Chapter 116 Sending You

After getting into the carriage, it didn't take long to arrive at Yin County.

Yin County is the Fuguo County of Ningbo, the most prosperous area in Ningbo, where the offices of the county government and the government government are located.With more dignitaries and dignitaries, the economy will naturally prosper.

Yang Manyue came here in a hurry last time, so she walked around the Town God's Temple. She hasn't had a good look at Ningbo at that time!It would be nice to take this opportunity to travel again.

It's just that when she got out of the car, she was a little dumbfounded after looking around.

"This, is this Moon Lake?"

she asked hesitantly.


He responded, "We live here today."

She opened her mouth wide, looked back at Moon Lake, and then at the magnificent mansion in front of her, feeling like her jaw would drop.

Moon Lake, this is Moon Lake!
The most beautiful place in downtown Ningbo, he, he, actually bought a luxury house here?
"This, this is yours too?"

She pointed to the mansion with a look of seeing a ghost.


He responded, and those servants had already filed out to pay their respects.It's just that when they saw Lord Hou holding a woman's hand, they all showed ghostly expressions, and thought to themselves, "Could this be the powerful lady in the legend?"

Oh my god!
How much money does this guy have? !

Yang Manyue didn't know that in Daming, even though he was honored and humbled in martial arts, as long as he had military exploits, let alone rewards, even the enemies he slashed and killed on the battlefield were counted accordingly.Although most of them were corrupted by Shangguan, who would dare to cheat money from a master like Leng Yun?

Besides, it was an extraordinary period when he joined the army. The Ming Dynasty reopened the sea trade, and the commercial tax that was not valued before was also picked up again. After two generations of emperors painstakingly reformed the business, they have long since gotten rid of abject poverty.

With money and clear politics, the soldiers will be rewarded more, and then a few fierce men will come out to resist the Jin soldiers going south, and the rewards can be imagined.

And this mansion was not bought by Leng Yun, but a gift from the Queen Mother.

Sending people here, the little emperor is confused, but the queen mother is not, so he must comfort him.

This moon lake has been a scenic spot in Ningbo since it was excavated in the Zhenguan period of Tang Dynasty.

In the Song and Yuan Dynasties, Yuehu and Shizhou were built.Pavilions, terraces and pavilions, flowers and trees in four seasons, ten continents and three dikes and seven bridges complement each other, which can be described as a fairyland on earth.

And since the Song and Yuan Dynasties, it has been a place where literati and poets gather to rest.He Zhizhang, a great poet in the Tang Dynasty, Wang Anshi, a famous official in the Northern Song Dynasty, Shi Hao, a prime minister in the Southern Song Dynasty, Yang Jian, a famous scholar in the Song Dynasty, and Wan Sitong, a great historian in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties, all left their mark on Moon Lake.

Such a place, not to mention the later generations, even now it is a place where dignitaries, literati and inkmen gather, and it is not an exaggeration to say that every inch of land is expensive.

Leng Yun actually has such a mansion here?
Yang Manyue looked at the white walls and black tiles, the flower window horse head wall in front of her, and was stunned!
Leng Yun couldn't see her expression, but he could feel her shock, and couldn't help laughing secretly.

A man is a creature of vanity, even a man with a cold temper like him will be vain sometimes.

For example, when the woman I like is amazed at her ability, her cold heart will melt and become warm and joyful, with a hint of pride and pride mixed in.

No matter men or women, we can't get rid of the control of our original genes. Male courtship naturally likes to show his strong and beautiful side.Primitive society is hunting ability, now it is house, status.

Suppressing the joy in his heart, he coughed lightly and said, "Go in."

"and many more……"

Yang Manyue stammered, and hesitated: "This, is this really your house?"


Hearing her surprised tone, the corners of the man's lips raised slightly, and he said, "You like it? Then I'll give it to you."

I go! ! !

Sending me off again? !
This is the second time, right?He almost forgot that he had already transferred the ownership of the property in Chaiqiao to himself, and stuffed the deed to him, and threatened that if he didn't want it, he would burn it.

In desperation, I had no choice but to temporarily put it away and hide it in the space given by the system.

Now I come to ask this question again, afraid that this person will have another convulsion, so I hurriedly shook my head, "No need, no need, I only have one body, how can I live here?"

Tears are falling down my heart.

Sister struggled for two lifetimes and was still wandering around the edge of the city, but this local tycoon is lucky, he can give away the mansion as he pleases, damn it, it's nice to be rich!

"The scenery here is very good, and it is also close to Tianyi Pavilion. It is convenient to go out to play and buy things. If you like it, it will be adopted under your name."

The man pulled her up the steps, the corners of his mouth were raised all the time, although it was not obvious, but the certain girl still felt his embarrassment.

His face darkened immediately, "You are a real person, don't tell me that the things you like must be your own? Besides, you should be careful, although I am engaged to you, but people's hearts are unpredictable, so you can give away valuables casually." , what if I run away?"

"Can you run?"

He stopped and suddenly became serious.

