.

With a final stomp, she scolded: "What a sharp-tongued temptress! Disgraceful! A good man won't fight with a woman, so I'm leaving!"

Yang Manyue smiled and saluted, and said crisply and authentically: "Guests go away!"

The man trembled with anger when he heard this, and quickened his pace, feeling that he couldn't even talk to a little girl, he was really ashamed!I wanted to use this woman's literary name to make a name for myself, but I never thought that this woman is so tricky, but she didn't get a good name, and it became a scandal.

As soon as that person left, a frequent diner said: "I know that person. In the past, when I went to Ningbo to conduct business, I met this person a few times. This person is from Yin County, but he is quite famous. , but I only hear the name of his poems, so I don’t know that he is such a pedantic person.”

Yang Manyue shook her head, "After all, she is patriotic and passionate. Although pedantic, she is sincere, so I can't be too harsh."

"Miss Yang, you are really kind."

Gu Dalang shook his head, and said: "Ms. Yang, I'm afraid she doesn't know how famous she is now, right? Your sentence "Ren Er, East, South, North, North Wind" has been sung all over the world! That fellow is clearly deliberately provoking trouble, and wants to use your literary name Make a name for yourself, hehe, I have seen too much of this kind of thing!"

Yang Manyue opened her mouth, a little confused, but after thinking about it again, she understood.

He grinned, and said dumbfoundedly: "How can my rudimentary knowledge be considered elegant? This person is looking for the wrong person..."

"Where can he find fault?"

Leng Yun picked up the wine cup, groped the wine cup with his slender fingers, and said lightly: "I thought you were a girl, although you were knowledgeable, but not as deep as a man, so I wanted to step on you to Qingyun. Hehe, I didn't know that I was wrong. Hit the stubble..."

The corner of her mouth twitched, and she murmured: "What you said is really what he said, I've become a shrew..."

A group of people froze for a moment, then burst out laughing, and after the laughter, they all praised Man Yue for his knowledge; seeing Hou Ye showing displeasure, the clever ones immediately praised the tacit understanding between the two, they are a match made in heaven...

When a certain ice cube heard this, his face immediately softened, he ordered some, and even invited someone to drink, the corners of Man Yue's mouth almost twitched.

Uncle, are you too easy to coax?

The stall was always bustling, because of the full moon, it was not yet noon, and all the ingredients were consumed. Yang Manyue couldn't help sighing: Walking in this ancient time, you still have to be a copywriter!

When I was thinking about whether I should be a Wenchao a few more times, I heard the group of scholars discussing, "Speaking of which, the little lady's response to Lord Hou just now is quite good..."

The corner of the mouth twitched again, it was written by Lord Liang Qichao, could it be bad?
Seeing that Leng Yun was looking at him steadfastly, stuck out his tongue and head, and made a face at him, he stopped talking.

Leng Yun was dumbfounded by her little girlish attitude.

He couldn't understand this woman more and more.In fact, after getting along for a long time, he found that her knowledge was not very good, but it was very broad.For example, when he was recuperating at his place, he helped her take a walk in the garden at night. She saw the moon was dim and said that the weather was dull and it would rain tomorrow.Sure enough, the second day was really rainy.

Another example is when I occasionally talked about military equipment, talking about firecrackers, she actually knew the pros and cons of firecrackers at this time, and said some things he didn't understand.If one could understand her identity as a peasant girl by looking at the clouds and the weather, how could she know that the firecracker was a secret of the state?

What a mystery this little thing is!

The words spoken at this moment actually have a lot of meaning.Now there are people in the court who want to oppose the reform, and there is another debate about whether it should be changed or not. What she said just now was quite positive, but it was only positive but not radical.

In other words: old innovation is inevitable, but it should be done gradually!
This fits well with my thoughts.

The corners of the man's mouth rose slightly, and he silently ate the garlic and white meat she made, drank the last sip of wine, put down the wine cup, and said: "Healed from a serious illness, it's not suitable to work hard, how about going back?"


It's rare that she didn't object, it's because this group of scholars are too enthusiastic, they can't bear it!

After saying hello to Mrs. Chen, he fled and seemed to follow Leng Yun, shouting as he walked, "It's true that people are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. These people are too scary..."

(End of this chapter)

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