Chapter 115 Returning to Ningbo
After finishing the meal, Leng Yun said, "Get ready."

"doing what?"

She looked puzzled, "What are you going to do?"

His eyes fell on her, and he said, "Take you to Ningbo."


She was even more baffled, "Why are you going to Ningbo?"

"Recognizing the ancestors and returning to the clan is a major event, and it cannot be underestimated. I will take you to buy some clothes."

Her heart suddenly softened, and her eyes were foggy.

In her previous life, after her grandparents passed away, she had rarely felt such delicate warmth.

When she came here, although Mrs. Chen was kind to her, but because Mrs. Chen had no opinions, she put herself in the position of the strong from the very beginning, not allowing herself to be weak, and she was taking care of others.

And the man in front of her was planning for her everywhere, which made her heart soften.

No matter how strong she is, she is just a woman who always wants to be taken care of.

If there is a lover to rely on, who is willing to be a female man?
"There are also clothing stores in the town, in fact..."

"What about the clothes?"

He shook his head, "Let's go to Ningbo, pack up and bring some change of clothes, I'll go back too, the day after tomorrow."

"Ah, we still have to spend the night!"

She exclaimed, her face turned red.

Leng Yun was a little puzzled, "I have to stay overnight, otherwise it will be too late."

He looked at the little thing's flushed face, thought for a while, seemed to understand something, and couldn't help laughing.

This little guy with such a big idea, why is there such a mess in his head?

But after laughing, he suddenly became upset.

Where did she hear these things?Could it be that the mouths of all the women in this village are so broken?All brought her down.

Spend the night with uncle...

Bronze skin, amazing abs, pecs, tsk tsk...


Wake up, what if his animal nature becomes swollen?

"What are you thinking?"

The corner of Leng Yun's mouth twitched, the little thing's face was getting redder and redder, and he didn't know what he was thinking, which made him feel crazy.


She woke up from masturbation and shook her head guiltily, "No, it's nothing... just, I just feel lonely, spend, spend the night, isn't that bad?"

His face darkened, and he narrowed his eyes and said, "Are you thinking about this? What the hell are you pretending to be in your head? It's so filthy!"


A certain girl who was said to be the center, like a cat whose tail was stepped on, said angrily: "Are you a roundworm in my stomach? You know everything I think?!"

He chuckled, although he didn't say anything, but that expression drove her crazy.

"Hey, you, what do you mean by looking at me like that?"

"That look? What kind of look"

He asked knowingly, took her embarrassment into his eyes, and subtracted a little from his anger, which made him feel a little funny, and it seemed fun to tease her?

"What do you say?"

he asked maliciously.


She said angrily: "I won't talk nonsense with you, since I'm going, I have to tell my mother."

He nodded and stopped teasing her, "Then you are ready to play, I will go back and wait for me."


After packing up some change of clothes, I realized that not having a bag is quite troublesome.That rucksack can only hold some odds and ends, otherwise it is a burden wrapped in a large cloth, which is really hard to get used to.

After thinking about it, she found out the leftover fabric from the last time she made clothes, and she could still do simple stitching.After all, she is a person who relies on craftsmanship for a living, and has strong hands-on ability. This little thing can't trouble her.

I found a small piece of charcoal, ground one end finely, then found scissors, used the tableside equivalent ruler, cut out two rectangular pieces of fabric, and cut out two long ribbons. After a lot of work, I quickly made I bought a simple shoulder bag, put it on the body and gestured, very satisfied with my craftsmanship, and couldn't help but secretly fart in my heart.

I made some buttons with the rest of the fabric, put all the clothes in it, and walked a few steps, only to find it very convenient.

After getting it done, Leng Yun came, followed by Qing Yun and several other small attendants.

What puzzled Yang Manyue was that this person even found a dark fence. Is this the rhythm of wanting to be a lady?
In the air-conditioning constantly emitted by someone, a certain girl put on a dark fence, feeling depressed in her heart.

Feudalism, feudalism, this is the oppression of women by feudal forces!

She roared in her heart, "One day the girl will overthrow the oppression of women in this world!"

I yelled in my heart, feeling comfortable.

Put on the shoulder bag and go out refreshed!

Now that Mrs. Chen has identified Leng Yun, seeing that she is thinking about the full moon, she will naturally not object. After a few words of advice, she took some stewed and boiled meat from the stall and burned it for her, and then let her go.

Yang Manyue cried out inwardly: Mother, is your heart too big?

Follow Leng Yun on the boat, and it is undoubtedly the fastest and most comfortable way to go to Ningbo. The only difference is that Leng Houye’s boat is more upscale than others, and it is actually pedaled. Such boats existed in the Song Dynasty, and now they are just improvements. It's more reasonable.

Several boatmen were outside the cabin, in groups of two, and took turns to steer the boat. Compared with oars, pedal boats were obviously more stable.

Qingyun and the others didn't enter the cabin, they just stayed outside, if the boatmen were exhausted, they could help.

The boat shook, and the inside of the boat was covered with thick cushions. After a few strokes, a certain girl felt sleepy.

