Chapter 120 Unique
"Thank you Yang everyone."

Luo Yu said a thousand blessings and sat down.

Seeing that she was only half ass-bottomed against the stool, Man Yue said, "Miss Luo, don't be cautious, Shan'er, serve tea."

"Yes, ma'am."

"What are you doing here?"

Leng Yun directly interrupted the conversation between the two, with a cold alienation in his tone.

He didn't see him, only heard his voice, Luo Yu felt that this man was as frighteningly cold as in the legend.

At the moment, he said nervously: "I heard that the full moon girl who wrote a thousand times and ten thousand blows is still strong, and she is here. My concubine admires me, so I boldly come to chat. If there is any impoliteness, I hope that the Lord will forgive you. "

As she spoke, she winked at the maid she brought along, and the maid immediately took out a treasure box, and when she opened it, she found a silk handkerchief inside, embroidered with a green bamboo growing tenaciously from a rock, There is a little poem on the side, which is a little far away and blocked by a screen, so I don't know what it wrote.

Luo Yu smiled and said: "Young girl shows her ambition with rocks and bamboos, and she is unyielding to power. She is really a role model for us girls. I am bold, and use the girl's poems to match rocks and bamboos. The female celebrity is simple, Miss Wanwang, don't be disgusted."

"Thank you Miss Luo."

Yang Manyue was a little touched, the etiquette is not precious, but the heart.Although this woman was born in Qinglou, she is quite knowledgeable and a wonderful person.For a while, I also had a good impression.

It's just that as the old saying goes, people must ask for something when they are courteous.This is not a relative, but a sudden friendship. Could it be that there is something to be desired?
But she is not stunned, if people don't mention it, she will not ask.

After several rounds of courtesies, the oiran left, which made her even more puzzled.

"Is this going?"

"What do you want?"

Leng Yun snorted coldly, "Now that you are famous, you can accept her gift and have a few conversations with her. Now that you go back, your value has risen sharply. It's a pity that your talent and reputation have been used like this."


She opened her mouth to understand, but she was a little dumbfounded.

Although she was used by others to regain her enthusiasm, she was not very angry.

The so-called people can't help themselves in the rivers and lakes, but it's just a poor person who makes plans for himself. It's not a crime, and it's not worth getting angry.

Smile now, this matter will be considered over.

The two of them went swimming in the lake and came back very late. They had nothing to say one night, and the next morning, after breakfast, Leng Yun took her to the street to buy clothes.

In the eyes of a modern person like her, food and housing in ancient times are not expensive.But this ready-to-wear is simply outrageously expensive.

Ordinary shoes and hats, even if they are second-hand, are worth several hundred pennies at a pawn shop, and if they are new, they cost about one tael.

No wonder she made so much money, but Mrs. Chen insisted on making clothes by herself and never going to a tailor shop.

The Jinyixuan that Leng Yun brought her to is the first and second tailor-made clothing store in Ningbo, and the people who come and go are all high-ranking officials and nobles, and even the rich and noble families can't get in. The things are exquisite and outrageously expensive.

For example, if Man Yue wears this suit, the starting price is 12 taels of silver, not counting the shoes, embroidered handkerchief, etc.

She tugged at him and said in a low voice, "It's too expensive. It can buy two acres of paddy fields. Let's go look elsewhere."

"Oh, this little lady looks extravagant at first glance. The so-called nobles wear gold clothes. How beautiful are these clothes on you."

Except for official business, Leng Yun basically never came to Ningbo, so it's normal for him not to be recognized.But this Jinyixuan greeted and sent off all high-ranking officials and dignitaries, so they still had good eyesight.

Don't look at this little girl's simple dress, but she has an extraordinary temperament; look at that man, although the color of the clothes is plain, but the material is extraordinary, it is Shu brocade, or the most popular dark pattern style nowadays, it can be said that it is hard to find.

Looking at this person's face, even though his face is damaged, he is very handsome.When I stop there, I feel that the wealth is overwhelming, and it is comparable to ordinary people.

Just such a fairy-like person, how can they be underestimated as a buddy?
Therefore, when the little girl thought she was too expensive, she didn't dare to show an angry and disdainful expression. Just kidding, the man didn't seem to be a friendly person at first glance.

He looked up and down, as if he didn't hear her words.The pretty sword eyebrows frowned slightly, and after looking at it for a long time, he said: "Vulgar, take it off, and change it."

As soon as these words came out, the shopkeeper, shopkeeper and Yang Manyue were stunned.

Where is it vulgar?
This is a purple dress with several butterflies embroidered on it. It is elegant and luxurious, very grand.

Seeing her looking at him puzzled, Leng Yun said: "This style is either unique or vulgar."

Yang Manyue is still a little confused, unique?Brother, is it possible that you still want to have a high-end customization?

The other guys were also a little confused, but the shopkeeper understood that what this master wanted was uniqueness.

It's easy to do!
Thinking of this, the shopkeeper went forward to salute and said: "My dear guest, Wang Jinniang of Jinyixuan just made a set of clothes, which match the charm of this little lady. It is absolutely unique. Young master, do you want to try it?"

Leng Yun nodded, "Let's go and get them. You want as many as you like."