That gaze seemed to pierce through the tulle on the hedge to see her through.

She opened her mouth, suddenly feeling powerless: the chicken is talking to the duck!Is there any? !

Seeing that she didn't speak, he thought for a while, and said, "I can catch you even if you run away. Anyone who betrays me will end well."

She shivered, only to feel that he was suddenly full of hostility.

Satisfied with her reaction, he nodded and said, "Be good, I won't make things difficult for you."

Damn it!

Is my sister a pet dog?
She sighed slightly, this person is so smart, why does he sometimes feel unable to communicate?

Is it a generation gap?
Thinking of this, he couldn't help laughing out loud, how could there be no generation gap between the uncle and the little loli?
"What are you laughing at?"

He is not happy, is this the time to giggle?

Glancing at the surrounding people, a group of servants were too frightened to vent their anger, and lowered their heads one after another.

He uncovered her dark barrier, and seeing her laughing vigorously, he was even more displeased, "It's funny?"

"No, nothing..."

She waved her hand, "I just think you, your ideas are sometimes weird and conceited."


He raised his sword eyebrows, "You don't believe it? You can try it."

"I won't do such a shameless thing!"

She pouted, "I'm just upset that you are so careless, would you do the same with another woman?"

"You are naturally different."

After hearing this, the cloudy sky immediately changed, and he took her hand and walked inside, "You are my wife."


This is the sentence again.

She curled her lips, "Yes, another person who is engaged to you is also your wife."

"If I couldn't even see people clearly, I would have died long ago."

He said lightly: "Then don't worry about me."

Although the expression is faint, but the heart is still happy.

The more she clings to this sentence, doesn't it mean that she cares more about herself?

Raising his lips, he was in a good mood, "Are you hungry?"


"Take a break first, we'll go swimming in the lake later."

"Lake tour?"

Her eyes lit up, "Then what are you waiting for? Go now, go now!"

Seeing her expectant appearance, he became more and more cheerful, "Prepare some food and wine, and today I will toast with you to invite the bright moon."

"Haha! You are wrong!"

Her laughter spread far away like a wind chime, "Li Bai only has a shadow in a glass, accompanied by the moon in the sky, but you have me!"


Qing Yun who was following behind almost stumbled when he heard this. Is Madam expressing her feelings to Lord Hou?So bold!The lady is really different!

"What did you say?"

He stopped abruptly, staring at her with falcon-like eyes and said, "Say it again?"

She was taken aback and stuttered, "What, what's wrong? I, did I say something wrong?"

"Say what you just said again."

He suddenly got up in a hurry, squeezed her hand involuntarily, his eyes were frighteningly fierce.

She turned pale with fright, "I, I didn't say anything, I, I just said that Li Bai is pitiful, and can only drink alone, you, you are different, you can drink with me..."

"Repeat the exact words!"

He suddenly took her hand, walked forward at a faster pace, and said in his mouth: "Say it again, little thing, don't change a word."

Did it violate his taboo?What's the point of showing that cannibalistic expression?
Where did she dare to repeat it, she shook her head in fright, and suddenly became dizzy.

The whole person became confused, what the hell, why is she so afraid of this man!

I don't know where he dragged her to, but when she came back to her senses, she found that she was already in another corridor, and only she and him were left on the corridor.

He pressed her against the wall at once, two small flames seemed to burn out in his eyes, and his hoarse voice became hoarse, "You... just said that I have you?"

She didn't know what was wrong with him, she couldn't stand his aggressive and hot eyes at the moment, she nodded involuntarily, "I, did I say something wrong?"


He laughed, "You said this! I didn't force you! You finally admitted it!"

He suddenly burst into laughter like a convulsion, and before she could figure out the situation, the man's kisses were already falling down everywhere.

What, what's wrong?
Why did this person suddenly become wild again?

Yang Manyue, who was dazed by the kiss, was confused.But, soon, she was unable to think about these issues.

The man's kiss was fierce and frenzied, as if he wanted to swallow her whole body, and there were some things that she couldn't explain clearly, which seemed to be a little different from the past.

It was this inexplicable difference that made her gradually lost, and she couldn't help but surround him, letting him ask for it.

Her active response made him ecstatic, her heart that had been cold for many years was opened up by her little by little, and the dark world that had been dusty for many years became brighter from the moment she appeared in his own world.

Now, it was getting warmer and brighter there, and at this moment, he was so grateful to God.

He remembered a word she once said: love at first sight.

That's a good description!
Yes, he fell in love with her at first sight, and she was his only choice in this life!
In his 23 years of life, he had never seen such a bright woman.

Even the most powerful women in the world always have gloomy eyes; no matter how good a woman's family background is, there are hidden schemes hidden under the seemingly innocent surface.

His little things are different, they are so different, she is like a jar of old wine, the more you taste it, the more intense it becomes, with a long aftertaste, is this the heaven's compensation for him?
A trace of sadness flashed in the man's eyes, and then he was deeply lost in her sweetness...

(End of this chapter)

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