Chapter 119
When a crab goes down, where can it eat?

Shan'er was also very winking, and immediately took the mung bean noodles smoked with chrysanthemum leaves and osmanthus stamens, and took the basin to let people wash their hands.

Man Yue looked at the mung bean noodles with great interest, isn't there something like this in Dream of the Red Chamber?

Holding the thing that looks like a Dali pill and looking around for a while, I couldn't help being amused. It's probably similar to soap, right?

After washing his hands, he rubbed his swollen belly, and looked out of the window again. At this time, the night was completely dark.

Lanterns or oil lamps were lit on the boats floating on the Moon Lake, illuminating the Moon Lake at night like daytime.

Several flower boats shuttled among them, and sometimes there was the sound of silk and bamboo playing, mixed with the laughter of various people.

Just as he was watching it vigorously, he felt that there was another person beside him. Looking sideways, he saw that it was Leng Yun. He couldn't help but smiled and said, "Why did the Marquis also come to see it? Are you not afraid of filth?"

"What's the relationship with my son's family?"

Sipping his wine, he saw one of the flower boats approaching, and said calmly: "Your wish is about to come true, the flower boat is coming."


She followed his gaze, and she saw a flower boat sailing towards her, it seemed to be the biggest flower boat.

The mouth immediately became an "O" shape, "What are they here for?"

As he said that, he turned his head to look at Leng Yun, and said slyly: "Could it be that you are here to invite your old man to drink flower wine?"

Leng Yun nodded, "It should be."


A certain girl exclaimed, and her face immediately turned black, "It seems that she is an acquaintance! Otherwise, how could she come here?"


"Who is jealous?
She immediately denied it, but her tone was sour, "I can see that you are a regular customer."

He couldn't help laughing, took her hand, pinched her nose, and said, "What an awkward little thing."

After speaking, he lowered his head and pecked lightly on her lips, pinched her cheek and said, "I won't go to that kind of place."

"Then how did they come to find you?"

She still looked skeptical, "You are already 23, you are a grown man, and you have no concubine or mother-in-law at home, how do you solve it?"

"How to solve what?"

Leng Yun was a little confused, but after thinking about it again, he quickly understood the meaning of her words, and immediately became furious, "How old are you, where do you hear it? The relationship between men and women is very clear!"

She was taken aback, but then she felt a little wronged, "Men and women's affairs are a matter of nature, so fierce..."

Speaking of this, he suddenly stopped talking, and his pair of Qiushui scissors widened, scanning up and down, and suddenly exclaimed: "You, you are still a baby, right? No, no, how is this possible? A man like you is already 23, and without a concubine, he should have a housemate... Ah! There is still some hidden disease..."

Hold back, hold back, hold back!

When Shan'er and Qingyun heard this, their faces turned green.

Biting his lips, he was afraid that he would laugh out loud if he made a fool of himself.

If you laugh out loud, is there still a way out?

Hold back, hold back, hold back!
Madame is really a hero!
While speaking, the woman's eyes were already looking at Xiasanlu, black air appeared on Leng Yun's face, and he suddenly shouted: "Yang Manyue! Where are you looking! Do you know the shame?!"

"Did I tell you?"

Her face turned green, trembling with fright, forced a smile, and waved her hands again and again, "I, I didn't do it on purpose, no, it's okay, I don't mind, I don't mind..."

"You don't mind what?!"

He was furious, seeing other slaves laughing, he shouted: "Get out!"

"Yes, Lord Hou!"

A group of servants all fled as if fleeing for their lives, and they did not forget to close the door. At the same time, they all breathed a sigh of relief, wiped the sweat from their heads, and secretly rejoiced.

It's good that I'm still alive...

"You, why are you so fierce..."

She looked aggrieved, "Although it's hard for a man to say, but..."

She patted her small chest, "I don't mind, really. There is a feeling in this world that can transcend everything..."

"Yang! Man! Moon!"

His teeth were grinding loudly, "Did you do it on purpose? Or is it a bad memory?"

A certain girl secretly laughed in her heart, hehe, let you bully me all the time, on purpose, on purpose, I did it on purpose, what's wrong? !

But soon she became terrified.

The man pulled her over and pushed her down, his tall body fell on him, and a cold voice rang in his ears, "It seems that you have to practice yourselves before you can have a long memory!"

As she spoke, she bit her lips, her eyes widened, knowing that the joke was too big, she struggled desperately and shook her head, this time she was really frightened, "Don't, don't, big, big, uncle, I was wrong..."


He hooked his lips, "It's late!"

While talking, he rubbed her hard, "Do you still feel that I have a secret illness? Huh?"

A certain girl turned pale with fright, and exclaimed, "Big, big, uncle, uncle, cold, cold, calm down! I, I, I, I was just kidding, joking..."

"You don't have a good mouth, don't you feel unscrupulous when you see me talking easily? If you don't teach me a lesson, you won't have a good memory."

As Leng Yun spoke, he made a gesture to pull her clothes, and now a certain girl burst into tears, put her hand on his chest, and cried, "Don't, don't, I, I, just to tease you, I, I didn't Underestimate what you mean. Master Hou is the phoenix among men, the posture of heaven and man, what, how can there be, what hidden disease, I, I was wrong, I was wrong, uncle, I was really wrong, I dare not again... ..."