A small head is like a chicken pecking at rice, bit by bit.Seeing that she was very sleepy, Leng Yun said, "Sleep when you are sleepy."

She said in a daze, "A man and a widow live in the same room, me, how can I sleep..."

Even though he said so, his body was leaning more and more, and he was about to fall down. Leng Yun stretched out his long arms, took her into his arms, and said, "Sleep for a while, it's still early in Ningbo."


Her mind was a little dazed, she found a comfortable position, and directly used a certain man's big legs as a pillow, and muttered, "You, don't you cheat on me while I'm asleep..."

"What's going on in your head all day?"

Leng Yun was angry and funny, "During the long period of recuperating at my place, I have slept with the quilt many times, how can I treat you?"

"It's hard to say..."

She yawned and replied vaguely: "Maybe you will suddenly become animalistic..."

The sound disappeared, and when I looked again, a certain girl had fallen asleep and went to play chess with Duke Zhou.

Leng Yun was delighted to see her sleeping defenselessly.

This shows that she trusts herself more and more.

This realization made the man happy, and he pulled a thin blanket to cover her, and he leaned against the cabin and closed his eyes to rest.

Yang Manyue slept soundly, and when she woke up, she was almost at Yingluo Village.She turned her neck and was in a trance for a while. Before she woke up completely from her sleep, she opened her eyes for a long while before she remembered that she was on a boat, and she was still sleeping on the lap of the big ice cube.

Looking at Bing Cuo's furrowed brows, he couldn't help being curious.

He didn't seem to be sleeping peacefully, his brows were furrowed while sleeping, did he have a nightmare?

Carefully getting up, she stretched out her small hand to caress his eyebrows, but she reached halfway, but was grabbed by the man, causing her to scream in pain, "It hurts, hurts, you, what are you doing? !"

The man opened his eyes suddenly, and the murderous aura in his eyes immediately filled the entire cabin. After seeing that it was her, he let go of his hands, and the murderous aura dissipated in his eyes, "What are you doing?"


She rubbed her aching wrist, saw that there were already a few fingerprints on it, she couldn't help but said angrily: "I saw you were sleeping and frowning, I thought it was a nightmare, and I kindly wanted to heal you, but you will take revenge!"

The man was slightly moved, "Is that so?"

After a pause, he continued: "I have been fighting on the battlefield for many years, sometimes I can fall asleep standing up, and I still swing the knife while asleep, I am used to it. From now on when I fall asleep, don't move me casually, so as not to hurt you. "

Apart from talking about food, it is rare for him to say such a long sentence. Is this an explanation?
My heart is happy and distressed at the same time.

"You have been on the battlefield since you were 14 years old, isn't it difficult these years?"

Her big eyes were full of distress, "The world only looks at the scenery in front of them, but they don't see the scars on your body."

He looked at her, and at this moment her eyes were like deer's eyes, wet, which made people feel warm and distressed.

He couldn't help pulling her into his arms, stroking her back and saying, "Be nice to me from now on."


Your mind jumps so fast...

He saw the astonishment in her eyes, a smile crossed the corner of his mouth, and said in a low voice: "You have seen the wounds on my body so carefully? Huh?"

His face turned red all of a sudden, he struggled out, thumped his chest, and said, "Can you talk properly?"

He grabbed her hand and said solemnly: "Aren't you talking about it?"

"Where did you say it? You smiled so lewdly..."

"When I was practicing martial arts when I was young, the master who taught me martial arts said that if the heart is not righteous, the sword will be evil."

The man spoke in a serious manner, but his eyes meant something. He was so angry that a certain girl punched her directly, gnashing her teeth and said: "Cold! Mu! Shi! You will feel uncomfortable if you don't bully me for a day, right?!"

He laughed, grabbed her hand and forced it into his arms, rubbed her head and said, "Why did I bully you? Huh?"

As he said that, he raised her chin, and his thin lips fell on her forehead, eyebrows, and finally imprinted on her lips. After sucking lightly, he let go of her, straightened her clothes, and said, "Come on soon!" Is it Yingluo Village? Get ready to disembark."

As soon as the words fell, I heard Qingyun shouting outside: "Master Hou, we've arrived at Huilan Bridge."

"Well, get ready to dock."

"Yes, Lord Hou!"

Soon, the boat docked. Yang Manyue was wearing a dark fence, and her eyesight was not very good. She said angrily, "Why do I have to wear this?! I don't even wear it when I leave the stall, it's such a hassle!"

Leng Yun said: "The busiest places are all in Yin County, and the biggest suzerain of the Yang Clan is in Yin County. If you don't want to go back and be punished, you'd better wear it."


She suddenly froze, and muttered: "I haven't entered the door yet, so I have to obey the rules."

Leng Yun took her hand and said, "If you don't want to wear this, you should marry me earlier."

"go with!"

She shook off his hand, and said: "I'm going to wear a dark fence, and dare to tease me? Be careful that our patriarch will trouble you!"

"Tch! You little thing, you're used to being a monster, get in the car, you don't need to wear it in the car..."

(End of this chapter)

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