Chapter 118
He walked to her side, looked at the flower boat, and said indifferently: "Ordinary people are vulgar, since they can't transcend the vulgar, they must abide by these rules."

He looked at her, his long and narrow black eyes were extremely deep, and the setting sun was reflected in his eyes, reflecting her beautiful face, locking her firmly in his eyes, and said word by word: "If you can't change In this world, going with the flow is also a way of living, at least you can grow old safely."


She laughed, "But the sage also has a saying: If you hear the Tao in the morning, you can die in the evening. If you live a lifetime foolishly and unclear, it is better to be gorgeous for a while."

After a pause, he said again: "Throughout the ages, which one has accomplished great achievements and is the master of the world?"

"You girl really dare to say it."

He couldn't help laughing, "Forget it, I won't argue with you. If you like to watch, you can also see it when you enter the cabin. The scenery upstairs is even better."

After he said that, she was embarrassed to go down, nodded, and said with a smile: "I have never been on a boat on the second floor. Let's go upstairs with you, and have a look at the moon lake wind and moon."

Being amused by her playful tricks, she was in a happy mood, and there was a smile in her cold eyes, and her tone was full of indulgence, "There's only one mouth left, little thing."

The two chatted and laughed, went upstairs, a group of servants lit the oil lamps, and the room was brightened up.

Full Moon found that Leng Yun seemed to like these Western things very much. She looked at other ships, although they also had oil lamps, they used both oil lamps and red lanterns.But Leng Yun's boat is full of oil lamps, without the bright red feeling, it looks a lot colder.

There are several low tables in the cabin, and the one in the middle is obviously for the person with the highest status.A few servants had already placed the food and wine brought on the table, Yang Manyue swept his eyes and couldn't help being pleasantly surprised, "Is this sea bass with water shield?"

"You're a smart guy."

Leng Yun sipped his wine, "Now is the time when water shield is on the market, and our Jiangnan water shield soup with sea bass is a famous product, so you can't miss it."

"Ha ha!"

She laughed, "I've always felt that you are a kindred spirit, a foodie. It's just that uncle is from Shu, so I'm afraid he doesn't know the details of this Jiangnan specialty."

She picked up the cup and took a sip of water, then said leisurely: "Uncle only knows one thing but not the other. The water shield in the south of the Yangtze River is the largest in July, but in terms of taste, it is spring. At that time, the water shield is the most tender and poetic. Yun: The Su embankment is full of flowers, willows are full of smoke, and water shield is harvested on a sunny day. This water shield that haunts lakes, marshes, and ponds in the south of the Yangtze River is the freshest only in this season."

She shook her head, seeing that there was something unknown about ice cubes, she immediately became very embarrassed, "I can't stop lovesickness, blood and tears, throw red beans, can't stop blooming spring willows and spring flowers all over the painting building, can't sleep well after the screen window, rainy and dusk, can't forget the new Sorrow and old sorrow, can't swallow jade grains, golden water shield chokes throat, can't see the thin brows in the Linghua mirror, brows that can't be opened, and more leaks that can't be seen. Ah! It's like a faint green hill that can't be covered, flowing continuously The green water is long..."

Leng Yun raised his eyebrows, "Where did you hear this word? It's new."

A certain girl who was proud of herself suddenly woke up when she heard this, she hurriedly stopped her mouth, and said vaguely: "I heard the words in the village, and I thought the words were very beautiful, so I remembered them."

There is a layer of white sweat on the back: It makes you frightened, almost missed the show.

Leng Yun pondered for a while, then couldn't help nodding his head, "I don't know which elegant hermit wrote it, but he has exhausted this lovesickness..."

Nonsense, can Cao Xueqin not be awesome?

He complained in his heart, but didn't show it on his face, he just said: "Although I don't know which expert wrote it, but this word is interesting. The word "Golden Water Shield" fully expresses the beauty of water shield, so it can be seen that it is also the best delicacy and quality among experts. Enjoy."

He nodded in disbelief, "Water shield is indeed the best delicacy in the world, and it is indeed precious. Only the Jiangnan, like ink and wash, can give birth to this watery and light thing."

"Hmm." She continued, "I heard that by the West Lake in Hangzhou, people there also call this thing horseshoe grass. When it's time to pick water shield, there will be a woman sitting in a round pot, like picking tea, with her eyes on her left and right. Sweeping to the right, only the new leaves that have sunk in the water and have not stretched, piece by piece, are wrapped in transparent gelatin, like a thin spindle."

"I heard that you can't row a boat when picking water shields. If you move too much, the water will blow away the tiny water shields, so you can only pick them in a round basin. Picking water shields is also a skill. The water shields are sticky and slippery. See all With just a few fingers, I can't pick much in the first half of the day, and the water shield is precious, probably because of that."

Leng Yun took a sip of his wine and picked up the conversation.

A group of slaves and guards were speechless, this is a match made in heaven, is there any? !
The two of them not only know how to eat, but also know where they come from. This meal is too poetic.

"Zhang Han in the Jin Dynasty just missed the brasenia perch, and finally couldn't stand it anymore. Did he resign and return to his hometown? The autumn wind blows and the leaves are flying, and the Wujiang water is full of perch. Three thousand miles away, he has not returned home, and he can't help but hate I look up to the sky and feel sad..."

Yang Manyue grinned and said: "This greedy old man is going to come back to eat fish even though he is an official! This is great, he is famous, and the water shield soup with sea bass has become a nostalgic allusion of homesickness."

"Sometimes I am really curious, how many books have you read? You are only about 12 years old, but these allusions come from your mouth. Even Shugui in Beijing is not as knowledgeable as you."

