Chapter 114 I am a color embryo
"How can you understand?"

He explored.

She was startled, and secretly complained that the excuse she found was lame.Fortunately, talking too much nonsense, like skill points, can also be improved.

Immediately said: "Those two seem to be foreign monks, and they can speak some official language. They are worried, saying that France will send monks to grab the territory."

This statement is half-truth, half-false, but it sounds like the truth.Leng Yun dispelled his doubts and said, "They are called missionaries, Father. Grabbing the territory?"

He slowly raised the corners of his lips, "It's an interesting word, isn't it to grab territory? I don't know if the news is true or not, but I need to inquire."

"I think it's true. I heard that they have already run to our surroundings. Those two foreign monks are so anxious that they are cursing. Since the red-haired ghosts can come to us from thousands of miles, they must be good at shipbuilding. They are sent by the king again. Maybe there are powerful master craftsmen in it, if we can lure them to work for us, wouldn't we?"

She smiled wickedly, with a calculating look on her face.Leng Yun felt that she was so cute, so he couldn't help but kissed her on the face again, and said: "Little guy, you are so smart, this is a good idea, let people ask about it."

While speaking, Qingyun's shout came from outside.Yang Manyue hurriedly climbed off him to open the door.

After Qingyun saluted, he came in with large and small food boxes, "Master Hou, I did everything according to your orders."


Leng Yun responded, "I just heard from Madam that there is a story recently spread among the red-haired ghosts. A king of Fanbang sent some missionaries here. Go and find out if the news is true? If it is true, immediately enter the state of war preparation , Inform the navy of other places to immediately block the coastline to prevent the Yi people from going north to contact with Jin."

Qingyun's expression froze, and he immediately clasped his fists and said, "Yes, Lord Hou!"

Yang Manyue was stunned for a while, and only then did she realize how delicate this uncle is.


It's better to take the initiative!If they really went to Beijing and met Kangxi in the Forbidden City, it would be bad.

After all, history is different. Lord Kangxi, who didn't pay much attention to technology before, was because of the great reunification of the motherland.And war is the best catalyst to promote the development of science and technology.

Others don't know, but she knows that this time the His Majesty the King donated a lot of scientific and technological exhibits, all of which are the latest scientific research achievements in Europe. When she came, many of them were still placed in the exhibition hall of the Forbidden City!
If this Lord Kangxi has a brilliant mind and vigorously develops technology, wouldn't Ming be over?
She is not a nationalist at all, she is a descendant of Yanhuang, but the problem is, which mountain must a human being sing on.

As for the relationship between himself and Leng Yun, if Daming is destroyed by Dajin, will he be able to have a good relationship? !

Da Jin regards the uncle as a thorn in his side!

Seeing Qingyun retreat, she said: "I heard from those diners that these foreign monks preached the truth, but they also spread their knowledge. The oil lamps, glass and other things made by Hongyi are very exquisite, but there are some merits ..."

He raised his eyebrows and said, "What do you mean?"

"I see that some foreign monks are also unsatisfactory. If you have such great ambitions, why don't you raise these foreign monks? Back then, Mr. Xu Guangqi also asked these foreign monks for advice. I think if you want to build a big ship, or You have to start with these people."

Leng Yun was silent for a while, then said with a sense of loss: "You are right. It's just a way. But do you know why I want to build a big ship?"

Yang Manyue looked at him, and replied cautiously: "I think the benefits of sea trade are huge. Those overseas countries are very fond of my Chinese silk and porcelain. I heard from some wealthy businessmen in the village that the sea is rich. We bought 7,8 , [-] yuan of ordinary silk is sold overseas at dozens of times, and the profit is unimaginable."

"But the sea is also dangerous. Except for high winds and rough waves, it is a man-made disaster. If there is no strong fleet escort, the merchant's business will be unstable, and the interests of the national tax will be damaged. Now my Ming Dynasty has lost half of the country, and the dispensable business tax has become important. Get up, and the benefits of maritime trade are the most important thing, and there is nothing to lose."

She analyzed it carefully, and combined with the knowledge she had learned in modern times, she continued: "In the past two years, I have been listening to foreign barbarians saying that the new world is several times larger than the territory of the Ming Dynasty, but there are only some ruthless people on it. The natives, if our fleet is strong enough, it would be good to bite off a piece for our descendants to reproduce."

She paused, her eyes dimmed, "If the subjects of the Song Dynasty had such a piece, no, there would be a Dayuan Island (Taiwan) that thrived. How could our civilization that has been passed down for thousands of years be broken? Many ancient books and documents are in the flames of war. was destroyed..."

He was a little surprised, "You always listen to these things while cooking?"

She smiled awkwardly, "Those scholars love to talk about the world after drinking some wine. Now that my Ming Dynasty has lost half of my country, if I can have a way out, I will feel at ease, right? After all, when the war is raging, we, the low-level people, will suffer in the end! "

He thought for a while, then nodded in acquiescence.

His eyes became deep again, appearing cruel, "It's hard to break without breaking..."