Leng Yun saw that there were faint tears in the corner of her eyes, and knew that she was really scared, so he calmed down and said coldly: "Next time, I will make nonsense, and I will never let you go lightly!"

"Yes Yes Yes."

She wiped the fine sweat from her head, only to feel that half of the three souls and seven souls had gone, she cursed inwardly, but she didn't dare to show it on her face, and said embarrassingly: "Yes, yes, I don't dare..."

Looking at her dog-legged appearance, and remembering her stubborn appearance in the yamen, and remembering that this weakness is only due to her, she felt good, got up and tidied up her clothes, nodded, and said: "Just remember, let's go I won't forgive you next time."

As he spoke, he blew lightly on her, and said in a low voice: "Or are you impatient and want to use the aggressive method to achieve good things with Benhou?"

"damn you……"

She widened her eyes and subconsciously wanted to curse, but when she saw the man's stern face, she swallowed the second half of the sentence immediately, turned a corner like a screeching brake, and immediately said like a dog: "Your Majesty's dragon and phoenix posture, my daughter's own It's a joy..."

Why do you think this is so weird?


He raised his eyebrows, stretched out his hand to touch her cheek, there was a trace of frivolity and ambiguity on his normally stern face, "Does Yue'er think so too?"

Seeing her face flushed suddenly, she licked her lips, and said rather ambiguously: "Since that's the case, how can I disappoint Yue'er?"

A certain girl's blushing face immediately turned green again, and she quickly waved her hands, "No, no, I, I just admire Lord Hou, and I never dare to think about such things in my heart..."

"What's the matter? Huh?"

"No, nothing..."

"Report to Lord Hou, everyone in Qingyufang asks to see you."

Qingyun's voice came from outside.

"not see."

Leng Yun refused without thinking.

"But, it's Master Hou, the lady who is the oiran is not Lord Hou, but Madam."


A certain girl looked surprised, "See me? Why do you want to see me?"


Leng Yun said with a cold face, "How many years have you been with me? My wife is from Sizhitang. Seeing such people, does it mean that you have lost your reputation?"

"and many more!"

Man Yue was upset when he heard this, what is this kind of person?The women in brothels in ancient times were really vulnerable groups, poor people who were sold by their parents.A certain girl who came to Daming and was always bullied is now very sympathetic to the lower class people, and she also wants to meet the legendary oiran.

I heard that they are all talented people!
Leng Yun glanced at her thoughtfully, raised his eyebrows and said, "You're just that curious?"

"Yeah, yeah." She nodded vigorously, "I've never met Hua Kui, with you here, I don't have to worry about reputation, let me meet, okay?"

Seeing her begging, he softened his heart and said: "We can only meet through the curtain."


She agreed wholeheartedly, thinking of the beautiful legends of the Qinhuai Babes in history, she couldn't help being excited, what kind of girls are these girls?Talent and strength of character are much stronger than those hypocritical scholar-bureaucrats.

While thinking wildly, the oiran had already come upstairs, and Shan'er and the others had already pulled up the screen. Sitting behind the screen, Man Yue could only see a woman indistinctly, with a graceful figure. Jue is a beautiful person.

This surprised her a little. In her imagination, shouldn't the so-called oirans be all beautiful?
In fact, it is a misunderstanding of modern people.In this era of less entertainment, most of the powerful and powerful men are from the scholar class, and those top brothels do not even accept merchants, because there is no white man, and merchants will only be ridiculed when they come in.

Then here comes the question, if these wealthy men come to drink some flower wine, if they are like ordinary peddlers and pawns, wouldn't it be too vulgar to only do things of desire and desire?

Therefore, the appearance of a woman in a brothel is not the most important thing, but her talent and learning are more important.Otherwise, what's the point of these men if they can't even make a drinking order to talk about drinking?
And the oiran in the building must be the most talented. This is not self-appointed, but a result of various literati serving as referees and competing in competitions.

While Yang Manyue was sizing up, the oiran Luo Yu was also secretly sizing up the person in the screen.Although he couldn't see clearly, he knew that it was Prince Xiao and the fabled little fiancée when he saw the tall figure.

Leng Yunren gave him nicknames: Xiaoshen, Lord Xiao, which means that he is as cruel and cruel as Xiaoshen.

Although it is not a good name, it is also appropriate.

"My concubine, Luo Yu, pays homage to Lord Hou, and Master Yang."

Leng Yun didn't speak, he always looked down on girls in Qinglou, and in his opinion, being involuntary is just a joke, just to find an excuse for his depravity.What's more, in the past, a good friend was ridiculed by women from brothels. He only felt that these women disliked the poor and loved the rich, and hated them very much.

Seeing Leng Yun's silence for a long time, Man Yue couldn't help being embarrassed, so she could only say awkwardly, "Miss Luo, you are too polite, you can't be called everyone, please hurry up, Shan'er, bring a stool to everyone in Luo."

 It's on the shelves today, and the second one will be delivered!Ladies and gentlemen, throw your tickets at me! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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