There was a trace of inquiry in Leng Yun's eyes, and he rubbed the wine cup with his slender fingers, "Although there is something innocent and cute in his behavior, most of the time he doesn't look like a 12-year-old..."

Yang Manyue was taken aback, and then calmed down again, "The children of poor families have long been in charge of the family. Didn't you go to the battlefield at the age of 14? If you become famous in one battle, you will become a general."

Leng Yun opened his mouth and realized that he was speechless. He couldn't help crying and laughing, "Your mouth is really amazing, the best duck mouth in the world."

She stuck out her tongue and head, picked up the chopsticks, and said, "Don't talk about it, eat it quickly, it doesn't taste good when it's cold."

As he spoke, he picked up a piece of perch meat and ate it with water shield.

The sea bass is plump, with few thorns, and delicious, especially the sea bass in this plate is the best of the best: four-gill sea bass.

In later generations, this species will become extinct!
Yang Manyue savored it carefully, and felt that the water shield was soft and smooth, with a refreshing fragrance; while the sea bass meat was tender and fat, fresh but not fishy, ​​and it brought an indescribable deliciousness when chewed with water shield.

No wonder Zhang Han doesn't even want to be an official. This is indeed the best delicacy in Jiangnan!

"I heard that making this water shield is also very particular."

After Leng Yun ate a piece of perch, he took another sip of his wine and said leisurely, "Whether it's making soup or frying, you have to blanch the water to remove the bitterness. And the control of the heat will test the skill of the cook. It's old and dark, so it becomes useless."

"It's natural."

Man Yue continued: "Actually, water shield itself has no taste, and it must be served with meat to bring out its taste, so the cooking of water shield is very particular. When blanching water, you must put water shield in a colander, and it will rise up as soon as it floats in boiling water. , in order to get its emerald green preservation, this floating up is not easy, it all depends on experience."

She took another mouthful of water shield and said with a smile: "The water shield is still delicious, if it is dried and then soaked in hair, it will lose the vitality of Jiangnan."

He smiled, and said: "It's also thanks to your craftsmanship, and you have fiddled with umami, otherwise you are so tricky, I am afraid that everyone will have to eat it for you."

"You are exaggerating too much. Don't you also like to eat, why are you making fun of me?"

She pouted, dissatisfied.

Leng Yun smiled, and winked at the maid beside him, and soon brought the dishes back.

Yang Manyue took a look, a little confused, hesitantly said: "This, is it Jiangxie?"

Leng Yun nodded, "This is one of the three delicacies of the Yangtze River, the golden shield hairy crab. It is famous for its yellowish color, heavy oil, and huge body. It is even better than the hairy crabs in Yangcheng Lake."

"This, this is the golden shield hairy crab?!"

Yang Manyue exclaimed.It's not that she made a big fuss, but that this thing has become extinct in the 21st century. She only heard it from the elders, and she has never eaten it or seen it.

Looking at the crab on the plate, this head is scary, is it there? !
One must be at least six or seven taels. Turning the crab over, I couldn't help but take a breath, "The crab's cover is protruding, and the crab shell and the bottom of the crab are as wide as a finger's width. How much cream is there?"

As she spoke, she slapped Shan'er's hand away, and said, "I'll peel the crab myself. The fun of eating crabs is doing it yourself. If you want someone else to peel it, what's the fun in it?"

While talking, he had already opened the shell of the crab, and when he saw it, he was even more amazed, "I'm so damned! This, this ointment has caught up with an egg!"

He poked it with his chopsticks again, and exclaimed excitedly, "My God! You can't even poke it with your chopsticks. It's a golden shield crab!"

After finishing speaking, he urged Shan'er again and again, "My good sister, hurry up, and give me a glass of chrysanthemum wine too, hee hee! The chrysanthemum is yellow, the crab is fat, hold the pincers to make the cup come out white. With such a good crab, how can I not eat some?" Alcohol? Otherwise, if you don’t drink some wine to get rid of the cold, this big crab will take revenge on you for eating it, and make your internal organs noisy and restless.”

Shan'er was amused by these words, and couldn't help but said: "Madam, your words are so interesting, they are all fresh, and they are all ordered by Lord Hou, how can you spoil them?"

"Xiao Shan'er, don't you understand? These crabs are cold things, so you have to have some wine to warm your intestines, otherwise it's not in line with the way of self-cultivation."

"It's good to drink some ginger tea after eating. You are too young to drink alcohol, Shan'er, go prepare it for Madam."

"Yes, Lord Hou."

Full Moon grinned and said: "I also shouted, I don't like drinking, ginger tea is better."

As he spoke, he began to break off the crab's legs, and said in his mouth: "To eat crabs, first eat the eight legs, then taste the yellow paste, and then break the crab body and eat according to the texture of the crab meat. The last thing is the big claws. It doesn't burn your mouth, and it's still warm after eating, tsk tsk, it's really delicious in the world!"

The crystal clear crab meat is dipped in vinegar and ginger, and when you eat it, you will feel that the crab meat is tender and delicate, with a sweetness and a slight spicy taste of ginger. The taste is many times better than the Yangcheng Lake hairy crabs that have worn rings in later generations!
Only the ignorant northerners think Yangcheng Lake hairy crabs are precious. For those who grew up in the water town, which lake's crabs are not as delicious as Yangcheng Lake?After all, rarity is the most precious thing, and there are so many people in the future, how can there be so many hairy crabs in Yangcheng Lake?

They are all "onions"!

 Hou Yihou: Ask for a recommendation ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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