The shopkeeper was speechless secretly, darling, this tone!

It seems that I have met a local tyrant!

He didn't dare to hesitate at the moment, and immediately ordered the servants in the store to get busy, and brought over all the styles that had just been released in the store.Yang Manyue was dumbfounded, when will I have to try this?

Besides, the things here are too expensive. It is not worthwhile to buy a few acres of land for a piece of clothing.

If you really want to be unique, you should call others to do it yourself!I come from the 21st century, and my horizons are much wider than these ancient people. I have watched many ancient costume movies and TV dramas. I just need to find a woman who is proficient in tailoring. After a little talk, I am sure the result will be much better than these.

He stretched out his hand and tugged at his sleeve, and whispered: "Uncle, I think it's better to forget it, the clothes here are too flashy, just buy something similar."

"It doesn't matter. It's a big deal for you to return to Ren'an, so you can't be taken lightly."

He glanced at the shopkeeper and said, "Pack them all up."

After a pause, he continued: "You guys also make shoes and hats? Choose some for my wife, and match them with some embroidered handkerchiefs and sachets."

She didn't continue talking until here, she just led her to go out, she vaguely heard Shan'er say: "My wife is a fairy-like person, if you dare to pretend to be inferior, and ruin my wife's important affairs, you can weigh it Go!"

She looked helpless, "Those things are too expensive. I, who came out of nowhere, should keep a low profile when I go back this time. I heard from Shan'er that there are no white people in this Jinyi Pavilion. They are all dignitaries. Begging for a piece of clothing, I even did not hesitate to scold the street like that shrew, if I got a piece of clothing from everyone in Jinyixuan, I would hold a tea party to show off, if you buy it at once, I am afraid that I will become the target of public criticism."

Leng Yun chuckled, "The shopkeeper's eyes are vicious. He dared to sell everyone's things to me, so he saw that you and I are extraordinary. They are not afraid of doing business, are you so afraid? Low-key? What is that? My woman needs Is it? Even if you keep a low profile, there will definitely be villains who won't tolerate you when you go back this time, so it's better to show off your momentum, and they won't dare to underestimate you."

She felt warm in her heart, and she couldn't help holding his hand tightly, her eyes were reddish and she said: "Uncle, you treat me so well, you think of everything for me."

He had already let go of her hand as soon as he left the store, seeing her so bold now, he couldn't help being stunned.

After a while, he held her hand and said in a low voice, "Then marry me earlier..."

She blushed, but instead of turning her head away as usual, she held his hand even more forcefully and said, "I will never forget the promise of filial piety. At that time, I will fix a red wedding dress and wait for you to ride your horse to marry him. "

His heart moved, and seeing the firmness in her eyes, he felt like his heart was on fire, and he felt that a big pot of honey had been poured into it while it was hot, and he felt that the tip of his heart was swollen, it was extremely sweet.

If it wasn't on this street, he really wanted to hold her in his arms and love her a lot.

Resisting the impulse in my heart, I calmed down and said, "Now are you willing?"


He laughed, rubbed her head, and said: "This is what you want, but no one is forcing you. Two years, two years later, I will marry you and go home."

After finishing speaking, he held her hand and said, "Go and buy some jewelry."

"no thanks!"

She shook her head, "No matter what I do, I'm still a yellow-haired girl. What do jewelry mean to me?"

"No, no, no."

He dragged her into the carriage, "I sent you this."

She was a little speechless, "You are just too domineering."

He smiled without saying a word, and as soon as the car curtain was lowered, he immediately hugged her into his arms, and covered her lips amidst her exclamation.

The mouth kept murmuring, "Little thing, little thing, call me, call me..."

"Big, uncle, you, you calm down..."

Her little hand pressed against his chest, but she was weak, all her strength seemed to be taken away by his affectionate whisper, and soon her mind became a little dazed, "Uncle, uncle."

"Call me Twilight..."

He kissed her cheek tenderly, "Hey, call me Twilight."


She felt a little uncomfortable, and couldn't tell what it was like, but she felt that the heart in her chest became extremely agitated, as if it was about to be awakened by his shouts, and gradually softened with his raindrop-like kisses, In the end, it turned into a puddle of water. I don't know what year Jinxi is, and I am completely addicted to the tenderness he gave.

I don't know how long it took, but when she felt that she couldn't breathe, the man let her go, and his cold black eyes became soft, as if they were about to drown in water. He straightened her clothes and said, "I Wait for you to cook for me every day."

She blushed, looked at her hand, and whispered, "Do you want to eat it forever?"

"What do you say?"

She looked up, stared at him and said, "You want to fool me again?"

"An unreasonable little thing."

He took her hand and pressed it against her trembling chest, "Do you still need to ask?"

"How do you know if you don't tell me?"

She pouted, but under the seemingly angry surface, she was full of joy.

The answer is so obvious, but a woman in love has no reason to say, and if she doesn't confirm it over and over again, she is always unsteady.

Only when the man affirms it over and over again can he feel at ease.

The women at that time were cute and scary, but love is a sweet torture where you come and go, so you don't have to worry about the details...

 The third update!Tickets? !Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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