She didn't know what he meant by what he said, and it sounded like he was talking to him, so she didn't ask any more questions, just took out the food, and when she saw that there was still thick chicken soup, she cheered, " There's even chicken soup?"

He recovered from his contemplation, saw her jumping up and down, his heavy heart was slightly relieved, and said: "I asked the cook to prepare it a long time ago, and asked Qingyun to fetch it."

After a pause, he continued: "This chicken soup contains goji berries, which are warming tonics. The doctor said that you are suffering from deficiency of Qi and blood, and you have suffered a lot. It is better to take a medicinal diet. Eat more."

With a slight smile on the corner of her mouth, she scooped a bowl for him first, and said with a smile: "Uncle, you are so kind to me. When I go to Xiaogang, I will cook for you every day."

"The first time I said I thought you were joking, but this is the second time I said it. I'm going to take it seriously."


She stared at him with wide eyes, and suddenly said angrily: "Do you think I, Mr. Yang, is the kind of person with a hairless mouth? Huh! Of course it is true. As long as I open a restaurant in Xiaogang for a day, you will stay in Ningbo for a day." , I will cook for you every day."


He responded, "I remember, if you don't do it one day, I will punish you."

His eyes fell on her lips faintly, implying something.

A certain girl's little face suddenly turned red, she glared at him, and hummed softly, "Go! Pervert!"

"Well, I am."

He suddenly grabbed her hand, "Then should I do something that a pervert should do? Huh?"

She shook his hand away in fright, and shook her head, "I, I'm just joking! Master Leng is a hero of his generation, Yushu Lingfeng, with high morals, how can he be a pervert?"

"I heard..."

The man is unrelenting.

"I, I was scolding, scolding others..."

"Oh? Someone has treated you lightly? Tell me, Ben Hou, go and wring his head off."

"No, no, you, you, I'm talking about myself!"

A certain girl surrendered, this man's pressure was too strong, in a panic, she actually uttered such a sentence.

Suddenly, the world was quiet.

Leng Yun looked at her quietly, for a long time, finally couldn't help but burst out laughing, suddenly put on a slutty look, bent one leg on the bench, leaned slightly, opened the skirt a little, and said: "How about the moon coming to me?"

"go with!"

She gritted her teeth angrily, "Are you still eating or not?! You can't even feel comfortable eating, so I'll ignore you!"

Seeing that she was really angry, he smiled lightly and sat upright, but he still didn't let her go, "Do you dare to scold me in the future?"

She shrank her neck, not even daring to speak, and finally acted like an ostrich, hanging her head and not speaking.

The room became quiet, and suddenly there was a bowl of chicken soup in front of me, and the man's hoarse voice came, "Drink the chicken soup."

"how about you?"

She looked up and saw that he pushed her bowl over, she couldn't help asking stupidly.

"This chicken soup is specially made for you, you eat."

As he said that, he picked up the bowl and started to eat on his own.

Seeing him like this, for some reason, I felt distressed.

Because the way he eats looks very lonely, as if this person has always lived alone and lacks popularity.

She scooped the soup into his bowl with a spoon, and when she saw his questioning gaze, she smiled and said, "There's so much, how can I eat it? How can I eat without soup?"

His eyes flickered slightly, and he didn't know what kind of feeling was floating over his heart at this moment, he only felt that his heart was a little swollen.In order to hide his emotion, he couldn't help but sneer, "It's as if I can't afford to eat. This soup has a lot of herbs that my daughter eats. What do I eat for a man?"

She was not happy when she heard this, she couldn't help but pouted and snorted coldly, and muttered in a low voice: "Hmph! Kindness is like a donkey's liver and lungs, don't eat it!"

As he spoke, he poked at the chicken in the bowl with his chopsticks, obviously dissatisfied with the man.

Seeing her childish action, he couldn't help laughing.

"Look at you!"

He shook his head, "Aren't I eating? I'm not happy? What a small mind."

"I'm narrow-minded, and I didn't let you talk to me!"

She was talking angrily, but suddenly she was choked, put down the bowl and chopsticks, turned around and coughed violently.


He sighed, took out a handkerchief, got up and turned to her, and handed the handkerchief to her, "Don't eat or sleep, don't talk, have you suffered?"

She coughed fiercely, humming and chirping, unable to speak, and only stared at him vigorously with her eyes.The man patted her on the back, being amused by her childish appearance, he wanted to laugh even more, "What a narrow-minded person."

After finally calming down, he didn't bother to drink saliva to moisturize his throat, so he immediately muttered: "Isn't it your fault?"

The voice gradually became weaker, "I've already scooped it into the bowl for you, and it's hurtful to say that."

"Come on, let me see."

He suppressed a smile, and raised her chin, his usually indifferent face was extremely lively at this moment, "Tsk tsk, look at this little grievance, how dare you deny that you don't have me in your heart?"


She blushed, slapped his hand off, and pretended to be fierce: "Don't you eat yet? Are you hungry?!"

Responding to her was the man's low and narrow laughter...

(End of this chapter)

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